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The closet is the enemy : Comments

By Jim Woulfe, published 3/6/2010

Politically, laws and customs will only accommodate minorities that are visible. Homosexuals are often an invisible minority.

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David F says:

//We have a different code of behaviour.//

Indeed we do David..and it comes from the Law of Moses and Jesus Christ.

Other than that..we have rutting stags and predatory homosexual bull seals.

Well said Proxy!
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Friday, 4 June 2010 11:48:23 AM
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CJMorgan:"You need to be discreet because you fear arrest, while a gay person decides to stay in the closet because they want to avoid being discriminated against because of their homosexuality."

And before homosexuality was made into a legal activity, then the homosexual person was in the same position as I am now. Was his sexuality any less valid then?

If cannabis use were decriminalised, then I'd be in the same position as he is now.

Ipso facto the reason for being discreet is not the legality or otherwise of either pursuit, since that could change any time, but good manners and good sense.

Keeping up?

CJMorgan:"Further, you choose to smoke dope, while a gay person doesn't decide to be homosexual."

Some may. The alternative sexuality community is a broad church`and encompasses all sorts of people. The latest acronym I saw used was GLBTQI, which pretty much seems to include everyone possible who isn't strictly hetero 100% of the time and possibly a few who are...

Besides, who do I harm by my use? If you don't want to do it, then don't, but trying to influence my choice will have Pericles down on you like a tonne of bricks, Sunshine.

CJMorgan:"homosexuality hasn't been "decriminalised","

Tell that to Oscar Wilde or Alan Turing...
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 4 June 2010 11:59:11 AM
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Antiseptic, you're shifting the goalposts. I am talking about the situation now, not in some hypothetical future or the past.

You need to be discreet about your drug use because it is illegal. A homosexual who remains in the closet does so because of potential discrimination due to their perfectly legal homosexuality. Manners don't come into it.

Also, the topic isn't the entire "alternative sexuality community", as you put it. The topic is about homosexuals staying in the closet. What evidence do you have that homosexuals choose to be homosexual?

<< Tell that to Oscar Wilde or Alan Turing... >>

Oscar Wilde and Alan Turing were convicted under UK laws that made homosexual acts illegal. What does that have to do with "decriminalisation"? Homosexual acts between consenting adults haven't been "decriminalised" in Australia. In law, they are no different to heterosexual acts between consenting adults, i.e. perfectly legal.

Keeping up?
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 4 June 2010 12:17:35 PM
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"Politically, laws and customs will only accommodate minorities that are visible. (Incestuous couples) are often an invisible minority."
More tragic coming out storys:
Will homosexual activists welcome incestuous couples into the fold of excluded sexual orientations?
Or will homosexual activists deny the validity of sexual orientations different from their own, based on prejudice?
Incestuous couples are more alienated than homosexuals.
Will homosexual activists embrace the incestuous movement to help them come out of the closet of shame and bigotry?
If not, why not?
Legal arguments have no moral basis as homosexual "marriage" is illegal and homosexual activists are fighting for that right.
The illegal status of incestuous couples is irrelevant as homosexual activists fought against the laws which criminalised homosexual behaviour.
Will homosexual activists fight for the right of incestuous behaviour to be taught in the classrooms of all children young and old, as an alternative sexual orientation which is normal, natural and the equal of homosexual behaviour?
If not, why not?
Or are you all just a bunch of self-serving hypocrites?
Posted by Proxy, Friday, 4 June 2010 12:34:45 PM
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CJMorgan:"I am talking about the situation now, not in some hypothetical future or the past."

As am I. You can't ignore the past though. It is always with us. The future is ours to change.

I would be discreet about smoking pot whether it were legal or not, just as I was when I smoked cigarettes. You;re assuming that all GLBTQI people are defined by their sexuality, which I say is rubbish. I'm discreet about my views on all sorts of things that are legal, as well. Does the fact that I don't announce my deep passion for the game of golf on first meeting someone mean I'm scared of discrimination or that I know from long experience that most people just don't want to know?

Alan Turing and Oscar Wilde show how differently GLBTQI were treated in our society in the past. Perhaps one day pot smokers will be free of stigmatisation by people like you.
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 4 June 2010 12:44:59 PM
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David F says:

//We have a different code of behaviour.//

Indeed we do David..and it comes from the Law of Moses and Jesus Christ.


I was referring to the human race in its entirety not just those who get their prejudices and superstitions from the Bible. Jesus Christ himself may have been homosexual. The Last Supper was supposed to be a Jewish seder. You see Jesus sitting at a table with twelve other guys and no women. Where are the women?

Of course the Law of Moses and the Christian religion conflict.

Old Yahweh said: Thou shalt have no other Gods before me.

Some Christians say, "Jesus is Lord." If he is that's a violation of the Ten Commandments.

2,000 years ago most people believed in a pantheon of many gods. That is no longer fashionable. Now the Bible, the Koran, the Mahabarata and the Tripitaka are fashionable, and the old superstitions have gone out of style. Wait around a bit, and the new superstitions will go out of style, too. If you refer to the Law of Moses and and Jesus Christ at some time in the future most people will wonder what you are talking about. They will go out of fashion, too.
Posted by david f, Friday, 4 June 2010 12:50:51 PM
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