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Mayans and the end of the world : Comments
By Malcolm King, published 11/12/2012Neither side of the global warming ‘debate’ has been well served by the media.
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Malcolm, you've an open mind, let's discuss this.
I think here is a considerable body of work that has assessed global weather patterns over at least the last 600 years.
It is the work undertaken by RN personal from around the time of Francis Drake and probably includes the knowledge of even earlier, notably, Venetian and Portugese Mariners.
For a grasp of the mechanics of weather and climate a reading of a few books on the topic of Meteorology by former RN Officers is enlightening.
One thing is inescapable: RN officers always define weather and climate. That is something no climate change advocate, to my knowledge ever states. That's fundamental in any science.
It always surprises me that there are two topics that are always covered in great depth in RN sources, but do not seem to have similar emphasis in any analysis of changing weather patterns and climate by climate change advocates.
They are ocean currents and clouds.
While often reference is made to the Southern Oscellation in regard to weather, there is little emphasis on the currents and attendant currents affecting that particular weather pattern or the other thousands of ocean currents throughout the world. Some act independantly and some act in unison, for a varietly of reasons. All affect the weather and climate. All have exhibited changes over many centuries.
The only relatively recent and independant research on clouds and the sun's cosmic rays effect on cloud formation, that I am aware of, is from Henrik Svensmark et al. from the 1990's. Their theories contradict man made climate change and haven't been included anywhere in the warmists climate change oththodoxy. Their work is complex, involved and difficult to follow.
(Yep I'm an ocean solo sailor)