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Two myths about secularism : Comments

By Meg Wallace, published 25/10/2010

Secularism is not anti-religion it is pro-freedom of belief

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Richie10:"On whose authority is it founded upon. "

As I said above...
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 5:31:34 AM
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Dear David f,
How do you split a hair as you seem to be the expert. I respect your right to believe anything you want. It is part of free will. I was just trying to point out to you in Gods Kingdom it is his way not our way. Religion most times is devoid of power But Jesus demonstrated raw creation power with the spoken word. Impossible with mans religions and beliefs but possible with God. The fact that you find it impossible to believe in the supernatural does not make it truth. Man can not create apart from God . If you are an observer of life you would find that order happens. Reincarnation is a belief that goes against the natural order yet I have never seen any one come back as a bug. Commonsense would tell you that the bible is true as it does not contradict the natural order except where God over rules with the supernatural to get mans attention. If an Ass spoke to you, you have 2 choices
1 It is impossible and you are crazy.
2 It is supernatural and God is trying to get your attention.
The traditions of man stop the power of God flowing and that is why Jesus taught us to pray not my will but thyne Lord be done on earth as it is in heaven. So to go against the natural order has unnatural consequences.
Posted by Richie 10, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 5:48:15 AM
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Richie10:"The fact that you find it impossible to believe in the supernatural does not make it truth."

Provide some proof and I'll happily believe in whatever you like.

The burden of proof rests with you, not me.

richie10:"If an Ass spoke to you, you have 2 choices
1 It is impossible and you are crazy."

Or 2 It is impossible and you are crazy.

Religious experience seems to be well-correlated with schizophrenia, OCD and the like, according to that link I posted earlier. Excessive dopamine production or an overly-sensitive dopamine receptor set seems to be the likely culprit.

Yoru talking ass would seem to be a perfect example.
Posted by Antiseptic, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 5:56:09 AM
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This is not Gods kingdom this is Australia.

Again, we have a secular system of governance, your views on abortion are yours and you are welcome to have them and live your life by them. Many people have very different views and they are welcome to those on this subject. Your view is based around your faith, abortion law is based around the science of multi celled organisms as well as the gravity of mental health and social justice issues. You may not agree, i may not agree but the right to choose is very important based on the science and associated matters that may bring someone to a place where they must decide on something so serious. If you had at some time in your life helped someone who faced that decision you may not be so hasty to judge others.
Posted by nairbe, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 6:30:03 AM
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No thank you for your abuse.

What secular Australian university taught you to be abusive. You can give the name of that university.

A J Phillips,
Due to the bigotry and discrimination of so many academics, they will only mention negative aspects of various religions, and not mention any positive aspects.

What is also noticeable, is that they rarely mention the concentration camps and forced starvation that killed millions under secular systems such as those enforced by Mao Tse-Tung and Stalin.

The idea that education should be science is totally dubious. After 20 years of feminist rule in Australian education, there is very little science left in Australian education.

Someone can now go into a teacher’s training college, after having studied almost no maths and science in grades 11 or 12, and I have personally been told by a lecturer at a teacher’s training college, that the average trainee teacher had such minimal knowledge of science that they would not pass a grade 10 science exam. Furthermore, they didn’t want to know about science.

I would think that the attempt to remove religion from education is being carried out, not to increase science in education, but to clear away any obstacles and make it easier to bring even more Marxist and feminism doctrine into the education system.
Posted by vanna, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 7:47:16 AM
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"Runner means by that.(I think) that secularism has no basis for morality. (in the philosphical/logical/rational sense) Because of the absense of any fundamental basis for determining 'right' and 'wrong'... 'good' and 'evil' secularism can only comment on 'beneficial/harmful' or.. 'advantageous/disadvantageous'. This of course means no less than 'the law of the jungle' and we serve the lord Machievelli as we strive for oneupmanship and personal or family or clan supremacy."

If human beings did not have a natural capacity to determine right from wrong (or good from evil), religion would not have stood a chance from early on. People don't adopt a faith that does not ring true.

Religion was not only about a moral code it was about power as the Romans demonstrated by forcing Catholicism on the rest of the world.

The Chrisitian premise of love each other comes from the human not the supernatural or superhuman.

It comes down to whether you believe humans need a big stick to make good decisions about society that are fair and just. Religion has failed and succeeded in the same way that secularism fails and succeeds - human endeavour/achievement and human flaws remain the same. Churches are not the paragons of virtue, only the people who make up the Churches can determine the nature of their faith - not a supernatural being whose 'rules' are written and interpreted by those same human beings. Human beings have flaws and positive attributes with or without religion.

Faith is all about one-upmanship. That is one of the problems with religion - there are too many competing for holier than thou status each one believing they are the 'truth'. There is nothing like the Church (Muslim/Christian/Hindu etal) in the race for clan supremacy. Even within the Christian and Muslim faith there are sects within sects all claiming to be the chosen ones. I hope you can see that with further study.

Have faith Al that human beings can make good decisions without the need for Godfearing.
Posted by pelican, Tuesday, 26 October 2010 8:08:34 AM
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