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Australia lagging international human rights standards : Comments

By Malcolm Fraser, published 18/2/2011

Australia’s failure to restore the rights of Aboriginal people is currently being scrutinised under the Universal Periodic Review process of the UN Human Rights Council

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Hasbeen, I don't think we should look to Papua New Guinea for inspiration on how to suggest the best way to support Indigenous Australians.

They may not have social security available to help their indigenous Papuans, but they have had to allow a multitude of Aid agencies and missionary groups to assist their poorest people to survive.

Is that what you think we should set up in our Aboriginal communities?
Should we ask that overseas Aid agencies come to Australia and set up house in our remote Aboriginal communities?

I think we can do better than that.
Posted by suzeonline, Saturday, 19 February 2011 7:13:17 PM
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obvious plight,
Phrases like this one do not shed light on the reality of any given situation for any group of people.. A plight can be the result of many circumstances including outside interference, lack of motivation & self control & general mentality.
The only thing obvious is the general ignorance of the situation.
I see great efforts to help on a daily basis & let me assure you appreciation is shown by very few recipients. I am told by the few that they feel at a loss themselves at the mentality of many of their community members.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 19 February 2011 7:14:15 PM
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Yes Individual, we are all aware of the problems in both the rural and urban Aboriginal situations.
What would you suggest the solution is though?
Posted by suzeonline, Saturday, 19 February 2011 11:22:59 PM
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Is this the same outfit that spurred the Deputy Sheriff to temporarily abandon his inherent racist ideals in favour of a pre election Intervention of Pretence?
Posted by Wakatak, Sunday, 20 February 2011 7:05:15 AM
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There is no solution in the sense of the word & we should stop wasting time, resouces & good will looking for one. The Australian Indigenous have had a raw deal. Everyone knows it, an appology was demanded & eventually delivered. Housing is at a record for any people on this planet as is education, health & legal aid. In my view based on personal experience we could change the situation & improve it.
Make everyone responsible so that they can claim the same entitlements. How ? a star would be for every 18 year old to spend 12 months in the service industry to get an appreciation of what real everyday life requires each & everyone of us to contribute.
Make education a useful tool for the future, train teachers to a much more competent level than presently. Do away with the present unfit selection criteria system for job interviews. Have a panel of people from the field rather than some ignorant academic list of multiple choice questions.
Make the bureaucrats accountable by changing their conditions i.e. non-performance or poor performance results in demotion. Proven corruption results in dismissal without further benefits.
Make Police accountable & id they are outnumbered call a special Army or other force response unit which becomes Police back-up at the first sign of serious problems. Such a unit has to be under Police command otherwise the morons in society will scream Military Rule.
Make delinquents pay for damage caused.
Make up rules regarding television content & entertainment content via referendum.
Make up an equal tax system i.e. a flat tax.
Start with some of these or similar strategies & we will see a smarter, better function & harmonic society within one or two years.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 20 February 2011 7:59:53 AM
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Come to think of it, in what aspects regarding human rights is Australia lagging. Can anyone list some of the lesser known ones please ? Which countries are we lagging behind ? Which countries are the worst ?
Posted by individual, Sunday, 20 February 2011 9:14:32 AM
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