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The Forum > Article Comments > Living between the devil and the deep blue sea > Comments

Living between the devil and the deep blue sea : Comments

By Shira Sebban, published 21/2/2013

It is too late to help Chaman himself. This young and handsome Afghan disappeared while en route to Australia by boat in October 2009. The boat was never found.

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No Jayb - you and your mates are all there.
Posted by landrights4all, Saturday, 23 February 2013 9:49:32 PM
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And your answer to this debacle Landrights4all?

Do you have one? or is that someone else's problem.
Posted by Jayb, Saturday, 23 February 2013 10:38:11 PM
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Jayb, if I thought there was ANY chance of you listening respectfully and responding without abuse I would give it another go. I'm not wasting my time for your "fun", but you might try looking at what I wrote above.
Posted by landrights4all, Sunday, 24 February 2013 8:47:02 AM
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Landrights4all: if I thought there was ANY chance of you listening respectfully and responding without abuse.

I only allow people to make fools of themselves then I will expand on that for fun. Unless you want a proper debate, of course, which is an entirely different matter.

Try me Lr4a. I have an extremely open mind & I always look at all sides of an argument before I enter in to it. This is an argument I have looked into deeply. I have weighed the pros & cons & have come down on the side of keeping them out. It's my opinion. I won't judge you for your opinion if it's a valid one, but you have to put forward a valid argument.

I'm not a sooky la la. I am, according to test I have had to do at various times, I.S.T.P. (Introvert, Sensing, Thinking, Perceptive), in one test, & an Analysing Thinker in another test. They are correct. It's just, that's what I do. Oh, I.Q. 135.

I will listen intently to anybody's argument. I may even agree with parts of it, but I will point out the flaws equally & fairly, as well. Can you do that? Or are you the Dogmatic type whose argument is always right & everybody else’s is wrong regardless. Do you base your argument on sentiment & undying compassion, only. Do you take into account fact as they are in the real World?

Would you like to discuss the Illegal Immigrant & Boat People problem? Please outline your position for us & we will discuss your argument fairly & without bias. If you can't do that then you automatically qualify "yourself" as a sooky la la, dips#!t & I reserve the right to take the pi$$ out of you. End of story.
Posted by Jayb, Sunday, 24 February 2013 12:06:56 PM
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So predictable! While continuing to demand I make my position clear and provide a solution, you continue to ignore what I have already posted in this conversation, as well as the fact that this is the second time I have referred you back to it. You show no ability let alone intention to listen, that would be a prerequisit in any conversation. I'm not interested thanks.
Posted by landrights4all, Sunday, 24 February 2013 12:35:01 PM
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How is our future being compromised? God what stupidity. You only have to look at the hate, the complete injustice, & the rule of the strongest where all of these illegal boat people are coming from, to see what we are breeding.

These people don't love us for helping them, they despise us for it, & mostly hate us for being able to.

Have you ever noticed a huge percentage who fled on so called fear of death, have no worry going "home" to get a wife? No I thought you would avoid that one.

We all ready have blood on our streets, because of these vicious people in our midst, there will be a lot more.

My son had his skull cracked in 4 places, by a bunch of 4 "Lebs", previous refugees, who leaped out of a car, on a suburban street, in broad daylight, to attack him simply because he was alone & vulnerable, as he walked home from the train. It does not pay to live anywhere near a "Leb" neighbourhood.

The cops who attended told not to expect to hear from them, there was virtually no chance of tracking them down, even with a registration number from the car. Most of these people use stolen plates on unregistered, mostly stolen cars.

They made no attempt to rob him, but made their intentions quite clear with shouts of "get the whitey bast4rd". Fortunately these gutless thugs ran away when a couple of cars stopped to offer help.

You gullible fools are trying to cost us our birthright, & intelligent ozzies will fight you every inch of the way
Posted by Hasbeen, Sunday, 24 February 2013 12:48:03 PM
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