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The abortion issue is alive and kicking : Comments

By Rob Ward, published 12/10/2010

Media indifference or media censorship? Setting the record straight on abortion rallies.

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That is a fair question runner.

What is it exactly that you want from the system? If you got your way and abortion was illegal how would you enforce it? What would the penalty be for a woman who sought an illegal abortion? Would her male partner also be charged as an accessory if he had knowledge or aided and abeted the abortion? What sort of supports should society prepare for in the event that we have a surge in unwanted babies and single parents?

These are valid questions. Have you thought about the implications of this law?
Posted by pelican, Wednesday, 13 October 2010 10:23:08 PM
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As a person of religious conviction I would like to ask my fellow "Holy Rollers" who are such zealous anti-abortionists to quote me Biblical references to back their attitudes.

Whilst I find the idea of destroying a potential life rather sad, I am not going to tell any woman what she may or may not do if caught in a situation where she finds the idea of continuing a pregnancy intolerable. Whatever the reason! Whether it be her health, a defective foetus, result of rape, contraceptive failure or just plain "selfishness" - it's something that person has to deal with and maybe answer for and maybe not, but it's nobody else's concern.

The only biblical reference to abortion I have found is in the book of Exodus, Chapter 21, where it is written that if a pregnant woman is injured as a result of a deliberate or negligent act on the part of another party and miscarriage follows, her husband can seek redress in the form of a fine determined by the judges. However should the woman die as result then the life for a life penalty applied. So obviously not a lot of value placed on the unborn according to the old laws of God.

If others can direct me to passages which contradict this - please do. Otherwise I say "Judge not ..." It's Gods job remember.

I direct some of my resources into trying to help children born into circumstances of privation and suffering. If those people hell bent on "saving the foetuses" put their energies into doing more for the children already here, it would be a better world. As for any concerns about the continuation of the species - that's not looking like a problem anytime soon is it? Bring on decriminalisation of induced abortion and let those who oppose practice according to their beliefs and those who don't - likewise.
Posted by divine_msn, Wednesday, 13 October 2010 11:11:10 PM
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Runner <"Start with a little honesty rather than your selfish misleading dogma dressed up in pseudo science."

Honesty about what Runner?

How am I being selfish when you are the one trying to force your views on women?

I didn't mention any sort of science in my comment above did I?

Exactly what do you want?
Posted by suzeonline, Wednesday, 13 October 2010 11:17:54 PM
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Firesnake: Love your work.
divine_msn: Thanks for demonstrating Christianity does not necessarily equal irrational authoritarianism. By my readings Christ was quite a reasonable person...but Christians are sometimes another story!
runner: Thanks for the rants. Perhaps you could answer the reasonable questions in a reasonable manner?
Posted by Ozandy, Thursday, 14 October 2010 8:29:08 AM
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Pelican and other

What is it exactly that you want from the system?
I want a system that saves lives not kills lives. Again don't give me that 'scientific' rubbish that a baby is not a baby by calling it something else. Women should be made to look at what they are having killed. Technology today will show clearly what is being murdered.

If you got your way and abortion was illegal how would you enforce it? I would create laws that would discourage this vile act rather than encourage it. I would not try and enforce any laws.

Would her male partner also be charged as an accessory if he had knowledge or aided and abeted the abortion? In my eyes all including the doctors and nurses are guilty of killing babies. Again as I answered previously I doubt whether trying to enforce the law would help. Once hearts are so calloused they commit this crime I doubt whether laws would reduce it. Proper education and enforcing woman to look at the facts truthfully before abortion would however reduce the numbers. Dogmas/myths like Briar Rose claiming the child would not have any sort of life could easily be exposed for what they are.

What sort of supports should society prepare for in the event that we have a surge in unwanted babies and single parents?

Look at the adoption waiting list and you might get your answer. We import many kids to parents longing for a child. Ask yourself if you are glad that your parents did not abort you. Most kids in this country get the opportunity for a good life.
Posted by runner, Thursday, 14 October 2010 11:20:58 AM
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Its always has been a woman's choice and always will be her choice. I mean, do you think she is not "The" one and only to make that finial life giving question, since over-population and the chances of that child ever getting the best start in life knowing the costs of and commitments involved when most women are flat-out either at home all day or preoccupied with her work commitments? Quite frankly, I have this one question which most people cant answer. When your child leaves school, where is it going to go in regards of work related opportunities?

If I were to bring a child into this world, it would be my choice and I would think carefully about the rest.

Making a new human is the biggest responsibility I could think of, but then again I may not have a clue what Iam talking about.

40 years, then 9.2 billion or in Australia's case, 44 million and lets not forget a failing infrastructure that Howard and company didn't even take into account and now........well now with the jobless forcasted to rise in the near future,........What are we to think?

Child or NO child?

Thats a very good Question.

Posted by think than move, Thursday, 14 October 2010 5:54:08 PM
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