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The Forum > Article Comments > Why a conscientious Christian could not vote for the Greens > Comments

Why a conscientious Christian could not vote for the Greens : Comments

By Bill Muehlenberg, published 18/8/2010

The Greens are a party fundamentally at odds with basic Christian values and concerns.

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This is a part-copy of a post of mine from a different thread; but I think it's worth a look - especially if you follow the URL and see the basis this has in scripture...

Early church leaders adovacated a form of communal church organisation what was really very close to the communist spirit. Some people have even talked of 'Christian communism'.

This 'Christian communism' is a different creature from Marxism - as it is a 'communism of the Christian community'. But some of the values are the same: especially the Marxist dictum 'from each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs.'

For those who are shocked by the comparison I urge you to look at the relevant scripture - starting by checking out the URL below:


Posted by Tristan Ewins, Wednesday, 18 August 2010 9:47:07 PM
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Of course, the Greens talk a lot about the environment and promote their credentials there - mind you, I don't think closing all the coal fired power stations down will help the poor as it will result in increased electricity and food prices.
They often sidestep any criticism about moral issues. That's not surprising for a party that seems more humanist than anything else, with Bob Brown named as 'Humanist of the Year' for 2010.
But the truth is they are specifically in favour of abortion on demand, teaching children sex-ed about 'diversity in sexuality', euthanasia and more.
Since the point of Bill's article is to talk about what a Biblical Christian might believe and how they can vote, it's vital that we consider the Greens views on these issues. The Ten Commandments tell us not to murder - and that certainly covers abortion.
While we're at it - Labor also has a specific policy supporting abortion and the State Party introduced Victoria's Abortion law Reform Bill.
On the other hand, Liberals and Nationals don't have a policy on abortion and give a conscience vote.
Parties such as CDP, Family First and the DLP all oppose abortion.
So if we’re considering how a Biblical Christian might vote, assessing the views of each party on issues such as abortion and marriage are very relevant!
Posted by Jenny Stokes, Wednesday, 18 August 2010 10:21:59 PM
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Here is a list of some of what the Greens publicly stand for.
1. Christians not allowed to voice their values and beliefs in public discourse
2. Public cricitism of other religions and homosexuality to be outlawed as “vilification of minorities”
3. Abolition of tax exemptions for Christian organisations
4. Abolition of selective employment privileges for Christian organisations
5. Funding removed from Christian independent schools
6. All schools forced to teach secular values, secular morality (including “gay = normal”), and evolutionism
7. Replacement of school chaplaincy and Scripture classes with secular equivalents
8. Non abstinence based sex education
9. Universal, free, Medicare funded abortions from conception to full term
10. Legalisation of euthanasia
11. Legalisation of human embryo research and therapeutic cloning
12. Gay and lesbian marriage
13. Adoption of children by same sex couples
14. Medicare funded assisted reproductive services for same sex couples
15. Christian churches, hospitals, and agencies forced against conscience to participate in abortions, same sex marriage and same sex adoption
16. Easier access to X-rated pornography, especially in emerging media (eg. PC games, the internet)
17. Decriminalisation of drugs, safe injecting rooms

I'm sorry, but no amount of refugee concern and environmental concern (good as these things might be) can counter-balance the sheer weight of these other evils. If you think it is possible, you have obviously checked your brain out at the door.

Christians can definitely NOT vote for the Greens.
Posted by Jereth, Wednesday, 18 August 2010 10:58:14 PM
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Tristan Ewins,

There is a critical difference between the "Christian communism" described in the book of Acts and Marxist communism.

The Christians *voluntarily* shared their goods.

Under Marxism, goods are *compulsorily* acquired by the Government and redistributed.

It is a false comparison.
Posted by Jereth, Wednesday, 18 August 2010 11:03:54 PM
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Let's call a spade a spade, Jereth: right-wing Christians cannot vote for the Greens.

Not all people read the Bible the same way. It's a big book, and often self-contradictory, and people tend to pick and choose according to their personality. Some folk will read it and pay particular attention to the strictures on homosexuality, promiscuity, and basically anything to do with sex. Some will ignore Mark 12:17 and Matthew 22:21. Some will focus more closely on the Ten Commandments than New Commandment. And some hard-of-thinking folk, sad to say, will take Genesis literally, and treat the Bible as a science textbook rather than a religious document. These people are variously known as conservatives, [censored], fundamentalists, [censored], idiots, religious extremists, [censored], George. W. Bush, and [censored].

But others will focus on the words and deeds of Jesus. They will pay particular attention to Matthew 19:24, and cheer when quietly to themselves when Jesus chucks the money lenders out of the synagogue. They will focus on Jesus' committment to charity; on sharing everything you have with those who have nothing, 'coz whatsoever you do unto the least of his brethren, you do unto him. They will rate the New Commandment above the old lot. They will attempt to judge not, lest they be judged; and to remove the plank from their own eye before worrying about the speck in their brother's. These people are variously known as lefties, bleeding-hearts, watermelons, dirty pinko scumbags, and decent chaps. They can vote for the Greens. Just 'coz they share your imaginary friend, it doesn't follow that they should share your politics.
Posted by Riz, Thursday, 19 August 2010 2:24:38 AM
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When I read the rubbish the christian loonies quote from their book of nonsense (bible) I'm heartened by my belief that we Greens are on the right track. As for the Greens being anti family in all my years of party membership no one has ever suggested I should get divorced, turn gay, send my kids to public school etc etc. As for the high moral ground if you so called christians were to meet a 16 year old pregnant girl who doesn't know what to do, or a lad who has mental problem due to his sexuality or a person living a shocking life because of drug dependence, what would you do? Quote from your book of nonsense and tell them its gods will!
Posted by Paul1405, Thursday, 19 August 2010 6:13:04 AM
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