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The Forum > Article Comments > Are Aussies really rednecks? > Comments

Are Aussies really rednecks? : Comments

By Alice Aslan, published 10/6/2010

Multiculturalism is still the best social and political system for societies like Australia which are based on migration.

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Custard, it's a nonsense to talk about "assimilating" into multiculturalism. How can you assimilate into diversity?

OK. So you're a proud racist redneck. Bully for you - you have a right to your bigotry, and to express it.

Just don't expect the more tolerant and reasonable majority to agree with you :)
Posted by CJ Morgan, Sunday, 13 June 2010 7:27:35 PM
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Custard, you're completely free to be whatever you like - if you want to call it 'redneck', that's your right too. You don't have to change - why are you trying to manufacture a problem that doesn't exist ?

My grandfather was also in the 1st Light Horse, at Gallipoli, then in the Camel Corps, then in the 1st Remounts in Palestine. He was a Wobbly, an anarchist, and my parents were communists. I like to think I'm still a Marxist, whatever it might mean - and that's all quite legal. I don't have any fear that any neo-liberal or conservative government will outlaw me or force me to change, they know I'm harmless. That tolerance is just one of the crosses that a Marxist has to bear in a liberal society, the b@stards.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 13 June 2010 7:43:31 PM
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Ms. Aslan is wrong with most of her statements. Firstly Australia is not a nation of immigrants. It's a nation of Aborigines, British colonists and their descendants. The white Australia policy was not racist, it was a sensible immigration policy encouraging migrants that could easily assimilate into the Australian way of life, which is sensible. Cultural racism? Racism is the idea that one race is superior to another, which is a scientific fact. You cannot dispel a negative stereotype, that's illogical. A stereotype is perception of observed phenomena. Multiculturalism is a failed ideology, it has failed everywhere it has been tried because it ignores human nature. There is 3000 years of recorded warfare to prove it. Also wondering why it is that White, Judo-Christian Europeans are always asked to be tolerant when everyone else is intolerant. Couldn't our 3rd world Islamic migrants, migrate to countries like Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Indonesia, Malaysia; Places where they would fit right in? Lastly multiculturalism is in breach of UN Human rights charter, which is a cherished document of the leftists.
Posted by Bigos, Monday, 14 June 2010 12:58:08 AM
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Okay, I'm going to take the bait. I know I shouldn't, but then again I do a lot of things I shouldn't do.

Upon what evidence is the scientific fact that one race is superior to another based? I know that many Asian societies boast greater longevity than Western societies, but I was of the understanding that their longevity was based largely on diet. Similarly, many Asian societies produce "smarter" people - but this is because of their schooling habits. The indigenous kids I have taught, who come from Palm and the Torres Strait, are generally much better than I am at catching fish. They can also make a lively meal out of possums and other creatures I would never have considered eating. But again, I thought this would have been more to do with upbringing. Raise an Asian kid or a Torres Strait Islander in the sleepy outer suburbs of Townsville, with affluent Anglo-Saxon/Celtic parents like mine, and I reckon they'd turn out a bit like me.

Some Eastern African societies are made up of people who are typically taller than Westerners - is this the superiority to which you refer? It's certainly a genetic factor, so it could be the scientifically proven racial superiority we're looking at. Funny, though. I'm pretty short and have never felt inferior.

I don't agree with much of what Ms. Aslan said, either, but at least she offered some proof rather than spurious blanket statements to back her arguments up. I invite you, Bigos, to do the same. But I suspect you won't bother.
Posted by Otokonoko, Monday, 14 June 2010 1:21:52 AM
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Otokonoko; No need for biting. An exchange of ideas will do.

"... so it could be the scientifically proven racial superiority we're looking at. Funny, though. I'm pretty short and have never felt inferior."

This is evident in itself. I could link you 100s of DNA studies, but it can be summed up in a single logical statement. A white couple cannot have an Asian/African child through natural conception. Also one mans superiority is another mans inferiority (in regards to your last statement). Since racism is an idea, its meaning is entirely arbitrary, so it could mean anything, anyone wants it mean. I was referring to "cultural racism" Ms. Aslan was referring to not racism per se as defined by PC thinking.

"... she offered some proof rather than spurious blanket statements to back her arguments up."

What is the proof that Ms. Aslan offered? Apologies I missed it, can you point it out please. Also everything I have said is not a blanket statement, it's self evident. I don't need to provide proof, the proof is all around you. Let me know what I can clear up for you?
Posted by Bigos, Monday, 14 June 2010 2:18:22 AM
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Does multiculturalism spawn racism ? :) ohhh.. please..bite..bite :)

One example of that racism is the very topic under consideration.

Simply raising the question begs the answer "yes...OF COURSE...they are"

At least in the mind of the racist left wing author.

CUSTARD and BIGOS and if his radar is on.. PERICLES...

You blokes will lurrrrvvvv this :)

Make sure you read the body of the text.. the 'punch' is kinda hidden :)
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Monday, 14 June 2010 7:00:50 AM
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