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Are Aussies really rednecks? : Comments
By Alice Aslan, published 10/6/2010Multiculturalism is still the best social and political system for societies like Australia which are based on migration.
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Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 16 June 2010 12:59:34 PM
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"Good trick: when an issue is raised, find something vaguely to do with it which substantially doesn't..." Just exactly what issue was raised, what did I find something vague to it? I merely am arguing that multiculturalism is a road to disaster. If you get two cultures that are polar opposites to each other, then one or the other has to give. As for cultural-racism, well I'm waiting for an answer as to what you guys think it actually is? If Ms. Aslan is following this discussion maybe she could enlighten us? "..nineteenth century British imperialism: in the nineteenth century, Dickens wrote brilliant novels.." What do these people have to do with British Imperialism? They were a product of British Plural culture. Besides what's better or worse about British imperialism then say, Roman colonial expansion 200BC-300AD, Islamic Jihad expansion 700AD-1400AD, and Mongolian expansion around the same time into Eastern Europe. I'm not sure where you are going with this? "As you suggest, 'Not sure what this has to do with cultural-racism and multiculturalism in Australia [or Dickens et al.], but I suppose when you run out of arguments anything goes.'" I have made my argument crystal clear, it is CJ and yourself who appear to be engaging logical fallacies, arguments from authority and supporting each others argument. However you have not made a single argument that is actually coherent, just labeled me a racist bigot and that's all. Why don't you just tell me what you think racist or cultural-racist behavior actually is? Is it just anything you want it to be? Posted by Bigos, Wednesday, 16 June 2010 6:06:21 PM
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Quite simply Bigos, your behaviour is racist.
You made the statement: "Racism is the idea that one race is superior to another, which is a scientific fact." After Oto queried you on this, you replied: "This is evident in itself. I could link you 100s of DNA studies, but it can be summed up in a single logical statement. A white couple cannot have an Asian/African child through natural conception." I'm sorry, I must be missing something. How does not being able to have an Asian/African child prove superiority? Also, I found your very first statement there mystifying. "Firstly Australia is not a nation of immigrants. It's a nation of Aborigines, British colonists and their descendants." I'm pretty sure if you check with a few Korees, you'll find most of them would consider "British colonists" to be immigrants. In fact, illegal immigrants. You want to know what racism is? Read your own posts. Posted by Grim, Wednesday, 16 June 2010 6:53:29 PM
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"I'm sorry, I must be missing something. How does not being able to have an Asian/African child prove superiority?" It doesn't. You are selectively quoting me out of context. Since races exist, racism exists as an ideological construct. One persons superiority is another persons inferiority as I have already mentioned. "I'm pretty sure if you check with a few Korees, you'll find most of them would consider "British colonists" to be immigrants. In fact, illegal immigrants." I did say Australia is a nation of Aboriginals (Koori) and British colonists. I'm not sure how the Aboriginal population would think of the colonists as immigrants since no nation state existed, nor did they even know they were on an island (I think). More likely invaders, but that's beside the point. Historical fact is Australia was settled by British Colonists, initially a penal colony follow by general population during the gold rush. There was no state foreign immigration programs until the 20th century. "You want to know what racism is? Read your own posts." You missed my point. Racism is an idea. An idea can only exist in the mind. In order to realise the idea one must be aware of it. Ergo that would make you racist since you seem to accept the idea? Or is racism what you say it is and that's it? Posted by Bigos, Wednesday, 16 June 2010 7:11:22 PM
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Bigos, you can't argue with these people, knock one of their 'Isms' on the head and they bring out another one, when they get sick of you they'll call you a "Holocaust Denier" as if that is some sort of "Bigot Kryptonite".
The writers published on this site write what they do because it's their job to manufacture information, they are the "Workers", their words and their followers are the manufactured goods of the Neo Communist cult of PC. Everyone from Dandenong to Dagestan knows what you and I know, Race is REAL and it matters. Every day we find out something new and amazing about Race, Egypt for example is now appearing as a Multiracial society NOT an African one. With White Europeans like Tutankhamun, Semites like The Shepherd Kings and even Black Africans such as Shabaka I rising to power. People such as You and I believe in discovery,endeavour, beauty, faith, pride and love. The Lefties only understand hatred,perversion, power relationships ugliness, shame and self loathing, all the things they'll accuse you of are actually reflections of themselves. Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Wednesday, 16 June 2010 7:59:13 PM
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Jay Of Melbourne
Your description of left wing ideologues is pretty accurate. They themselves smear me as a racist bigot even though I clearly state my position. I like to think of myself as a centrist, I use fact, reason and logic to try and form an argument. This doesn't mean that I am right, however I would like to be shown that I am wrong and perhaps that will change my thinking process. I'm not even sure how I am supposed to respond to statements such as this: Loudmouth - "The fiction of 'race' was demolished long ago." This comment defies common sense, something everyone should be able to recognise is denied. This can only be due to some kind of ideology. I don't quite understand Ms. Aslans article as well, multicultural society gives us state sanctioned racism, ala: And cultural tension in terms of the Sydney race riots. As far I can see if we keep practicing this multicultural delusion things are only going to get worse as society breaks down into a bunch of warring ethnic tribes competing for ever dwindling resources and hegemony. Posted by Bigos, Wednesday, 16 June 2010 9:08:51 PM
Good trick: when an issue is raised, find something vaguely to do with it which substantially doesn't, and flog that irrelevant side of it to death. There must be a name for this in Logical Fallacies 101.
Let's try an example: say, nineteenth century British imperialism: in the nineteenth century, Dickens wrote brilliant novels, Lister and Faraday and Kelvin made ground-breaking scientific discoveries, Darwin revolutionised biological science, and universal education was introduced in all Australian states - how could these be said to be products of British imperialism ? If so, was British imperialism so bad ? Discuss.
As you suggest, 'Not sure what this has to do with cultural-racism and multiculturalism in Australia [or Dickens et al.], but I suppose when you run out of arguments anything goes.'