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Grown up girls take responsibility : Comments

By Jennifer Wilson, published 4/3/2011

Hey girls, let's not waste our energies blaming men. Let's take responsiblity for our own behaviour.

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ema, apparently the first thing some women need to learn is how to honestly read what's written, instead of manipulating what's written to suit their own agenda.

If my article sounds like *victim blaming rape apologism,* there's something seriously wrong with your ears.
Posted by briar rose, Sunday, 6 March 2011 4:06:45 PM
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I got out for a bush walk recently. Right in front of the car was one of those signs about not leaving valuables unattended because thefts had been reported from unattended cars in the area.

Somehow I didn't take that to mean that if a thief put a rock through my window he or she would be innocent. I did take it to mean that I should take sensible precautions in an area with a risk than was greater than most places I park.

"Men need to take responsibility for raping." - which men?

LEGO "that young women just LOVE to get lectured by priests, parents and social workers about their sexuality" I suspect that the repressed views of sexuality pushed by some in that group is part of the problem. Rather than a healthy attitude to self and sexuality priests and parents (not sure about social workers) all to often send a very negative, disempowering message about sexuality to young people. Parents can and do struggle with the idea that their little girl might become sexually active before they think she is ready.

Rather than creating an outcome where those same young people make informed self respecting choices regarding sexual activity they struggle with really mixed up feelings. Some will then make really bad choices to work around their mixed up feelings. Getting drunk to overcome inhibitions being one of the outcomes.

We do need to be teaching young people, both male and female. The messages need to be ones which don't create damge, messages which create a sense of choice, not about adult's failure to cope with young peoples needs.

Posted by R0bert, Sunday, 6 March 2011 5:51:48 PM
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“Women have the voting power, what they need are some visionaries and an utterly ‘alternative’ agenda.”

Something I have never heard a feminist mention is this little slip-up by a modern day feminist icon.

While glorifying peaceful protest in a speech at the George Washington University, the feminist icon never paused or missed a syllable when a 70 year old man wearing a “Veterans For Peace” T shirt was handcuffed and then dragged away after giving a peaceful protest.

A video of this event is now available for posterity on the internet, ( but still the modern day feminist icon will not give an apology to the 70 year old man.

So much for your feminist “visionaries” and “alternative agendas”.

My complaint is not with women. My complaint is with the narrow-minded bigots and discriminators who want to negatively portray men, and many of those narrow-minded bigots and discriminators do seem to be harbored by universities.

Such as the lecturer in a so-called Australian university who has referred to men as being “established failures”.

I guess you will receive big hugs from fellow academics at your so-called Australian university for your bigoted and discriminatory attitude, but your attitude wouldn’t keep you in employment for more than one day at every workplace I have been in.

Know it.
Posted by vanna, Sunday, 6 March 2011 6:25:30 PM
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There is no point in further discussion. Obviously you have not met the "she deserved it crowd" - if you had you would not be so naive. You continue to think the worst in anyone who acknowledges the world is not always a perfect place - alcohol and/or peer pressure does not always bring out the best in people (men or women). As nice as it would be, the world cannot always be seen through rose tinted glasses.

Benk, your insistence on the fact that there are no "she deserved its" around says more about you than any anyone else.

There is a difference in 'blaming' women for being raped and acknowledging that some behaviours are risky but in no way does that mean the victim should shoulder the blame. Same if RObert had decided to leave his valuables in the car and had them stolen. Risky yes but blame, no.

By the way I don't think this is anything like what Jennifer is arguing in her article I am merely responding to the comments of others. It is always good to have these discussions.
Posted by pelican, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:09:34 PM
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so many mocking and pointng out the religous convicitons of MTR and others while ranting on about how loose and immoral they are themselves. No wonder private schools are flourishing while the godless continue to deny the corruptness of their own natures while sharing with the world their vile immoral behaviour. And to think some of these same people want to teach your kids.
Posted by runner, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:36:05 PM
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One of my sons and his friends took a young woman to hospital after she'd passed out after bingeing on vodka straight from the bottle.
She came very close to death. She was extremely lucky that she was with a crowd of young'uns who took care of her, got her to emergency, and didn't leave her to drown in her vomit. She was extremely lucky that nobody sexually assaulted her, or robbed her.

This is not an unusual situation. Ask the police and the medics who have to clean up the damage.

I don't have daughters. But if I did I would teach them that they are the only ones who can take responsibility for themselves in some situations, such as drinking (as I taught my sons). Mum's not there, dad's not there, nobody's there to do it for them, and if they aren't lucky enough to have friends sober enough and caring enough to help, them they're in big trouble.

It is beyond my comprehension that anybody can disagree with this, and if you do disagree with this, I hope you don't have daughters, and sons.

This is not being "moralistic" or "religious," It's caring enough about human beings to move heaven and earth to do the best you can to teach them how to take responsibility for keeping themselves alive and safe.

If anybody sees that as *blaming the victim* you aren't worth wasting anymore of my time on.
Posted by briar rose, Sunday, 6 March 2011 7:53:24 PM
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