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The Forum > Article Comments > Cyberbullying, that schoolyard body slam, and footballers behaving badly > Comments

Cyberbullying, that schoolyard body slam, and footballers behaving badly : Comments

By Peter West, published 18/3/2011

School fights, once confined to the school yard can have an audience of millions, with severe ramifications for those involved.

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As I have said, in the workplaces I have been in there was no “physical intimidation and violence”

There was horseplay occurring in some workplaces, which can be difficult to control, particularly amongst men.

There was frequent “bitchiness” amongst female employees in some places, which is also difficult to control.

But no “physical intimidation and violence”.

Why was there no “physical intimidation and violence”?

Because workplace bullying had been controlled so that it didn’t get out of hand.

Also understand that the supervisors were being employed to solve problems and meet company goals, and not employed to be excuse makers.

The excuse from teachers that the parents are to blame is very thin ice.

In our feminist society, the students may only have one parent, because the father has been removed from the children’s lives, or the children have basically no parents and are raised in a day care center or raised by their grandparents.

I have not seen any attempt by the education system to reduce feminism, or reduce the risk that the child will have only one parent, or no parents.
Posted by vanna, Sunday, 27 March 2011 7:26:16 AM
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you say .... "I have not seen any attempt by the education system to reduce feminism, or reduce the risk that the child will have only one parent, or no parents... "

Since when have schools be charged with this mission? They haven't. EVER. And they couldn't because there would never be any agreement on the fundamental issues involved, let alone how to do anything about them.

You are fundamentally misunderstanding the role of the education system. Schools teach to the curriculum that they are set, to a large degree. They don't get to make it up as they go along. Clearly you think they should be making it up as they go along, just as long as they're pushing your point of view. As you can tell there are plenty here who will disagree with you. DO you really think that schools can implement any policy that is opposed by large sections of the community.

Feminism, and one parent families, are societal issues that can ONLY be dealth with by individuals. Certainly the education department has no power to impose its will in these areas, nor should it.
Posted by PaulL, Sunday, 27 March 2011 8:15:26 AM
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Paul L

I’ve seen every attempt in the education system to encourage feminism, and there would be more feminists in the education system than someone could count.

In fact, if someone didn’t declare themselves “feminist”, it would be highly unlikely that they would ever get a job in a university, and the universities train primary and secondary school teachers.

So it is now a factor of whatever goes around comes around.

There wouldn’t be one aspect of education that is improving over time, and if bullying in the schools is increasing, it represents just one area amongst many that is getting worse.

There is everything from declining student marks to declining interest amongst students in education.

While teachers might find it convenient to could point there fingers at parents/parent, they are not solving problems, just becoming professional excuse makers.
Posted by vanna, Sunday, 27 March 2011 8:42:56 AM
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First off, being a feminist is not a criminal offence, or even an act of immorality, so I don’t see how schools could ever count them. It would be like counting mounting staff members who belonged to the liberal or labour parties, a gross intrusion on a persons privacy.

Secondly, you haven’t shown any evidence of the encouragement of feminism, nor have you shown any evidence of the ill effects of feminism. No political party that I know of has come out against feminism. There is certainly no education dept policy regarding feminism. So where is it your rant is coming from?

Everything from declining student marks to declining interest in school can be attributed to the lack of commitment to education in this county. It can be attributed to a far more selfish generation of parents whose interest in their childrns education is secondary to their own wants and needs. But first and foremost it has been driven by the undermining of our educational system from extremists on the left and the right.

On the left the campaign has been to elevate the whims of children to the realm of rights. In doing so the left ensured that the tools that schools used to keep order and discipline have been confiscated. On the right, parents with money have removed their children from public schools, castigating them for not maintaining standards.

You narrowly ascribe problems which affect our whole society as educational failings. This is a NONSENSE.

Whatever attitude a child has when he/she goes to school, it is UNDENIABLY a product not only of the parents attitude but also of their consent. Attitudes are developed at home. That is where the one on one time is spent. Find me an expert who will elevate the importance of a teacher, over the importance of a parent in the role of a childs life, and I'll show you someone who has lost touch with reality.

Its seems your patent inability to even understand your own workplace dynamic, is matched by your inability to understand the larger issue.
Posted by PaulL, Sunday, 27 March 2011 4:17:26 PM
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Once again, the teachers and principal are primarily responsible for the safety of the students once they walk past the school gate.

But if teachers or others want to use "parents" as an excuse for anything, they should be careful who they are referring to, because about 25% of children are being raised in single parent households, and this number is expected to keep rising in future years.

I would think that if the flood gates were opened for schools to carry out suspensions and corporal punishment for bullying, then this would result in punishment being given almost exclusively to boys, while any bullying being carried out by girls would go unchecked and unpunished.

I also have no doubts that the statistics regards bullying would be skewed and manipulated to make it look as though boys exclusively carry out bullying.

This has occurred regards domestic violence and similar issues, and in the feminist education system, it is 110% likely to happen also.

Eventually, instead of innovative solutions requiring thought and good management, the teachers would simply opt for the laziest and most feminist approach, which is suspensions and corporal punishment of boy students.

Incidentally I have just finished a 4 hr "call out". There was a large crane that was being repositioned at a building site, and the electectrics wouldn't work. Eventually there were electricians, riggers, crane drivers and truck drivers involved, and we were finally able to get the crane operational without any physical violence or bullying, even though everyone was tired and wanted to be at home, and there was pouring rain and high winds, and everyone was soaked and cold.

All the people involved were men, and this job was just 1 out of 1000's of jobs being performed by groups of men throughout the country.


Due primarily to the amount of bigotry, feminism, laziness, and excuse making that is rampant in the education system; I have not the slightest confidence that the education system can effectively manage bullying amongst students, or most other problems.
Posted by vanna, Sunday, 27 March 2011 7:00:38 PM
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Vanna - you claimed earlier (Page 12):
I have rarely seen “incidents of physical intimidation and acts of violence” in a workplaces I have been in.

Now in my most recent attempt to get some factual answers:
As I have said, in the workplaces I have been in there was no “physical intimidation and violence”

So which - RARELY or NEVER?

If as INSINUATED, you've considerable experience in supervisory roles including heavy industry, traditionally testosterone driven environments, I find claim of 'NEVER' incredible.

In 35 years working in Healthcare, Agriculture and Retail - more than 20 as Business owner/manager and supervisor of small work forces, be assured that while instances were rare, they did occur.

Where in 'Supervisor' role, my response has ranged from documented strong 'counselling' with written warning, through dismissal to one incident where I called Police, urging the victim to prosecute. (This incident occurred 2 years into employ of man who got on with colleagues, no reprimands of any type needed. Then someone accidently damaged a project he was working on. He exploded into a vicious assault.) Although victim declined legal action, this man was instantly dismissed.

Describe one of your 'rare instances' vanna? If you reiterate the 'never' I'll accuse you of spending most of your working hours in the site office, drinking coffee and gossiping ..... Like those teachers you said, who never notice schoolyard bullying.

Also - once again, 'FAIL' for not answering the questions. Before being sent to the Principals office for inattention and poor effort, in best Australian school tradition, you get another chance:

Please tell us what type of industry you work in?

What do you believe is appropriate action against perpetrators of violence within School environments, taking into account the Schools duty of care to protect students, staff and visitors on site?

What is your duty of care to any victim of workplace bullying when an assault occurs?

Where does accountability lay if 'questioning' technique fails to change bad behaviour and offences escalate?

Try and do better this time eh!
Posted by divine_msn, Sunday, 27 March 2011 7:56:15 PM
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