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Palestine: burying the past, faking the future : Comments

By David Singer, published 23/8/2012

Israel has a valid title to the land it occupies, whether the UN likes it or not.

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David G wrote:

>>The creation of Israel will prove to be mankind's greatest mistake!>>

No, the murderous centuries long obsessive hatred of Jews will prove to be "mankind's greatest mistake".
Posted by stevenlmeyer, Saturday, 25 August 2012 8:12:43 AM
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Steven, like the Singer, you put all the blame on other groups of people.

If there has been hatred of Jews over centuries then there must be some reason for this which must have something to do with Jews themselves.

One only has to look at the brutality and cruelty of the Jews in relationship to the Palestinians to see where much of the guilt lies.

But, Steven, this is not a time to apportion blame. This is a time when we who see what is coming must stop the Israeli madness before it begins and consumes us all.
Posted by David G, Saturday, 25 August 2012 8:27:36 AM
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To #The Iron Webmaster

Have you got a screw loose or can't you understand what I told you - which I will repeat again:

"The use of pejorative terms and phrases like "tyranny", "Jewish dictatorship", "war criminal Jews" "Nazis" "Nuremberg", "Zionist nonsense" and "segregated squattertowns" identify you as a Jew-hater and not someone who is seriously concerned in trying to get any resolution of the conflict other than by ending the right of the Jewish people to self determination in their biblical and historic homeland.

Dialogue with you is a waste of time"
Posted by david singer, Saturday, 25 August 2012 8:39:04 AM
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To the Singer:

Do you realize what will happen to Jews across the world if Israel precipitates a nuclear war? Israel is digging its own grave and that of Jewry!

Why don't you consider Steven's chilling words and put your efforts into trying to stop the crazies in Israel entertaining the idea of nuking Iran?
Posted by David G, Saturday, 25 August 2012 9:18:02 AM
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Mr. Singer,

Re: 8. I am talking about the Palestinians who are not Arabs and who have been around for over 2500 years. The jewish fantasy about them being Arabs is quite silly. They are people whose ancestors converted to Islam from Judaism.

8a That they are recognized is unrelated to their being forced to live under a tyrannical, jewish military dictatorship. That is the deprivation of the human right of self-determination.

Re: 9, The native Jews of Palestine are those who first rose to power in proxy war between the Seleucids and the Ptolemys under the Maccabes. They used military conquest to force the Samaritans and Galileans to convert to their Yahweh cult including the barbaric practice of circumcision. At least that is how the priest Josephus described it happening. His is the only credible source.

9a, That this is the anniversary of the Hebron riot it is good you bring this up as the target of the riot were the Ashkenazi. The native Sephardim were only attacked after they gave refuge to eastern European foreigners who had announced they were going to take over Palestine. Read HAARETZ.COM today for details.

Re 10, I used terms which are correct and properly descriptive on the nature of jewish rule over the Palestinians. That do can't handle the truth but have to revert to "Mommy, he hates me' does not make them any less accurate or descriptive.

I direct your attention to the very old news in "The Invention of the Jewish People" by Sand. Jews are only a religion. Religions have no right to self-determination. The US explained that to the Mormons in 1838.

The towns are segregated Jews-only. The IDF rules the Palestinians therefore it is military rule. The Palestinians did not choose to be so ruled so it is a dictatorship.

End the occupation. It only took six years to move a million Russians a thousand miles to Israel. It should not take more than a few months to move 750,000 Jews ten miles back to Israel where they belong. Then the tyranny will be over.
Posted by The_Iron_Webmaster, Saturday, 25 August 2012 1:57:15 PM
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"No, the murderous centuries long obsessive hatred of Jews will prove to be "mankind's greatest mistake". stevenlmeyer"

The oldest claim of being hated I have found is by Josephus, Against Apion Bk 1 where he makes absurd claims about Jews and declares people won't believe them because people hate Jews. For example anyone who believes the Exodus narrative instead of his nonsense hates Jews.

In the Christian world the oldest recounting is found in Acts where we read the Jews attempted to exterminate the Christians. (Don't start a fight you can't finish?) The Christians did in fact treat Jews better than any other religion they encountered. Ask any worshiper of Zeus or Odin you happen to meet. And better than fellow Christians which any Albigensian will happily confirm. In an age of doctrinaire Christianity mere survival is evidence of the least worst treatment.

One can in fact read what Jews did write down through those centuries and find the original hatred found in Acts continued through the centuries and in some places and some sects down to the present day. I may not be nice but it is not one-sided and they did start it.

Despite attempts by Jews to exterminate Mohamed and his followers they eventually formed jewish armies and fought along side Muslims for centuries expanding the rule of Islam. In other words, Zionists are liars
Posted by The_Iron_Webmaster, Saturday, 25 August 2012 2:30:04 PM
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