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Windschuttle and the Stolen Generations : Comments

By Cameron Raynes, published 19/3/2010

The SA State Children’s Council's 'unequivocal statement' clearly shows its intention was to 'put an end to Aboriginality'.

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Dear blairbar,

I came across the following:

It's from the catalogue of the National Library
of Australia in Canberra. It's a paperback copy
of a book called -

"The Stolen Children: their stories: including
extracts from the Report of the National Inquiry
into the separation of Aboriginal AND Torres
Strait Islander children from their families."
Edited by Carmel Bird.
Published by Random House, Milsons Point, NSW, 1998.
ISBN - 0091836891 (pbk).

It gives actual accounts - and you should be able to
get hold of it from a local library - or purchase it
from -

Also, there's a section on the National Library website
that I gave you where you can click onto "Ask a Librarian,"
and you can ask them for more sources or references that they
can recommend to you regarding the separation of Torres Strait Islander children from their families.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 22 March 2010 7:37:32 PM
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I must pay tribute to the late Chicka Dixon, a genuine worker and fighter for sixty years. I first met him at the Koori Klub in Fitzroy in about 1968 (my memory is a bit hazy) and found he was always a good and astute contributor, a real battler.


(1) Do I think that oral history is 'inherently unreliable' ? Yes, pretty much, unless it can be backed up by other sources of information.
(2) Do I think that written sources are always trustworthy ? Of course not, certainly not just one source: in addition to Froissart's account in the example you give, I would check out a number of other sources, perhaps Pirenne, Bloch and other Annalistes, Power, Perry Anderson, and whoever is counted as being authoritiative on this subject which I know little of. Even then, I would take it all with a grain of salt. Froissart's account alone is probably little better than a mishmash of oral accounts, I'm sure even he would agree.
(3) I don't wish to comment on your arse.


Windshuttle does cover the legislation, to demonstrate that it has never been legal to remove Aboriginal children without their parents' consent. What else should he have commented on from GRG 52/1 ? Incidentally, worse proposals were put forward than Gray's - the Protector South (or maybe it was Garnett ?) suggested that a school/dormitory should be set up at both Point McLeay and Point Pearce, with the adolescent girls to go to one, the boys to another, to be trained in rural occupations and sent out to different farms and stations, and with half a day off each week, therefore never to meet, the boys to be given a half-acre of so, some chooks and a cow - and in this way, the 'half-caste problem' would be solved. I don't think the government of the day even responded.
Still waiting for the 'charges to be laid' :)

Go on then, as the guys used to say up on the mission: find them.


Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 March 2010 8:00:57 PM
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No, I've been an atheist since about 1950 or 1951, since I asked my mum. I was born on the Left and I'll die on the Left: my parents were Communists and my grandfather was a Wobbly. So no, no mission associations, although I have developed much greater respect for missionaries since I started reading up on their activities thirty-odd years ago, and got to know a couple, really wonderful, dedicated people with a passion for the lives and languages of the people they worked with.

So why am I so sceptical about a stolen generation ? Maria and I studied the school records (and birth, death and marriage records) at Raukkan over the past thirty years. Of the 800 kids who went through the school from 1880 to 1960, 45 were put into care, usually for six months or so, and all but one came back to Raukkan. So about 5 %. Forty mothers died in that time leaving 120 school-age children. Some fathers died. Poverty and destitution prevailed. So why so few kids put into care ? Incidentally, anecdotally, those kids were far less likely as adults to inter-marry, so any program to turn them into white kids sort of back-fired.

Watching people try a few scams, for a start: the Hindmarsh Island one for example, which anybody who knew much of the genealogies of the people at Raukkan would know straight-off was fishy. And the Deaths in Custody royal commission, which found that the proportion of Indigenous deaths in custody was about the same as the proportion of Indigenous prisoners in custody, no more and no less (on the last pages of its Report). But what did it for me was the despicable way in which some Aboriginal hot-shots (I think you know who) destroyed my wife's career. I'll still try to struggle for justice for Aboriginal people, hopefully till I peg out, but no more than that: no lies, no bullsh!t, no scams. Pass it on.
Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 March 2010 8:23:27 PM
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Loudmouth, you finally honour truth and reveal the vested interest you retain of that unfairness you allege occurred to your wife. However, your comments may not be observed without bias toward Indigenous claims, events, people, and regimes, you believe are responsible for that disadvantage your wife has incurred. So your bias is clearly observed political, and until now, undeclared.

Its interesting that today the South Australian Court threw out an appeal by the SA Govt against the compensation awarded to Mr Trevorrow for his claim related to being one of the Stolen Generation.

Take it easy everybody, you need to understand blairbar as I do, for he speaks solely in regard to the first person, himself.
As he qualifies, when somebody makes a statement at odds with his observation, its as simple as that.

These racists couldn’t lie straight in bed.

Aka, excuse me Auntie, this fella blairbar, and other racists, ridiculed me and Stephen Hagan, with Stephen’s article on the important issue of the Ethics Council, referenced to national representation of the Indigenous people of this country. Their contempt was clear, with no reference to the issue of the article, or its issue we spoke to. I believe he demonstrates himself continually to be a racist, with no respect for the truth, or anything except himself and his disturbed thinking.
[The Ethics Council: some inconvenient truths]
Posted by Ngarmada, Monday, 22 March 2010 8:52:22 PM
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Don't worry, Blairbar, this fool hasn't got a clue - I wouldn't be surprised if he's never been to Australia. Come to think of it, if he had ever really been a foundation member of Nga Tamatoa in Auckland, he would have met my wife, she was great mates with the Jacksons. But it seems he does even not know that. Okay, so he's a phony in New Zealand as well, utterly delusional.

It just goes to show what can happen when somebody doesn't take his/her pills.

Joe Lane
Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 22 March 2010 10:18:35 PM
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On the other hand, I suspect you don't really want to understand.
CJ Morgan,
I do understand, I understand it all very well & it's that what gripes the likes of you. It must be just so utterly frustrating for you to live with the fact that some people can see through you & are not deceived by your opportunistic ambush. You have no concern about the indigenous, you're just making hypocritical mileage out of it. I & many others do care when injustice is applied & we say so & object. It's you who perpetuates discontent by constant accusation but no input to a solution. I put it to you that you have no concept of caring. If my comments from experience are inconvenient for your agenda than simply provide proof that I'm wrong. I will continue to strive for a better society black, brindle or white & will continue to state facts pleasant or unpleasant. Fact is fact ! I can't speak for the time before me but I will speak for what I experience. As for Ngarmada's remark of being a Whacko I suggest to look out the window instead of into a mirror. C'mon people, we've had saturation telling us what's wrong, how about putting forward some suggestions for solutions ?
Posted by individual, Tuesday, 23 March 2010 5:17:59 AM
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