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Gay marriage: an argument against : Comments

By Peter Sellick, published 1/8/2012

Gender division cannot simply be erased because gays want to push their egalitarian agenda to the last bastion: marriage.

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@runner 1st August

Actually, I am a doctor and have lived with the same, same-sex partner for over 40 years. So what was your point about sodomy?
Posted by Doug, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 4:07:12 PM
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You of all people should know. You sound like a theologian who denies God. It is obvious that certain body parts are designed for certain places. Much disease results from putting them in the wrong places. Despite denials plenty of research has been done to confirm this.
Posted by runner, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 4:13:19 PM
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Gay marriage has been legalized in some US states (MA, CT, IA, VT, NH... and the District of Columbia. Everybody has the right to be equal and we shouldn't oppose their power. Same-sex couples should have access to the same marriage benefits and public acknowledgment enjoyed by heterosexual couples and that prohibiting gay marriage is unconstitutional discrimination.
Posted by Sharmy, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 6:22:59 PM
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The Truth, thinks that the two marriage partners need to be able to have sex and produce offspring to be legally married. This would essentially exclude anyone that is infertile including seniors from getting married. A woman remarrying at 60 would be blasphemy? Your argument is specious and has holes in it that you could fly a jumbo jet through.

Children are born into lesbian unions every day in Australia. That they need external help is not in doubt, but completely similar to officially married couples that have fertility problems.

What is next a fertility test for couples before marriage? What a joke.
Posted by Shadow Minister, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 6:36:22 PM
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"I do not argue on religious grounds, rather, my argument against gay marriage is based on ontological considerations i.e. of the nature of being."

The basis for your argument is flawed and follows a narrow view of the world according your your particular desires. You may not like it but biology is incredibly complicated.

Mankind is a few years away from the ability to create a child from the genetics of 3 parents. How does the traditional definition of marriage apply to the parents of such a child?

Human cloning has been tinkered with for decades. That would be just a single "parent". There would be no need for a gay couple to find a third party.

Finally, if the gay population is around 5% or so (~350 Million), that makes it around 10% larger than the population of the United States (~311 Million). I believe that a population that size should be allowed to marry according to their beliefs. Further, I believe that the practice of marriage (gay or straight) is critical to the stability of our society and every effort should be made to maintain that stability.
Posted by Brian333, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 7:52:18 PM
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Marriage isn't the "last bastion" for Homosexual activists, abolishing the age of consent laws will be the next campaign, so that all the "good pedophiles" have access to youngsters.
As I pointed out in the last thread on the issue, Homosexual activism is elitist, ideally they'd have "Liberated" adult Gays and Lesbians helping bring children to sexual awareness.
It's a constant refrain from Homosexual extremists, "we're enlightened, you're ignorant", in most people's estimation that's an elitist point of view, something like the justification you'd expect a priest to give his underage lovers.
Now all we as heterosexuals have to understand is what sort of society would best accommodate Homosexual elitism and we only have to backward. What we're actually being asked to accept from Gay Liberation in the long term is a sort of radical traditionalism or neo clacissism, which will necessarily be racist, Pagan and where women will be relegated to their former status or treated like Nuns by the Male elite.
As I've said before, if the Gay movement is going to impress it's agenda from the top down via the mechanism of the state then they can't hold to this notion of "equality" or try to use Judeo Christian "Family Values", neither ideal can even form, much less maintain a state.
The "Equal Love" movement being pushed by the pseudo Left groups is profoundly anti homosexual, or at least goes against the traditional European social value of male elitism and homoeroticism,
As I also said in earlier posts, I may be what most people would call a "Fascist" but at least I understand and accept what that sort of society would look like when pushed beyond any of it's past compromise with Judeo Christian morality and I am accepting of the position Homosexual men would (and have in the past) play in an elitist European society.
So by all means let's push on with the revolution and the overthrow of Judeo Christian values in majority european societies, you get my vote on that but let's not kid ourselves that the resulting zeitgeist will be anything like "equality".
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 1 August 2012 8:44:33 PM
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