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Are Aussies really rednecks? : Comments

By Alice Aslan, published 10/6/2010

Multiculturalism is still the best social and political system for societies like Australia which are based on migration.

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@CJ Morgan, I am continually being told that "I" have to change, so are you, I have no intention of changing, thus the statement. It is a "ridiculous statement", that is correct, it was made to demonstrate the stupidity of requiring myself or anyone else to "conform" to the current "multicultural agenda", go back, read the article...

It is nothing more nor less than a blatant series of statements that Australians NEED to be more supportive of multiculturalism, NEED to be more supportive of Aboriginal rights (I'd suspect I'm more supportive of these than the Author, just in the real world, not academia where there is no asbestos dust, dogsh*&t, obscene smells and fights).

I am pointing out, that neither I nor anyone else NEED do anything. We are under NO COMPULSION to assist anyone or alter our ways in any way shape or form (contrary to the Author's position). As I am sure you are aware that I have a tendency to make points through irony, satire or even sarcasm (never, who me?) you know well what I am saying.

@Loudmouth, check out the online records - all the personnel files for the LHR are online via the AWM site, in PDF format.
Posted by Custard, Monday, 14 June 2010 11:28:13 PM
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Good post, Loudmouth.
In all my years, I have never met a (country) redneck who didn't know at least one "good blackfella".
How do you define a good blackfella? They act just like whitefellas...
Posted by Grim, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 7:11:27 AM
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CJ Morgan
From your own quote "analysis of genetics (e.g., DNA) indicates that most physical variation, about 94%, lies within so-called racial groups. Conventional geographic "racial" groupings differ from one another only in about 6% of their genes." 6% different genes which err make us different?

"Right on, CJ. The fiction of 'race' was demolished long ago." Can you tell me exactly when we have reached this pinnacle of human evolution?

"Don't confuse ...." And apples are separated from oranges in the supermarkets. Read Ms. Aslan's article.

CJ Morgan
Ms. Aslan claims that .. "Multiculturalism is still the best social and political system.."

Then you pull out this chestnut ...

"What you seem to be talking about is ethnocentrism, i.e. the universal human characteristic of feeling more in common with others of similar descent, language and culture - in other words shared ethnicity."

"Racism and ethnocentrism aren't the same thing."

I never said anything of the sort. My argument is that PC meaning of Racism is arbitrary, it can mean anything these days.

"..but it has no biological basis with respect to humans"
You first quote from the American Anthropological Association kind of contradicts this statement.

"... some bigots regard and treat Muslims is structurally similar to the way that racists treat others whom they classify as belonging to different "races" than their own"
Can you tell me what you mean by this statement? What would think is racist or cultural-racist behavior?
Posted by Bigos, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 10:48:42 AM
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'Pinnacle' ? 'Abyss', more likely. And surely the Second World War put a dent in thinking about (and acting on) the myths of race. If you're in a hole, Bigos, I advise you to stop digging and climb out.
Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 5:58:42 PM
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Quite so, Joe. I think Bigos either has a comprehension problem or is being obtuse. Either way, I'm not inclined to provide more oxygen to what seems to be yet another half-clever rationalisation of bigotry.

Loudmouth's right, Bigos - stop digging. You're dealing with people who know what they're talking about here.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 8:03:01 PM
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"And surely the Second World War put a dent in thinking about the myths of race."

Godwin? WW2 was started with annexation of Bohemia and a naval attack on Poland. The left wing fascists didn't like Jews (ethnicity?), but neither did they like German gypsies and homosexuals, Poles and Russians. Not sure what this has to do with cultural-racism and multiculturalism in Australia, but I suppose when you run out of arguments anything goes.

CJ Morgan
"...half-clever rationalisation of bigotry"
I'm not the one stuck denying obviousness. Your argument is a fools folly. I asked a simple question which I was wondering whether you could answer. Here it is again:
"What would you think is racist or cultural-racist behavior?"

My whole argument is around the fact that multiculturalism is a failed ideology and racism in modern day context is anything, anyone wants it to mean. Run out of arguments just label people bigots, racists ...

"You're dealing with people who know what they're talking about here."

Looks like it, just before Loudmouth said:

"Right on, CJ. The fiction of 'race' was demolished long ago."
Posted by Bigos, Tuesday, 15 June 2010 8:32:30 PM
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