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The closet is the enemy : Comments

By Jim Woulfe, published 3/6/2010

Politically, laws and customs will only accommodate minorities that are visible. Homosexuals are often an invisible minority.

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"Know that we were NOT born this way. This myth was fashioned by the gay establishment as a basis for changing laws in favor of gay rights."
ex-homosexual activist Charlene E. Cothran
Posted by Proxy, Thursday, 3 June 2010 7:02:03 PM
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Dear David F

I am simply informing the other party that if they try to change the law in a way which (I believe) most people would not want, they can expect to suffer some realworld consequences which may include social marginalization.

Of course they are free to be active to change the law..but dare I state the obvious.. so are others ?

Yesterday "Homosexual acts" were illegal.

Today..due to activism, "Homosexual Acts" are legal.

Tomorrow ...due to more democratic activism.. "Homosexual Acts are illegal"...

aaah democracy..isn't it wonderful.
Posted by ALGOREisRICH, Thursday, 3 June 2010 7:16:23 PM
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david f
"Homosexuality isn't (a human invention).
It has been observed in many mammalian species.
That makes it normal as far as I am concerned."
Funnily enough I watched one of those very SBS documentaries on homosexuality in nature
where a Bull seal was agressively attempting to mate with a young male seal.
I guess that would make attempted pederastic rape normal by your logic.
In fact, any activity observed in mammalian species is therefore normal, as far as you are concerned.
Rutting stags where the winner takes the prize should be normal human behaviour.
The runt of the litter dying due to its inability to compete should be normal human behaviour.
Wandering males fighting to impregnate females immediately upon the onset of their fertility should be considered perfectly normal.
Random public sex with anybody on heat.
How very progressive of you. Why not?
Posted by Proxy, Thursday, 3 June 2010 8:06:40 PM
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Dear Proxy,

Both heterosexual and homosexual behaviour are normal for human beings. However, these behaviours are expressed in different ways in different species. It's really not that hard to understand. Is it? We don't express our sexual urges in the same way that rutting stags and bull seals do. We have a different code of behaviour.

Homosexuality is called unnatural. However, what is unnatural does not appear in nature. It's really not that hard to understand. Is it?

What is acceptable behaviour is determined by society. In classical Greek society homosexuality was completely acceptable. Unfortunately our society is bedeviled by religion which sees normal human behaviour as sinful. Christianity inculcates an unreasonable sense of sin. To me it is obscene to look at a sweet little baby and think that it was born in sin. That is religious garbage!
Posted by david f, Thursday, 3 June 2010 11:03:49 PM
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CJMorgan:"Your point?"

Before homosexuality was decriminalised, were the gay people gay or did decriminalisation cause a mass conversion to homosexuality?

If I advocate for marijuana law reform am I not in exactly the same position as those who advocated for homosexual relations to be "normalised" when they were illegal?

Therefore, what has the legality or otherwise got to do with it?

It's possible, given your involvement with Green politics and social studies departments, that you know as many gays as pot smokers, but it's unlikely. The numbers simply don't stack up that way.
Posted by Antiseptic, Friday, 4 June 2010 11:18:38 AM
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Antiseptic, please don't misrepresent me.

You argued the equivalence of your need to be discreet about your illegal habit with the decision of a homosexual person to stay in the closet due to negative social effects of disclosure. You need to be discreet because you fear arrest, while a gay person decides to stay in the closet because they want to avoid being discriminated against because of their homosexuality.

Further, you choose to smoke dope, while a gay person doesn't decide to be homosexual.

Also, homosexuality hasn't been "decriminalised", it's perfectly legal. Homosexual acts between consenting adults are not legally regulated in any way that is different to heterosexual acts.

Do try and argue honestly, and to avoid the snide ad hominems for a change. They don't help your arguments.
Posted by CJ Morgan, Friday, 4 June 2010 11:43:20 AM
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