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Mayans and the end of the world : Comments

By Malcolm King, published 11/12/2012

Neither side of the global warming ‘debate’ has been well served by the media.

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Real science always has the edge over pseudo-science because real science gets simpler as we grow our understanding. As the CERN PA clearly demonstrates, hypothesis, test, repeat confirm.

It is the unification of physics into ever simpler forms that tells scientists they are on the money. So electricity and magnetism become one and the same force, the electro-weak force. And so it will progress until we reach an understanding of ever unified physics. I was impressed to see the each of the tests matches the mathematical proof of being correct to 10 to the power of 24. Now that is called real scientific forecasts.

The warmertariat on the other hand are going in the opposite direction, they offer ever more outrageous predictions that get more and more complex and more contradictory. In the end all they have to offer is? Yes, you got it, more predications.

Nothing can highlight the dilemma for the warmertariat more that the Mayan Calendar because it puts the whole lot of them in the same intellectual zone of “ancient mystical tosh”. So when the going gets tough for the warmers, they just up the exaggerated forecasts a bit more.

Come to think of it, when you see the “bongo brigade” at the various climate talks, there is an uncanny resemblance to the Mayans.

Scientific forecasts, good. Forecasts by scientists. Mayan.
Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 10:39:07 AM
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'Over the last few years there have been some large claims made by the global warmers '

Yes Malcolm and unfortunately they have not learn't from their soothsaying. The money is to good. Same soothsayers were warning of ice age back in the 70's when I was at school. To think they have the hide to criticise religion when they cling to their made up dogmas and keep a straight face when predictions have proven to be totally false. So many gullible.
Posted by runner, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 10:59:14 AM
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A study of past events and their causes, allows us to predict probable outcomes!
If Z+y= x, then the reappearance of z+y, will yet again =x!
The things we can and should do, are; reform and vastly simplify the tax act, to make avoidance impossible.
A very simple stand alone expenditure tax, set at a painless 4.8%, will collect around 25% more NET revenue, and simultaneously add around 7% to the average bottom line, currently ripped away by inordinately expensive compliance costs.
And an expenditure tax will work just like a jettisoned carbon tax, inasmuch as, a our spending patterns match our own personal or corporate carbon footprints.
The additional revenue, will allow us to build new age nuclear power stations, without delay.
And mothball coal-fired ones ahead of their use by date, even if that means compensating investors?
We need to jettison thoroughly disgraced extreme capitalism and the downward spiral towards the lowest common denominator, and replace it with cooperative capitalism.
Cooperative capitalism will allow us to jettison extreme capitalism.
Without throwing the baby out with the bath water.
We need to lever the laziest hands of so-called free enterprise, from energy and capital, and return these two to the public domain, as once again, the peoples' property.
Anything else should remain fair game for the innovators and entrepreneurs!
One would think that, boom and bust economies, two world wars, a Great Depression and the more recent GFC, was already enough evidence that we are getting a few things wrong, and need to embrace essential economic change.
I don't expect the world to end, at least not until we've done all the gift giving and over indulged in the so-called good life, replete with the occasional technicolour yawn, the odd hangover, a couple of dozen alcohol related road deaths, and other rejoicing time "normalities"?
Nonetheless, wise men would still adopt the precautionary principle; and indeed, become proactive and ahead of the curve, instead of reactive, lest once again, z+y, will once again =x, or extermination!
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 11:00:50 AM
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"Scientific forecasts, good. Forecasts by scientists, Mayan."

What a strange sentence.

By that, I'm presuming that you think laymen are the people to listen to on climate. Scientists actually study the science and - dare I say - have a modicum of expertise in their specific areas.

You seem to think that "expertise in specific areas" of climate science should rule out any veracity on the subject.

Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 11:12:55 AM
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Rhosty, you are so funny. So, let me get this right. “Z+y= x, then the reappearance of z+y, will yet again =x” Yep!

I think you’ll find that your formula predicts no change, it is the status quo. We will always end up with “x” unless you can show proven variables of Z or Y, which probably explains why those of us who went to school think the warmers are scientifically wrong. Anyway, you can always bypass that and give us yet another prediction?

But as you say at the end of your post, if we don’t buy your math “wise men would still adopt the precautionary principle”
Posted by spindoc, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 11:30:32 AM
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Talking about disgraced belief systems, Mayan, Christian, Mooneism, Whateverism.
The Mayan world ended or rather their empire collapsed because of climate change.
As their numbers grew, the Mayans chopped down more trees, to make way for more agriculture.
They failed to understand that rainforest, depends on rainforest to recharge or make reliable rain, which for a few centuries, supported their unique way of life, replete with human sacrifice and flawed belief systems.
Their world, and their barbaric empire, ended long before the 22st day of December, 2012!
They ran out of reliable water and had to relocate; where is debatable?
Not all that long ago, most Christians, and conventional wisdom, held that the world was flat, just six thousand years old and at the centre of the then known universe!
To contradict the cannot err wisdom of the Church, was at the least, to risk excommunication; or at worst, ritual stoning, being hung drawn and quartered, being burnt at the stake, or tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail.
[Tar boils or melts, at around three times the temperature of water!]
Science and critical thinking, has put a lot of this garbage where it belongs, in the rubbish dump of history.
Nonetheless, even today, a flat earth society exists in down town London.
Flat-earthers, like most deniers, seem able simply ignore the irrefutable evidence, if it refutes their belief system; and cling like babies clutching a security blanket, to ancient or thoroughly disproved or incredibly unscientific belief.
There are none so blind-,-.
Posted by Rhrosty, Tuesday, 11 December 2012 11:47:51 AM
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