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Christian guys and porkie pies : Comments

By Jane Douglas, published 30/5/2011

An inside perspective on religion in schools from a former fundamentalist pastor's wife.

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This is an excellent article raising important issues.

Philo states "It is all very well to try to be anti any influence from religious, atheist or political views etc; but they happen in the classroom by passionate teachers anyway."
But those teachers are not employed because of their views, political religious or otherwise. They are employed because they are qualified teachers. On the other hand, Chaplains are employed because they are religious. However, despite the religious nature of their qualifications they supposedly are not their to preach to the children. This is where the lie comes in that the article is talking about..
Philo goes on to suggest that the animosity toward religion in public schools drive people into the religious private sector. Well that is fine. If people want their children preached to at school then send them to a religious school. But we should be able to expect that our children are not being preached to at a public school.
Like many of the posters to this forum I too have a great suspicion of social workers and psychologists and warn my daughter to steer clear of them. However, that is a separate issue. Just because we have some people pushing their agenda's in schools does not mean we should open he door too all nut cases out there, religious or otherwise.
Posted by Rhys Jones, Monday, 30 May 2011 3:27:11 PM
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Well I disagree Houlley, Chaplains are not the only way schools can provide support to kids. There are already social workers and school counsellors for that role who might be Christians, Communists, Capitalists, Greenies or chess players - or not - but they are employed to perform a particular job.

There may be many Chaplains who are honest about their approach to counselling and provide supports without using their position to garner support for their religious persuasion. But there are jobs and training avaliable to those who seek counselling roles in their own right.

The fact is everybody one meets in life including teachers will have a point of view, some may role model those views more than others and it is all part of the maturing process. However, government sanctioned and taxpayer paid proselytising is a whole different kettle of fish.

Utlimately children grow and make their own decisions and their choices will depend on many influences, strength of character and personal beliefs. While it is not possible to agree on every tax imposed by governments it is easy to do so when it comes to government funded projects that do not serve the wider community equally and fairly. By all means offer Sunday School and counselling services within the Church.

It is entirely possible that somebody might donate to the Salvos and believe in the Carbon Tax. The two are not mutually exclusive.
Posted by pelican, Monday, 30 May 2011 3:33:40 PM
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'There may be many Chaplains who are honest about their approach to counselling and provide supports without using their position to garner support for their religious persuasion. '

God I hope not. What's the point of believeing sinners will go to hell and not trying to pevent this. Bloody neglegent if they didn't try to convert people. I find that terribly dissapointing they would neglect to bring the lord into a troubled souls life.

You seem to think that god is irresistable. I beg to differ.

'But there are jobs and training avaliable to those who seek counselling roles in their own right.'

So if they went through the motions of training, and still promoted god, would it be ok? I think the costs would go up massively.

I think you're selling the training of life wisdom too short. Old people are a wonderful resource rarely used. It's a win-win. Cut price counselling, from more worldly people.

WOuld you really want some 24yo chick who's suffered abuse, still sorting herself out and digesting it all, handling the crisis of a 18yo suicidal young guy. Just because she went to TAFE?

Or would you rather a 60yo god botherer father figure, with a wealth of life expereince, with no formal qualifications?

Everyone has an alterior motive. So it's self healing by using young people as some sort of a proxy, or selling god. Much of a muchness really. I lean to the older age of the god botherer volunteer, and the cheaper rates.
Posted by Houellebecq, Monday, 30 May 2011 3:54:14 PM
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The point is that government guidelines preclude chaplains from trying to convert children.

However, your point about elderly people is pertinent...the trouble with our society is that everyone is compartmentalised into their own spheres, so that the only people in mainstream society are those of working age and those who escape the daycare institutions. "School" children and the elderly are shut away in special institutionalised settings as far as can be achieved....interesting....
Posted by Poirot, Monday, 30 May 2011 4:07:32 PM
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Congratulations Jane. The truth has set you free!

Jon J you have nailed it.
Posted by Neutral, Monday, 30 May 2011 4:14:34 PM
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Well said Jane. I have no problem with the church attending schools to teach the word of the bible. I am not a Christian but I do believe that the bible is a cultural teaching tool that children can benefit from. What I don't agree with is the "brainwashing" of young minds by any cultural group.
Posted by Casjsa, Monday, 30 May 2011 5:24:10 PM
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