The Forum > Article Comments > Bikie laws sicken civil liberties > Comments
Bikie laws sicken civil liberties : Comments
By Binoy Kampmark, published 29/10/2013The flipside of such protective romanticism is that of arbitrariness. This was reflected in the views of Queensland Premier Campbell Newman who said, 'Frankly I don't care how these people go to jail.'
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...Why not an “Outlaw Bikie Commission”: After all, isn't this the done-thing when controlling unions portrayed as politically and criminally wayward, (CFMEU) ? Head the commission with a vindictive John Howard; should keep all liberal states happy!
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 8:10:35 AM
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as a die hard bikie
i..say definitively..go harder cause we need solid reign..back the corruptions globally first they went..for the bikies next..the ratings agencies..their lawyers and bankers then the capitalists dicktraiters media whores and secret value trusts politicians were found to-be serving far too lunch we need tough rotted-fruits..into gulags so come and get me..then..when..they came for you all grounds of appeal..have been played out..and only..then can your [dont forget..the proceeds of crime..can..not ever..NEVER..gainsay clear title...[ever] next lets clean-up medicine/investment/political [parties not just bikers and next unions[lets return death duties..upon tax avoiding trusts..[corporations/party funds..etc [they 'die' every 20..years or so go..get em the harsher the better to..get off..on...appeal.the bigger the damages go for the value/return..follow the to rich? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 8:54:10 AM
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"Bikie laws sicken civil liberties" There are those two words again that so many like to invoke, civil liberties, . When would those who bleat so long and hard about liberty and rights take up the side of civil responsibilities?
For too long we have seen a softly, softly, approach by both the law enforcement agencies and the judiciary. Offenders released on bail reoffending. Sentences seemingly out of line with public expectations. The bikie gangs have brought this on themselves. Attacks on members of a rival gang in public. Laying siege to a police station where a couple of members were held after arrest. Shootings. Are those the sorts of civil liberties we want? When this sort of behaviour is on our streets it is up to our governments to act. I agree the laws go too far, but to date the existing laws have done little to address the issue and allowed the bikie gangs to do as they please. It had to stop. Posted by Sparkyq, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 9:30:35 AM
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Sparkyq says "Attacks on members of a rival gang in public. Laying siege to a police station where a couple of members were held after arrest. Shootings. Are those the sorts of civil liberties we want?"
I'm not aware of any civil liberties campaigner who thinks shooting people is a civil liberty. All those actions you mention are already against the law and carry serious penalties. If the police are willing to do their job, investigate crimes and prosecute people then I fail to see a problem. There should be no need to single out particular groups for extra punishment or for peculiar penalties such as preventing them from associating with other people. Simply enforce the law. Posted by Rhys Jones, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 10:49:14 AM
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As a young man I enjoyed riding a bike. There's nothing quite like the wind in your hair, the flies in your teeth!
So, I have some empathy for law abiding bike riders, but none whatsoever, who use a club as a cover for sex slave trafficing and or, illicit drug sales, that can and do kill kids. However, the current proposed laws may not be constitutional, and would be certainly outside the law, if we but had a bill of irrevocable rights. One of which has to be the right of assembly! What's next, union meetings? I believe the govt and the police have enough power to effectively deal with any crime, any more is just a recipe for corruption? I mean, we've been to this place before! Rhrosty. Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 11:07:44 AM
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frosty..<<..However/the current proposed laws..may not be constitutional,>> their own..measure and most..certainly..in_qld..[who..simply ALLOWED..its..upper-house of THEMSELVES..PLUS THEIR role in all..just went..away whocomplained who canyou[?] its no where in..the constitution.. to..modify..the contracted terms/..after the fact BUT BY PUBLIC REFERENDUM* treason..most implied. [ie peter beatup..rewrote the act [see qld..constitution-act[2002]..TECHNICALLY..they have defaulted their own warrant but..*THEY own the court allows..the truth to be heard it can only..judge..the..points in dispute..against previous higher court rulings] and the judge wont affirm./. ANYthing..that says the warrant..for his dead so the lies go on getting ever bigger..and good govt..absurd so they play might is appeal..will..go there <<..and would be certainly outside the law,>> yeah..even..the cops lost their warrant to..act you can-see..why peter signed his..'2002 qld constitution..act''..into/act..see..its a huge problem.. and by these special laws..the scam/is covered over..yet again lawyers talking about a bill-of-rights they have made rights..into..privilege.. and limited privilege..only..unto the few.. [license is*do..that otherwise..UNLAWFUL TO BE DONE..[by those..who..those are..seeking the powers of the law..ARE THE ONLY*ONES..* no*..court can..nor will change nuthin..