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The Forum > Article Comments > Needed and inevitable - a price on carbon > Comments

Needed and inevitable - a price on carbon : Comments

By John Le Mesurier, published 24/12/2010

Australia continues to approve the expansion and the subsidy of the coal mining industry.

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I don’t think that you had rationally thought that out Paul; Just think about what you have said?
I trust you are a Geo physicist of reputable credentials.
I do not argue against mining of any form , it is the short cuts and the methodology used; Considering Government and their mates are out to make the most wealth with the least expenditure , The facts remain in full stead ;
And when an open cut mine is the end product Paul, Just a few hundred million cubic meters of land scaped cannons and lake side tree line Utopia I suppose?

My point is that there had never been any engineering notion to compensate for the changed Physics of the abandoned mine sight. Where if it were in the interest of and in control of REAL Private enterprise, it would be automatic to do so, for the consequences in litigation and future consequences would be sufficient for a reasonable profession to do so. Not so Government;

Asbestos mining is my Point and case in recent history;
Government and their minions were never convicted or forced to pay compensation but compelled industry to use the product;
even armed with the knowledge of it deadly nature and harmful effect on Humans; You only heard the Private Company “Hardy” as the culprit;

In Fact this is incorrect; so by that, the coercion to evade any sanction or charges of a crime is the realm of Government only; The State.

Mine Subsidence signs in your region Paul helps dispel your notion.
How about the south coast mining Paul, heard the latest disaster of a Geo physical nature? How to wipe out a regions water table and aquifers because reports are ignored.
Who can do this without sanction?

And back to the main point ; Carbon Tax . Fairdinkum.
Posted by All-, Sunday, 2 January 2011 11:39:05 AM
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Move along you blokes we've gone past if climate change is here or not.

Pollution Levy;

$ 50 license required for tv's in excess of one.
Vehicles 2 ton or more classified as trucks and rego; as such [min $650]
Extra 10% levy on fuel in excess of 12,000 km's / yr for private use.
40% levy on power usage in excess of 10 kwh's / day
15% levy on gas in excess of ?
20% levy on air travel.
20% out of home entertainment levy.
3% levy on GST.
Posted by 579, Sunday, 2 January 2011 11:48:38 AM
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Sorry mate but I'm not letting you get away with that.

You said, You said “if you actually have a look at every single Mine executed by State Government, I can assure you that there has never been any attempt to return any sight to any form of normality , let alone to resemble any form of environmentalism other than total vandalism

And you're evidence for this could be found by " hir(ing) an aircraft and fly(ing) over the Hunter valley for a start " You have seen holes in the ground, therefore there has never been any work done. Well constructed argument mate.

Now you want to claim that what you really meant was that the rescuplting that mining companies do isn't to an acceptable environmental standard. I see you must have remarkable powers of investigation if you, a lay person, can tell this by flying over in a plane.

You say they don't restore the "PHYSICS" of the land? Do you even have a clue what you are talking about? Physics is the study of the physical laws of the universe. The Space Time continuumn, energy, force etc.

The geologists, environmental engineers and surveyors I worked with were all university graduates and were in charge of the resculpting work.

There is simply no basis to claim that there has not been any attempt, by any mining company, to rehabilitate these areas.
Posted by PaulL, Sunday, 2 January 2011 11:02:43 PM
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Ummm , ok Paul , I think that just about nailed it .Physics is the study of the Universe and not the elements , OK I see.
Sculpturing the land scapes, OK thousands of little Mt Rushmore’s , Yes Paul , I think you have a point , I did not see the faces carved into the landscape , at 500 hundred feet It was much too far away, so I will take your word for that . And satellite scans are totally irrelevant , I understand now.

A few Million dollars Paul in the big picture would not even pay for the Oligarchs lunches. Let alone anything else. Carbon taxes will ensure their Lunch is paid for , and for it to produce more Money to pay for their tea, and maybe have their faces sculptured into the LANDSCAPE .
I don’t think that I am going to convince you.
Posted by All-, Monday, 3 January 2011 8:32:21 AM
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You lot do carry on.

Look on the positive side. We now have the biggest land fill sights the world has ever known.

We have the railway lines from mine to port. All we have to do is reverse those trains, charge the world to dump their rubbish, use these mine holes for land fill.

Hell, cover the fill, stick some pipes into it to extract the gas, build a few power houses,& we have low carbon power. Does nothing ever make the greenie happy.

To complete the job, we should run the shipping ourselves, with back loading of garbage those coal & iron ore ships will be much more profitable. Down the track, as the process builds, we can probably make our fortune selling the worlds garbage back to them as gas.

If ever there was a win win situation, this is it.

Lets corner the market now, & then lets start taking nuclear waste, ASAP, before those other twits realise how valuable it will be in a power starved world, in 100 years or so time.

Of course we may have to slip the United Nations bag men a few billion a year to stop the development of the new power system that human ingenuity will develop in the next 100 years, but if they have been able to convince 40% of the world that CO2 is bad, & windmills are the answer, they can do anything.

Come to thing of it, if windmills are the answer, what on earth was the question?
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 3 January 2011 9:57:15 AM
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A jolly good notion Hasbeen. We have some of the worst political garbage on the face of the earth , and have had for many many years;- Replace it with real garbage and turn it into power stations is a marvellous theory ; and to berry and reuse our political garbage to produce more power than Nuclear reactors ever could .

I don't agree with the paying the parasites though, that only encourage more Parasites to jump on the gravy train as we already know.
Ephemeral Parasitism will be severed. And the Political Mafia to be consigned as fuel.
Posted by All-, Monday, 3 January 2011 10:41:52 AM
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