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Grown up girls take responsibility : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 4/3/2011

Hey girls, let's not waste our energies blaming men. Let's take responsiblity for our own behaviour.

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Briar Rose- this is an OPINION forum. If you don't want to listen to other people's opinions on what you have to say, maybe this isn't the forum for you.

Just take a look at Runner's charming comment above and see what angle he is coming from after having read your opinion.

Different people see different things in what people write.
Vive la difference...
Posted by suzeonline, Sunday, 6 March 2011 9:32:32 PM
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I wonder if Suzeonline is quite correct in tagging Runner as a man?
Surely a presumption here?
Runner's comments involve a great deal about "morality", with religious undertones, as relative to sexuality and sin (not necessarily anything else) and that's as much a female trait as male, as to "morality".
Sex in itself is sinful?
Because it involves pleasure and comfort?
Sex is bad as a power kick in both sexes for victims and perps alike psychologically. Physically so in many cases where it is a male wielding the stick, so to speak, because of the greater capacity to inflict actual physical damage ( which is where the Kyle Sandiland clone's song was so stupid ), not fun for those traumatised.
BTW, why does Tankard Reist's web site only deal with sex (ual morality)?
Are there any other subjects of interest to her?
What about greed and its origins? Less greed, less porn?
Sanctimoniousness, envy and so on, what about them?
Lust is only one component of a raft of personal failings
If MTR is interested in exploitation and its consequences why not the cite the example of the alcohol industry selling grog, regardless of whether than falls into young peoples hands and they rape or are raped.
If exploitation is the problem, why not some thing on women and girls kept in thrall in the millions in the third world sweat shops?
I think as a former social worker Briar Rose has seen enough of the symptoms of societal sickness, but not much attempt to dig down to the underlying causes of those symptoms.
Hence the thread starter, against victimhood and entitlement and calling for engagement with life at the real level, in the uptake of personhood.
Posted by paul walter, Sunday, 6 March 2011 11:01:17 PM
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I agree with your' take on things Paul Walter.
I have wondered why MTR seems to concentrate on the morality side of feminism than on female 'rights' as such, but I guess that is her business.

I am not absolutely sure Runner is male, but I have read many, many of his/her comments on this forum and I would say he/she is more than likely male.

Not that it makes much difference to me, of course. : )
Posted by suzeonline, Monday, 7 March 2011 12:43:21 AM
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Paul having read post from runner over some years I'm fairly confident that runner is male.

I've tried to find a way to put my thougthts about the amount of focus runner seems to have on "sexual perversion" and "immorality" into a post without risking the rules on flaming. No success so far.

Perhaps safer to point out what the bible suggests christains should be thinking about "Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things." Philippians 4:8.

I don't think anyone who has read many of runners posts could conlude that he takes that particular verse literally.

suzie, runner takes pretty much the same approach with every article with any sexual connotations. Anybody else so badly misreading what's so clear in this article as ema (and apparently you) seem to have done should not take any comfort from runners twist on things.

Posted by R0bert, Monday, 7 March 2011 6:24:44 AM
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Briar rose,
I personally wouldn’t go anywhere near a drunken woman unless absolutely necessary. I do know of a man who drove a drunken woman home from the pub, and then she phoned the police (while still drunk) and said that he had rapped her.

He was lucky because after he had dropped her off at her house, he came straight back to the pub, and this was verified by several people at the pub.

She could not verify the story she had told the police, and all charges were subsequently dropped, but he was lucky that he came straight back to the pub and had witnesses.

If a woman is drunk and could be a danger to herself or to others, and she needs to be lifted or taken somewhere, then a man should only do this with witnesses present, and preferably to video it with a mobile or some other device.

I have also heard of ambulance officers who will not give CPR to a woman unless a witness is present.

Due largely to the negative portrayal of men, (that has been mostly lead by university academics) it is now almost impossible for a man to work with women for any length of time in the workplace without one of them accusing him of some type of sexual harassment, and going anywhere near a drunken woman is simply asking for trouble.

If she sleeps on the floor or rolls in her own vomit, then that is too bad, but it is too much risk for a male to go anywhere near her, and it is best for a male to leave her there and leave the premises.

That is now the state of our society.
Posted by vanna, Monday, 7 March 2011 6:52:56 AM
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suzeonline, I don't have any problems with people expressing their opinion on a topic, my problem was with my words being manipulated to imply that I've made statements and implications that I clearly haven't- I don't think that is expressing an opinion. I think it's putting words into my mouth, in this instance pretty vile words.

I think it's a spiteful thing to suggest that the forum is not for me - it's tempting to send it right back to you. I belong here as much as anybody else, and the fact that I defended myself against your defamatory interpretation of my article, does not make me an outsider here.

I really don't have anything I can say to Runner - not just on this topic but most others.

Paul, I can't claim to be a social worker, I'm afraid, I was a psychotherapist in clinical practice, I now work as a consultant psychotherapist. My main area of work for many years was with survivors of sexual abuse.

You are exactly right in that I've seen symptoms far too often, and like many many other people who are involved in consequences, am heartily sick and tired of the lack of attention to and interest in addressing the causes in just about any area you care to name.

This has largely to do (in the alcohol situation) with the profits made from alcohol consumption, and the taxes governments earn from that. Neither party is willing to give any of that up.

It also comes from adults who don't think there's anything wrong with young people binge drinking.
Posted by briar rose, Monday, 7 March 2011 7:03:27 AM
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