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The Age's reporting of Christian Religious Education : Comments
By Nicholas Tuohy, published 17/5/2011Those scheming and secretive Christians are trying to get our children. Well, so The Age thinks.
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Posted by franc hoggle, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 4:06:22 PM
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Dear franc hoggle. You are quick with the accusations.Either you are lying, or you just got things wrong. YOu said on Wednesday, 18 May 2011 4:06:22 PM:
"I posted these same questions to your blog. You not only did not approve them, you deleted the entire blog." If you go to my blog now (16:17, 18/5) you will see your comment was approved and responded to by me at May 18, 2011 at 9:49 am- over 6 hour before your ill-informed rant. I await your apology... If Access Ministires are guilty of the crimes you suggest they are, I have full confidence in the appropriate government departments to intervene. Posted by Nickosjt, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 4:21:37 PM
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Nicholas, are you serious? Are you really saying this with a straight face? First, your followup post mentions the article, but links back here. Second, it does not appear in the index of your site blog posts. The only way to get to it in fact is to manually scroll through your page and know what you're looking for. I'll apologise about that bit, I did eventually find it - but I am curious why you avoid linking your own pages?
Your response there is the same evasion, the same babble about "rights" (which I assume is your "right" to mandatory "opt-out" only - thus enforcing your "right" to christianise children without full disclosure to parents), and a closing, Sophist academy award winning counter-punch that would make Loyola proud - "I am interested to know how you justify your moral stance that fraud and deception are wrong." Nice card trick and par for the course in Access apologetics. Were I to leap to conclusions I would counter that you evidently are implying that sacred taqiyya is right and decent. But I won't. You are, however, attempting to derail here by plunging into the depths of a philosophical argument that will still occupy people for millenia. However, try as you might to distract, the question here does not have any complexity you are trying to confuse is with. This is clear cut - [continued] Posted by franc hoggle, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 5:32:25 PM
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[Deleted for abuse]
Posted by franc hoggle, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 5:33:20 PM
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Nicholas, a simple question for you.
Do you accept the statements made by Access and SU Qld (referenced earlier) regarding the use of access to schools to bring children to faith in Christ to be contrary to your claim that RE is not used to convert children? As a refresher from the SU Qld website "Welcome to SU QLD... We're the largest employer of school chaplains in Australia. What makes us tick is that we want to bring hope to a young generation. And we do this through our school chaplaincy service, camps, holiday programs and kids-at-risk programs. Please stick around to find out if we can help you or your family in any way. Tim Mander - CEO, SU QLD" "Working with the churches, Scripture Union aims: a) to make God's Good News known to children, young people and families and b) to encourage people of all ages to meet God daily through the Bible and prayer so that they may come to personal faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, grow in Christian maturity and become both committed church members and servants of a world in need." R0bert Posted by R0bert, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 5:46:01 PM
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Careful, you'll break your violin. If anyone owes anyone an apology it is you. You should apologise to The Age and Jewel Topsfield. You are slurring them for doing what they are supposed to do as journalists - it's their job. To be our eyes and our ears - and a large part of that is uncovering corrupt, deceptive and fraudulent practices in government and the private sector. Worse, you are hinting that they are part of some octopoid, all-encompassing conspiracy to destroy christendom itself. That's the kind of thinking that's normally called "paranoid", with a good dollop of sheer narcissism in that you consider yourself to actually be that important. In effect, when you sweep away all of the confidence tricks, deranged persecution fantasy and outright codswallop, all that you are really saying is that we should simply turn a blind eye to Access. That there is an exceptionalist case to be made for them on the grounds that they are really nice, devout churchy people - and that they are somehow above both the law and the social contracts that the rest of us have to live by. That works really well, making religious organisations unaccountable to either government or rule of law. Just look at success stories like Iran. Posted by Beelzebubba, Wednesday, 18 May 2011 7:08:20 PM
What is unfair Nicholas, is that you avoid all of the questions that really count and persist in your smokescreen of the same, tired recycled sophistry to do anything other than address those questions. There is nothing complicated about this, but lets try again -
* Access Ministries have been caught lying
* Access Ministries are consciously, and with premeditation, breaching binding CRE contractual agreements
* Access Ministries, in the knowledge that they have breached their agreements, are still siphoning funds from the public purse. I'm not a lawyer, but I would say that is tantamount to obtaining funds fraudulently
I posted these same questions to your blog. You not only did not approve them, you deleted the entire blog. And here you are at it again trying to distract everyone's attention from the fact that Access Ministries are liars and frauds.
C'mon Nicholas. No one believes that you're wearing any clothes here except you. Address the issues - we're not interested in your spin and damage control. Do you find Access' behaviour acceptable and do you think they are an appropriate moral role model for children? No more nonsense. Put up or shut up.