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The Forum > Article Comments > Connecting the dots: porn and women's declining libido > Comments

Connecting the dots: porn and women's declining libido : Comments

By Petra Bueskens, published 5/3/2012

Women keep looking in the 'wallpaper' and it is turning them off!

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Did that post come straight from your how to delegitimise men 101 class? First delegitimise by accusing all males who respond as porn addicts, then delegitimise their right to respond by claiming they 'dominate', then for the coup de grace make the demeaning sexual innuendo about 'premature'.

Having completely deligitimised men you can then go on to voice your superior, informed, opinion as having read the book.

I think that would be how you always imagined equality to work, wasn't it?

In any case, it was superb. I would say you must be a Women's Studies graduate but all men know women are born with an innate ability to destroy a man's ego. I think you women call it 'women's intuition' or 'wisdom'. Something like that anyway.

Of course men can do the same to a women's ego by uttering the words, 'I don't love you', or 'You've put on weight'. But while men may be more violent than women and hurt people physically, we don't usually go for the complete destruction of a person.
Posted by dane, Monday, 5 March 2012 10:12:50 PM
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Good God It's finally come to this.

My only qualification is that I'm an old lothario. At 59ish I'm still single, chasing women and still having 'my conquests'.(Thank god for e harmony and RSVP)

Lol Now that'll set off all the sexless imbeciles amongst us.

I haven't found the libedo of very many women to be declining. In fact I've found the reverse... often.

Yep laugh ... I do ... much more often than you poor serious b......s.

What I have found is a common complaint ...

'Why don't men pay attention (read listen) to me ... like you do?'

I can tell you that statement, to an old lothario like me, is 'music in my ears' and an indication that ... I've a Flynn like expectation ... oh well this is a family programme.

Nothing to do with pornograpgy at all. It's all to do with adulthood and how people have learned to behave. That isn't something that has come from an increase in the avaliablity of porn. It's more to do with trying to change men from being men and women from being women.

And that my friends is where the feminist mantras of 'equality=sameness' and the attendant 'let's make everything safe' has taken us.

Are you all happy now?

I am ... friends there are so many women from 18 to 80 (Yep I'll date an 80 year old) that are simply looking for a man who will treat them like a desireable woman, and add the elewments of surprise, adventure and danger to their lives that... well suffice to say 'I'm found (myself) happily in heaven ...
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 5 March 2012 10:19:34 PM
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And as the oldish song goes

'If you can't be with the one you love,
Then love the one you're with.'

It a basic truth that works ... if you treat, respect and understand women as women and men as men ... more often than not.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 5 March 2012 10:39:10 PM
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Are you by any chance old nutter, trying to suggest the old cliche is true?

That's the one that goes that you'll catch a lot more sex, chasing it around the street, than around a marriage bed.

Nice to know you're enjoying the quest.
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 12:06:06 AM
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There's an aspect of the anti-porn crusades that does not seem to get much air.

The idea that a relationship should provide control over the other parties sexual choices.

First let me start by stating that I think a legitimate relationship will include respect for the other parties needs and that the right's aspects indicate a deeper problem. Unfortunately not all relationships are perfect and sometimes will include areas that are less than ideal for both parties.

Having said that significant parts of the public debate have been in the rights area. It's covered in legislation and accepted by most that rape in marriage is not acceptable, being in a relationship with someone does not give the right to demand or force sex. Likewise coercion/pressure for sex pop's up in DV topics and depending on coercion is defined is generally considered to be a form of abuse.

Forcing a Yes when the answer is No is wrong in sexual relationship's.

At the same time there seems to be a mentality that say's that it's ok to force a No when the answer is Yes.

That someone who does not want to meet their partners sexual needs can insist that those need's go unmet in any form.

As I stated earlier, I don't think those issues are a sign of a healthy relationship but they are issues that a lot of couples seem to go through over time.

About time that all attempts to force sexual compliance amongst consenting adults was treated in a similar manner.

Posted by R0bert, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 7:48:47 AM
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This is just fantastic!

Is this true confessions squeers? Geez man too much info.

'Most married men would rather have a dexterous had job an be left to their own imaginations than go through seven minutes of bad opera with the Mrs. '

Man, are things really that bad? Ouch!

'At the moment the war against child porn seems concerted enough, but as it appears to be more and more a staple in the fantasy world of a lot of men'

Really? I don't reckon. Teen in internet porn parlance just means early 20s chicks that don't have 2 inches of make-up and don't look like they're jaded hookers with a heavy drug habit. Or even more correctly, women who smile. That's teen. Who would've though men like to see women smiling and enjoying themselves.

' 30 years of feminism has so thinned the ranks of alpha males that many women can't find anybody to marry them except for a pathetic 'puppy-dog boy'.'

That's a bit contradictory PTP, because if they were alpha males in the first place, they could hardly be turned into puppy dogs.


'Porn is just lonliness pretending to be liberation.'

The Whitlams agree, with a gun-totin' trigger-happy tranny named Kinky Rene.

But so is shopping. So is Mills and Boon. So is double chock chip muffins. So can casual sex and so can facebook.

Anything can be used as a comfort, but that doesn't mean that's all it is used for.

I think most women's objections to porn really stem from a loss of their traditional power base in a marriage. Squeers' wife's 'promise' is the trading card that is lost by porn. For a certain type of women the power dynamics change.

Even the feminist argument against porn really boils down to how dare he be gratified without my permission. Just ask MTR.

In the end we live in the most voyeuristic society ever and porn is but a part this voyeurism.
Posted by Houellebecq, Tuesday, 6 March 2012 8:34:18 AM
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