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Gaza beach - when politics trumps human rights : Comments

By Gerald Steinberg, published 23/6/2006

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illogic: "One last question"? Wimp! Seriously though, your Q is just too vague (not unlike your good self perhaps?). Cite said "several occasions" & "stated aim".
red: It's OK to admit your ignorance as to the difference between Zionism & Judaism or even to admit that because you're a racist you assume everybody else is too. Who am I to judge? Just because you're a racist ignoramus doesn't mean you don't have heaps of sterling qualities in other areas. I note the profound confusion in your second para/'mind': Indonesians, Pakistanis, Palestinians, here a Muslim, there a Muslim, yeeks, better look under my bed! - just one amorphous mass, right? Homo islamicus. In exactly the same way I suppose as Croats, Swedes, Greeks, English & Russians are all really one and the same,think the same and behave the same (even Jewish Israelis, 60% of whom are ethnically Arabs). Sort of homo redneckius. And you were around in 67, eh, in time for what was shaping up in your 'mind' as Holocaust 2? Curious then that Israeli leaders weren't so concerned. Rabin: "Nasser didn't want war...and we knew it." Eshkol: "The Egyptian layout in Sinai...militarily defensive." Begin: "We must be honest with ourselves. We decided to attack [Nasser]". "The only beef that the Palestinians have with the Jews, is that the Jews beat them at their own game." Hang on. Didn't you say earlier that the Palestinians had a "genuine beef"? Goodness, you're one confused puppy, aren't you? Red, why not just admit it - history and world affairs is just not your cup of beef. Still and all, you're obviously a whizz on things that go KABOOM!
Posted by Strewth, Thursday, 6 July 2006 12:17:02 PM
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The presumption that everybody is a racist is a pretty safe bet, Mr Strewth. Because the desire to live among people who you feel safe with, because you regard them as your own kith and kin, is a cultural universal. The only real declared “anti racists” are young western pseudo intellectuals who have been conditioned by their preacher teachers to regard racism as absolutely awful.

Most of them grow out of that condition, sooner or later, mainly by coming into contact with people from other cultures with whom they feel threatened. The ones who never grow out of it live in privileged, leafy suburbs behind economic fences higher than the Berlin Wall. The only minorities they see are their kid’s nannies, the Chinese who wash their cars, and the manual labourers who keep their swimming pool and jacuzzi clean.

I have absolutely no idea where you got those idiotic quotes from. But I was in high school in 1967, and the Arabs were openly declaring their intention of wiping Israel off the map. They were also bragging about how they were so militarily strong that the Israelis could not possibly beat them when they attacked. Newspapers were publishing the relative strengths of the Israeli, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqi, and Jordanian armed forces and Israel was hopelessly outnumbered.

Everybody in the world was holding their breath because they knew what was coming, that the Arabs would attack in only a few days, and Israel was going to be wiped out. But the Israelis beat them to the punch and showed the world what intelligent people can do against dimwits. If you are claiming that the Arabs only wanted peace, and were only deploying their armies defensively, then I am laughing at that one.
Posted by redneck, Thursday, 6 July 2006 6:10:37 PM
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Thank you for your kind comments.

We are not really on different sides. You appear to be religious. I am not. But these are not different sides.

I too have always had sentiments for the Palestinians. I too have always objected to the settlers. I never liked them and never will. But the Jews did originally arrive peacefully into Irael and bought land there. Some transferred there from other Arab lands. It was wrong for the settlers to do what they did. It was equally wrong for the Egyptians Iraqis and Iranians to behave the way they did to the descendents of ancient Christian and Jewish communities.

Much of what was done in the immediate post war years from both sides is regretable. But whole generations of three faiths were born there and have equal rights to live there and within their own traditions.

The Israelis claim that if the Palestinians stop bombing them and recognize their claims they will stop their attacks. It is time for the Palestinians to give this a go.

Regarding Strewth I bear him no malice but I don't now what to make of him.
Posted by logic, Thursday, 6 July 2006 8:55:15 PM
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"Idiotic quotes", eh? Here's where I got them:-
Quote 1: Le Monde 28/2/68
Quote 2: Yediot Ahronot 16/10/67
Quote 3: New York Times 21/9/82
And here are some more "idiotic quotes" from Dr (formerly General in 67 war) M Peled: "The thesis that in June 67 Israel faced a danger of annihilation and that the state of Israel was fighting for its physical survival is a tale which was born and elaborated only after the war" & "In May 67 there was no danger of annihilation to Israel: The Egyptians concentrated 80,000 soldiers, while we mobilized against them hundreds of thousands of men." (Haaretz 19/3/72)
But why do I waste my time? You wouldn't have a clue who Rabin, Eshkol, Begin or Peled where, would you? Manuel, you know nothing!
Posted by Strewth, Friday, 7 July 2006 12:28:24 AM
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No I'm not religious.

'The Israelis claim that if the Palestinians stop bombing them and recognize their claims they will stop their attacks. It is time for the Palestinians to give this a go.'

I have some little difficulty with this statement.

The greatest cause of conflict at the moment is the not the threat from Hamas, terrorists or even the Palestinian gunmen. Other things among them the intended furthur annexation of Palestinian lands, the Israeli's difficulty in accepting the political will of the Palestinians and that monstrous bloody wall cause greater angst and fear than the ineffective resistance and retaliation to the Israeli manipulations and occupations.

Sometime take a look at the map of what the Israeli's offer the Palestinians as their homelands. It's laughable.

I like Strawn have great difficulty with all who lay the blame, for the ongoing crisis in Palestine, only at the feet of the Palestinians. I get particularly upset with people who cite, as rights to ownership of the land, a dubious sources especially when that source relies on the reported word of a biased religious God.
Posted by keith, Friday, 7 July 2006 11:58:23 AM
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illogic: Your propagandist tripe just rolls on regardless, doesn't it?
a)"Always objected to the settlers"? Words are cheap. What concrete steps have you taken to prevent Israel's creeping annexation of the West Bank? None, I'd say.
b)"Jews did arrive peacefully"? You mean Zionists, not Jews. Under the protection of British guns until such times as they had built up their own military force which was then used against the British and the Palestinians.
c)Re Jewish Arabs, you continue to ignore the data I've provided & recycle the same old nonsense.
d)If -if- you're sincere about "equal rights" for all, then the Palestinian refugees should be able to return to their homes and lands in Israel improper, the Israeli occupation should be lifted and all Israeli apartheid legislation should be repealed.
e)Palestinian violence has always been a mere pinprick compared to what the Israelis have dished out and continue to dish out.
Your attempts to sound reasonable, while advocating for dispossession & occupation, are a sham. Abba Eban once said that propaganda is the art of persuading others of what one does not believe oneself. If you do in fact believe your own propaganda, then you're deluded.
Posted by Strewth, Friday, 7 July 2006 1:09:23 PM
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