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Why I decided not to move in with my girlfriend : Comments

By Bernard Toutounji, published 9/5/2012

The cohabiting couple make the subliminal statement to each other that 'I don't need to be married to you to have sex with you'.

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G'day WmTrevor and Lorikeet,
No, I meant Dan.
I noted Lorikeet didn't specify who was 'outrageously uninhibited', and the dictionary definition of cherub is 'innocent child'(sex unspecified).
It was entirely Dan who leapt to the conclusion that only males can be outrageously uninhibited, which I dispute.
I would note that although male strippers have seen an upsurge (no pun intended) in recent years, I think they are still outnumbered by their female counterparts. And yes, I realise that demand creates supply, but you still need willing suppliers. My point is inhibitions are largely taught, or instilled rather than inherent.
There is, I think, more than a grain of truth to the urban legends of the rebellious preacher's daughter.
Let us hope the lady in question in this article is as cherubic as the author.
More to the point, let us hope she knows how cherubic she "is supposed to be", and doesn't mind.
Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 16 May 2012 10:45:34 AM
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I don't think inhibitions are largely taught, but some people are influenced much more by propaganda and teachings from various sources than others.

Some very inhibited people are victims of child rape. I know of 2 women who are. They both married nice men, but couldn't divorce themselves from the violence committed by some other man. In one case, it was the father, the other unknown (by me).

Sexual indoctrination is received by our kids at school, church, in the home and elsewhere, sometimes from a very young age e.g. some adults are not careful where they leave pornographic videos.

I'm sure if the Family Planning Association kept telling the boys that the appropriate sexual partner was a sponge with a hole cut in it, and some more gender-appropriate aperture for the girls, that's what a certain percentage would have an interest in.

You might want to shoot across to the new post on same-sex marriage to see what has been taught to, and fully swallowed by, some of the younger people.

I believe trivial arguments provide an excellent smokescreen to enable Greens to get into power.

And yes, I did eventually come up with a person who complained that the man she married (and quickly divorced) was a pervert.
Posted by Lorikeet, Wednesday, 16 May 2012 3:49:35 PM
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You're accusing me of saying things I didn't say. 

I agree with you that both men and women alike could be sexually inhibited or uninhibited as the case may be. The particular stated examples I referred to were largely those of men.

I agree with you that sexual mores and inhibitions are largely learned behaviour rather than inherent. I think his supports the notion that it is better for two people to grow and explore in their sexual freedom together from that point of equality, from that first grand awakening. 

Wm Trevor,
You ask me what is possible? I think all things are possible within the realms of grace, forgiveness, counselling and understanding. But I'm chasing the ideal, that to which we can strive. Forgive me for having high hopes and ideals in this world.
Posted by Dan S de Merengue, Wednesday, 16 May 2012 6:14:35 PM
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How very nice of you to ask, Dan S de Merengue… and it's obviously reciprocal as I also have high hopes and ideals in this world.

So that's you and me sorted out.

Now, how best to cope with everyone else on the planet? Should they have their own high hopes and ideals? Everything would certainly be better – I think – if they had mine.

You might think the same, if they had yours.

Such a Nirvana won't be the case for either of us. It's almost sad that everyone else doesn't realise what they're missing out on. We'll both just have to try to convince them as best we can.

We could do worse than start with points of agreement and from there work our way to an impasse.

This seems so straightforward it makes you wonder why there's any strife on the planet?
Posted by WmTrevor, Wednesday, 16 May 2012 9:27:05 PM
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From the author at the top of the page:


The cohabiting couple make the subliminal statement to each other that 'I don't need to be married to you to have sex with you'.

I think this statement is inherently accurate. Now that sex is a free-for-all thanks to easy access to the contraceptive pill and abortion clinics, very few people are interested in an early marriage commitment to produce children at an appropriate age.

The Age Pyramid has suffered very greatly as a result, with some families having kicked out entire rows of bricks. Some older couples have also been left without any grandchildren at all.

I could easily write more than one book on the negative social ramifications related to these issues.
Posted by Lorikeet, Thursday, 17 May 2012 7:59:56 AM
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OTH,if we take out the negative, the statement:"'I (don't) need to be married to you to have sex with you'" sounds a lot like blackmail.
To resort to those damned lying statistics again, married couples are having children later; average late 20's to 30's.
Is this 'appropriate'?
Now if we could just stop paying teenagers to have children, perhaps we could have a chance at restoring some old fashioned family values.
Posted by Grim, Thursday, 17 May 2012 8:36:44 AM
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