[no..matter how unfair] and the civil rights just talking. [he is..only a member of because he..*is a servant..of the court.. so appeals..will be prepared [colluded]..totally in..the paper realm till they go..for the shot[unions/bankers..etc <<..the law s if we but had a bill of irrevocable rights.>> god given rights exist..till govt privilege..killed all any right to anything[we slowly turned up the didnt notice the chains till..that day..they came for you its basic sic barrstardery..they can thus they time they do..*it to you recall.the tax on..machine guns..worked so well it became the basis.of drug law run...the appeal..points..[BADLY]..through..the appeal AND ANY LOWER COURT..*MUST OBEY*..from that day on things just work out better..for them..that way when the natzie-state..began..killing the old and infirm.. then..the deviants..gipsie..the homo's the poles..ruskies..and eventually the jews.. where was the the outcry..$$$? Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 11:43:40 AM
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It is nothing short of amazing how the Greens, political 'Progressives' and civil rights mob are instantly on the front foot to defend the 'civil rights' of the OMG bikies, even calling for a Bill of Rights (that they draft, naturally),
but, there is nothing, nada, nil, not even a whisper from them about the John Howard inspired 'gun control' laws that allow police to conduct fully uniformed, compulsory, random inspections in the homes of the thousands of highly respectable citizens who have been found to be of exemplary character to hold a firearms licence? There is plenty of hand-wringing about protecting the sensibilities and 'rights' of thugs who do drive-by shootings and bombings to protect their drug territory. But apparently it is quite OK, a good idea even, to have the personal particulars of thousands of legally licensed, law-abiding citizens on police computers as 'persons of interest', with the information available to police mobiles when conduct routine checks of the public, eg traffic. However they are screams of indignant, self-righteous rage should a police patrol pull over an OMG bikie, who is likely carrying drugs or weapons anyhow. What an odd world the Left live in, a parallel universe where 'civil libertarians' and civil rights lawyers believe is OK for police to be constantly looking over the shoulder of good citizens with lifetimes of exemplary behaviour, but even stopping a member of a OMG for a routine check is simply dreadful, it might upset their tender sensibilities, delay their travel to work (?!) and is by the weird definitions used by the Left, automatically an infringement of the bikies' rights. Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 12:50:16 PM
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I have never heard anything said by one of the civil rights mob, all of whom appear to be lawyers, not uttered for any reason but to make law enforcement more difficult, enabling them to get their criminal clients, [mates ?], off charges, regardless of their guilt.
I guess the crims then stay out of the leafy green the lawyers inhabit in return. Time to take our law back from the profession. If ex lawyer judges won't do the job, time to get rid of the, too. Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 1:22:33 PM
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Drug trafficking and use, sex slavery, thuggery, violence, intimidation – all of these are already illegal. If the existing laws are not enforceable or adequate they should be amended and strengthened. We don’t need laws prohibiting association.
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 3:46:01 PM
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how would you feel if you were shot while out shopping, at your local mall with your family on a Saturday morning, by a Bikie shooting at other bikies. How would you enforce laws that would prevent this situation. Don't dare try to tell me these thugs are respectful of laws protecting our rights to go about peacefully or that they are frightened by the deterents in our current laws. Quite obviously they are not. Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 6:25:11 PM
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Hi imajulianutter
You ask, “how would you feel if you were shot while out shopping, at your local mall with your family on a Saturday morning, by a Bikie shooting at other bikies” I would expect the police to track them down and bring them to justice. I’d feel about the same as if I was shot by a teen gang member on an initiation binge, a drug dealer fighting rivals for territory, someone spaced out by crystal meth, a religious or political nutter with a cause to promote, someone with a dangerous mental illness, or someone planning to steal my money. All terrible. All illegal. All capable of being addressed by existing laws. I’m sure your right these people don’t respect our laws. So if the prospect of being locked up for murder or manslaughter doesn’t deter them, why do you expect them to respect laws that threaten to lock them up for illegal bikie gang activity? I also think it’s rather peculiar that we are proposing a law that could produce a more draconian sentence for someone who accidentally shoots a bystander in a bikie war than someone who deliberately blows them up in a terrorist bombing. Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 6:43:32 PM
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…I have always maintained the idea that each and every town in Australia should have an execution wall installed at their local sports oval. Every weekend before the football match, local grubs such as crocked politicians, crocked cops and the loose assortment of other anti-social misfits and petty thieves can be whisked away at the point of a bullet at this public forum.
