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The Forum > Article Comments > Connecting the dots: porn and women's declining libido > Comments

Connecting the dots: porn and women's declining libido : Comments

By Petra Bueskens, published 5/3/2012

Women keep looking in the 'wallpaper' and it is turning them off!

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He still has a choice r0bert he can leave. I know it's not so simple with kids and mortgages and such but you cant really compare it to rape.

I get what you're saying, that there is a contract of monogamy, but the monogamous partner will not ever put out and really couldn't give a stuff how that affects her partner. In that case I always think of those movies where the impotent war veteran lets his wife get satisfied on the side, and I suppose traditionally women have sometimes turned a blind eye when they don't want to shag the guy any more but want the financial security he provides.

The very fact all this seems to be so much discussed and so emotively I reckon is that it is undeniable that men have a higher libido on average. I think it's more testosterone that conditioning too. I mean your average feminist will go on about entitlement, but to me that translates to reverse-entitlement in the MTR gratified without permission meme. They think the man feels entitled to her body, or any woman's body, but the guy just feels entitled to have a sex life, and he feels the woman thinks she's entitled to deny him that.

Gay guys seem to have a grand old time without any of this nonsense, hooking up in public toilets with random strangers.

I must be a hippy because I've generally had free love and matching needs and not many inhibitions. Makes me fear for the future reading you guys. Maybe I'm naive, but my partner and I are committed to a mutually enjoyable active sex life and we have 2 kids under 4.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 8:49:57 AM
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one under wonders
[oh no i got krudisms now]

noting this topic allready has more replies..
than the next/or previous posts posted..on one page vieuw[20 posts]

anyhow..i feel i got the gist
men lie..they watch porn and spank the wankbank
more than they can admit..[cause its a comfort blanket]

go are these femails
doing things your feemale wont do

heck some are even smiling

how sick

but so much more is sick..that them who produce..
or feature in this hard work porn

i hear some get hundreds..other thousands..
for doing what many like doing..often only at ammateur status

but the professional real in the big bucks
[wives..that send men to mistreses]

i have noted even the most sexless feemale
yet needs to look normal...[hence the long suffering wankkklers on her arm]...this is one of them topics..where we come and we go

saying what our personum are expected to say
for me sex isnt a job..but for many its a well paying job

ya just gotta feel sorry
for them what never knew..they joys of giving freely

so much the 60's
because you allways had a lover
to help solve any problem...[who knew others]

its basic networking
love the one your with
with imagination and sensativity

give the mug a break
but dont breed with them

and con dumbs aint that dumb
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 9:35:59 AM
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QUOTE..""Hands up if you’ve even read Ellwood-Clayton’s book?"""

how did you think to know..
my hands were down?

but as for the book
if its got would be a best seller

[if you want to prove your point..illistrate it..
cause so many wanklers are illiterate...ill bred
and unpleasent to look at

[let alone make love with]
seriously illistrate it

thats better than foercing our mind
to generate its own prejudgmental bias imagry

""You’ll find Sex Drive
isn’t really about porn, fact it barely rates a mention."'

barely a wimper was to be heard
why the simple thought of quite absurd

""I even think in one place""

""Ellwood-Clayton mentions that porn
is a commonly used aid used by sex therapists for low libido.""

and old/ugly/smelly
or needy/homey people?

next quote..""Porn..the biggest dividers of feminism.""

of course equal rights
means equality in everything

one size dont fit all

shopping ya top
adjusts..according to vanity
[or type]..

a hider hides..
thus wont get the support she really seeks..[in equity]

'"99.99% of our evolution
never had porn in it never seems to occur to them""

they didnt need it
they had nakidness all arroubnd them

[they lived
like hasbeen has described
in just 3 days..societies nicities break down].

""Porn is just lonliness
pretending to be liberation""

and end the lone-lyness
end the be a wank...


love the one your with


no really where
give me links!

lonelyness stinks
smokers only please
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 10:22:09 AM
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Houellebecq: <Man, are things really that bad? Ouch!>

I wasn't so much talking for myself as married men at large I reckon. My first marriage was a bit like that, but there wasn't internet porn back then. Personally, I've always been repulsed by the idea of the promise and have never been interested in sex unless the partner is too. Arousal's contagious and so is indifference.
I was really just reacting to this obsession with female libido, as if it was all the only factor. My argument above was that men and women are fundamentally incompatible domestically, and marriage usually destroys the only thing that does work between them; spontaneous sex, hence the honeymoon period, followed by boredom and/or serial adultery. Women who want to keep the marriage toiling along should be grateful that their men can commit virtual adultery these days rather than the real thing.

But really I am disturbed by the commercialisation of sex; it's always been the reality that whoever managed to commodify it would make a killing. And since amoral/entrepreneurial competition, innovation and dedication to market-demand are the dynamics of libertarianism, it follows that every predilection, however deviant, is catered for, indeed cultivated. Just as women are exploited for their obsession with the body beautiful, and retail in general, men are exploited for the obsession with sex. As Poirot suggests (and btw, tooqie, he's a her), the real problem isn't porn, it's a system that's geared to exploiting a weakness and bringing it to the fore. Women's poor libido is surely down to the utter artificiality of their sophisticated lives and a revulsion at getting down and dirty with their men. Libertarianism makes travesties, indeed perversions, of us all.
Posted by Squeers, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 11:15:25 AM
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Well said, Squeers...I was just about to post this when I read yours, so I'll post it anyway.

The emergence o free-flowing porn is IMO derivative from a liberated culture. It emerges in tandem with women's emancipation and the loosening of the binds of religion and the accompanying societal morality existing therein. Above all, it is an eruption of pagan expression amid the constructs of a society that cloaks it's earth-bound reality in the psychology of the stark clean lines of technology and artificiality.

Why are men blamed for all of it, when it's women who chose to merrily jump on their bandwagon?
Posted by Poirot, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 11:28:59 AM
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When you get right down to it, monogamy is the problem, it doesn't suit women at all.

She has much more chance of perpetuating her genes if her children are fathered by as many different men as possible. Men on the other hand want to know that the kids they are busting a gut to raise are from their own seed. Obviously the muslims have it right. It's female infidelity that endangers orderly society, not male.

The woman is conditioned, over thousands of years to seek out different seed. She gets bored with the same bloke, although probably has no idea why. You only have to look at the way many recently separated women spend months banging like a barn door in the wind to realise it was not sex she was sick of, it was him.

Ever noticed how often, in this new world where she can get most of his/hers/their assets so many blokes are surprised when she leaves a marriage he thought was happy, even if he wasn't getting much sex.

Truth be known the bloke is conditioned to look, [thus the saying, if you stop looking you're dead], where women are conditioned to try. This might explain why he likes a bit of porn, where she prefers a bit of sex on the side.

If the statistics are right, there are a small number of men having a lot of affairs, with a lot of different women. Looked at from the other side, this means a lot more women are having affairs, that there are men. Perhaps those blokes should get out of that magazine, or off the computer, & try the real thing.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 12:59:08 PM
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