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Doctors vs midwives : Comments

By Linda Atkins, published 16/8/2011

Is the age old debate between doctors and midwives taking a toll on childbirth mortality itself?

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Yeah, I get that 'elective' caesarians should be paid in full, similarly to face lifts or other operations.

In reality, natural childbirth will never go out of style...many of us wish to avoid drugging our children at birth.

However, the primal experiences of pain and trepidation - not to mention the possibility of delivery mishap - should also not be disregarded when discussing the pros and cons of drug-free vaginal birth.

I was born through an emergency ceasar with the cord around my neck. My own son was born blue, not breathing, having expelled meconium.These type of events are fairly common, even in apparently 'low risk' patients.

While I am proud that I have had all three of my babies 'the natural way', I'll never forget a documentary on birth that I happened to catch on the ABC one night, shortly after the birth of my second child.

The French lady in question was sitting up in bed, having a cup of tea, while in labour!
'What the hell is she doing?' I begged my husband. On the TV, the lady was handing the cup to the nurse, so she could push.

'She's had an epidural,' replied my husband.

Ain't progress, and choice, a wonderful thing.
Posted by floatinglili, Wednesday, 24 August 2011 11:35:48 PM
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Dear Antiseptic,

I am glad that you do not consider slaving for the dissemination of genes to be a worthwhile purpose to life. It seemed so from your earlier post, so I stand corrected.

I am sad that you believe that all you've got is this little bit of temporal enjoyments, but that is a logical conclusion of the belief that one is merely a human body.


Considering the issue of C-sections:

I'm certainly not in favour of unnecessary operations, but it should be anyone's right to request any part(s) of their body to be cut, for whatever reason (however stupid), provided of course that someone is willing to provide him/her that service. It is imperative that they pay for such services.

Regardless whether a caesarian is required, why should the public fund child-birth in the first place, which is a matter of choice (except in the case of rape) rather than health? Surely bringing more babies to an already overcrowded planet that is running out of resources does not benefit the public! I do not propose leaving pregnant women who want to go to hospital but cannot pay out in the street, but rather to grant them a compassionate loan until such time they can repay it.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 25 August 2011 3:19:18 PM
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Interesting concept, Yuyutsu!

A complication with cesars is that the scar can only be cut into a few times...three children is the general accepted max for ceasar (yikes, how to spell!) mums.

There is a degree of growth that comes with doing it 'naturally'.

for me some of the personal advantages were:
* a sense of coming through a great personal challenge
* a far greater respect and concern for women in parts of the world without access to medicine, and (unbelievably, perhaps) on my part, also greater respect and compassion for birthing cows and other animals.
* a greater respect for the powers of the brain and body.
* and not forgetting a greater respect for the journey of medicine and the incremental gains of science.

are these valuable things? I think so. Many women will always want to birth naturally for these 'empowerment' values.
Posted by floatinglili, Friday, 26 August 2011 1:18:38 AM
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