Posted by diver dan, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 9:22:40 PM
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The only people that appear to want criminal bikie organisation to exist are academics and "progressives". No one else cares about them. What do these people offer society? Does their existence make the world a better place? Why do the "progressives" who idealise social harmony want to protect a group that threatens this harmony?
Good on Newman. You have my full support. Posted by Aristocrat, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 9:50:04 PM
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I don’t want to protect bikie gangs and I’d be delighted if they all disappeared tomorrow. This is not about whether one approves of bikies or wants to protect them, but about the use and abuse of the law. People should be prosecuted for what they do, not who they associate with. Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 29 October 2013 11:32:53 PM
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Outlaw motorcycle gangs roam our streets with signs on their backs proudly displaying that they are violent criminal organisations and this author thinks it is wrong for our laws to recognise that fact.
If our laws do not recognise self evident reality, then there is something wrong with our laws. Why is it that so people who wax lyrical on civil rights are only concerned about the civil rights of dangerous criminals, illegal immigrants, and terrorists? But when real attacks upon civil liberties that affect ordinary people come up, they are missing in action? Where was this author when Nicola Roxon was contemplating "licensing" the press, and where was he when journalist Henry Bolt was being prosecuted for doing his job and commenting about the high number of people claiming aboriginal benefits who had only the merest trace of aboriginal ancestry? The primary reason why our civil liberties are being curtailed is because of multiculturalism. Our society was never meant to operate with large numbers of people who's concepts of right and wrong are so completely different to those of the North European Protestant people who populated it and made it the wonderful country that it is. In NSW, the Police can now pull over any car at random and search it which is a violation of our traditional concept that police may not search anyone without probable cause. And we can thank our Vietnamese minority for that because of the high levels of drug trafficking involving the use of Vietnamese drug couriers using cars to make interstate deliveries. The now out-of-control bikie gangs are now mainly populated by Turks, Lebanese, Arabs and Pacific Islanders who are the usual suspects in any offences involving drug trafficking and mindless violence. But you can bet that this author will never mention that. All he wants to do is to tell us how bad us Australians are and how wrong it is to persecute the criminals, terrorists and illegal immigrants he identifies with. Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 3:56:14 AM
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the spiritual..di-mention
rates a mention GOVERNMENT/religion..seems to..have missed..the point that..ethics..are descriptions..of spontaneous/feeling-states,.. rather than legislated... Being.."forced""'s neighbor,"... one*..may never do it..spontaneously... often..Lower-developmental/stages..never "legislating" higher ones... Christ's transformation,.through growth;.. the only reach the next stage... This growth/ a primary task..of the regeneration process. Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 30 October 2013 7:17:40 AM
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Rhian the lawyers, judges & the civil libertarians have been abusing our justice system, to their own ends for years. It is time we took it off the profession, who have almost destroyed it, & gave it back to the people. Newman is doing that by the looks of it.
Now all we need is a law making anyone who has ever attended a law school, ineligible for appointment to the bench, & all existing judges immediately retired. With a crop of laymen on the bench, we'd have much more chance of getting justice, rather than the "Law" that we currently suffer. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 31 October 2013 5:51:53 PM
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Better still, let’s abolish formal legal processes entirely, and set up kangaroo courts staffed only by opinionated but legally uneducated people with a disdain for the law, who pass judgement entirely on the basis of popular sentiment, without reference to facts and circumstances. Come to think of it, there might be a load of former bikies with time on their hands available who could suit the jobs description quite well. Posted by Rhian, Thursday, 31 October 2013 7:04:54 PM
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I really don't think it would be too hard Raian, to fine enough people, more moral than most lawyers, & definitely more moral than those inhabiting organisations like the council the council of Civil Liberties.
One complaint we regularly hear from law abiding citizens is that we may get "the law' from most judges, but that is rarely the justice we are looking for. Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 1 November 2013 12:17:12 AM
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We've seen this many times brush to paint all...remove 'Rule of law' and over drive media with extreme speeches and acts...yep, American post trade center...but its all distraction technique...
so Mr Campbell Newman and current gang in control...what are you really upto? Watch all the big business deals this government is'll find the answer there...otherwise guess by the super expensive house they live in and exorbitant car theyll be driving in a few years after the dusts settled and the opposition parities in power...we might have a rough guessssss... sam if these laws stand High Court challenge...then 'Law' as we know it does not exist...then its anarchy both by democratic power elect and for the oppressed... Posted by Sam said, Saturday, 2 November 2013 12:07:27 PM