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The Forum > Article Comments > Do this generation's female journalists lack talent? > Comments

Do this generation's female journalists lack talent? : Comments

By Mark Christensen, published 13/5/2013

Loudly and proudly dismissing Barker as cheap and nefarious protects political interests, in this case gender equality, from cold, hard reality.

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There's one thing that is peculiar to australian presenters on TV, they can't have a conversation with someone without constantly glancing at the camera. It distracts from the conversation in which the viewer is listening to. Why don't they learn to ignore the camera ?
Also, when you're trying to listen to the presenter they play those stupid headlines at the bottom of the screen. I'm not sure about others but I find these lines way too distracting, I for one wish they'd stop that.
The journalists themselves are actually very good, it's the programmers who are utter morons who can't put anything together unless some overseas station gives them something to copy. Australian programers are just so un-original.
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 14 May 2013 6:39:30 AM
Find out more about this user Recommend this comment for deletion Return to top of page Return to Forum Main Page Copy comment URL to clipboard's a yappity, yakkity female anchor waxing lyrical right over the top of an absolutely mint version of Commander Chris Hadfield's version of Space Oddity from the space station.

Here's the full version - which I happen to think is awesome.

He's coming back down to earth around now - in more ways than one.
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 14 May 2013 10:40:05 AM
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Suseonline, "Why is it that we seem to have predominantly middle-aged, balding, puny or pudgy bespectacled male presenters, amongst a sea of pretty young female one's?"

That is your prejudice against older people showing through. There are plenty of older women as I have shown already. Even where devoid of talent they are kept, for example the serially indignant, repetitive Tracey Grimshaw. The reason there are many younger women journalists and column writers is as I have noted previously. It is the decades of affirmative action that deems that women must replace men and particularly in what are reckoned to be 'male roles'.

Although put-off by the strine that is precious to Labor PMs including the present one, Killarney has suggested renovation shows to you to see younger men. But there too PC decrees that women must dominate and well manicured hands temporarily grasp light domestic electric drills to make the point. Strangely enough you don't see many women on building sites though. LOL

Frankly there wouldn't be many of your despised middle-aged, balding, puny or pudgy bespectacled male presenters on The Box. In print a few more might hang on, a few necessary 'dinosaurs' to do the real work, investigating, researching, finding facts. You know, that old-fashioned stuff that anyone so informed by her feminism such as yourself would rarely take notice of anyhow.

However, the bright star on your horizoon as the forum's advocate of all things gay is that gays rule in show-biz. There a feast awaits you. Of course the hirsuite among them are womyn and many of them will never see forty again, but at least they are not balding. Well, not many of them if they let up on the testosterone a bit.

However it may be that you only object to young, presentable women getting jobs. Women are so competitive.
Posted by onthebeach, Tuesday, 14 May 2013 12:57:03 PM
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Oh rubbish onthebeach!

What about the plethora of male sports presenters?
It seems that women can't talk about sport on TV.
If I see another sports presenter with a bad hairpiece again, I will throw up...

Most of the male presenters have bad teeth as well.
At least the female presenters usually take pride in their appearance.
Posted by Suseonline, Tuesday, 14 May 2013 8:50:20 PM
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hear, hear.
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 15 May 2013 9:48:03 AM
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At the end of the day, the only thing that should decide who does what job is merit!
I know of a young female electrician, who made apprentice of the year on two consecutive years, and taught a couple of very envious young males, a salutatory lesson in respect, with her self defence Tai-Quon-Do skills.
If we could just ignore gender and traditional if entirely misplaced bias, and politically incorrect comment from the old Dinosaurs and Doddos, we'd do a lot better as a so-called society!
Perhaps we could have the Pretty Young Things, lip sinc to older more attractive voices.
And ditto those lifestyle Male Presenters, with cantra tenor voices, plus, all those bulging muscles, and the socks stuffed in the too tight jocks.
Perhaps some helium added to the studio atmosphere would make said presentations more interesting?
Personally, I prefer older women.
In any event, nobody looks at the mantle while stocking the fire!
And breasts pert or jelly on a plate, would not provide any distraction, if the camera angles, simply focused a little higher up!
Posted by Rhrosty, Wednesday, 15 May 2013 12:30:14 PM
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