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Antisemitism still alive in Australia : Comments

By Julie Nathan, published 2/12/2013

Jews in Australia, as elsewhere around the world, worship, study, and work, under the protection of high fences, armed guards, and other security apparatus.

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Good article.

The current Australian government appears to be undermining the legislation which empowers people to battle against hate speech in the courts. I hope that the organisation you represent is involved in lobbying against those changes.

Unfortunately, when dealing with attitudes thousands of years old, it only takes a reminder such as the recent story of a fair-skinned child living with Gypsies, to re-ignite a medieval villager's habits of thought, that we can no longer afford, in a global village.

As Albert Einstein said,
"The unleashed power of the atom has changed everything save our modes of thinking and we thus drift toward unparalleled catastrophe."

I wonder what Professor Einstein, a man who committed his post-bomb life to peace activism, would think of the current state of Israel.

Israel has the bomb, and won't admit it. Instead, it rails against Iran's nuclear energy program (and I would rather Iran didn't have one at all), claiming Iran is intent on getting the bomb. imho, Israel should allow IAEA inspections, as do North Korea and Iran

This sort of hypocrisy, by the current Israeli government, may cause simple-minded people to confuse the cultural and religious traditions of Jews with the actions of a few bellicose leaders of an elected government (in this case, Israel's).

I sincerely hope that The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (whether or not you are speaking on their behalf) does not conflate unjust criticism of one or more of the unjust policies of the State of Israel with antisemitism.
Posted by Sir Vivor, Monday, 2 December 2013 9:19:57 AM
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Israel may have the bomb and rail against Iran's possession of the same, but there is a HUGE difference.

Iran and many other Islamic fundamentalists in the Middle East have a stated aim of wiping Israel. In fact it is a frequent exhortation in the Koranic trilogy, along with extensive expressions of other forms of hatred towards Jews and kaffirs, ie us. So is it any wonder.

Another thread here on On- Line Opinion is about the Gonski reforms and making our education system better, and talks about the PISA scores etc, and the need for better KPI's etc.

Well one KPI they could use, is how many Nobel Prizes has a country won per head. On that score Israelis are light years ahead of anyone else.

At least count Jewish people have been the authors of at least 186 Nobel Prizes. Not bad for about 38m people. Our score is about 25 Prizes. But then Cambridge University alone has done that.

But it is the Israeli's lot to now mainly live back in their home land, surrounded by waring Islamic sects of various persuasions, with low standards of literacy/education...for ever beholden to theology that is far from being peaceful.

Anti Semitic behaviour has no place in Australia...but I am afraid we are going to see more of it as immigration levels from the ME and Africa increase.

It would have been nice if the politicians had bothered to ask us if we wanted that.
Posted by bigmal, Monday, 2 December 2013 9:58:28 AM
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Yes, it would have been very nice indeed if the government ever bothered to ask us if we wanted increased immmigration, or any immigration at all, from muslim countries. I think if a referendum were held on such a topic, which We The People have every right to insist on, it would be stunningly defeated.
Posted by Cody, Monday, 2 December 2013 11:32:44 AM
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It is unfortunate that writers such as Ms Nathan perceive disagreements with the actions of the State of Israel as anti-Semitism. Typically, as she does, anti-Semitism is equated with anti-Jewishness. Semitic people are a sub-group of Afroasiatic languages that include Arabic, Aramaic, Hebrew and Phoenician among others.

There is enormous vilification and hatred of Muslim people in australia and elsewhere, but the Arab semitic people, more truly semitic than the descendants of European refugees that populate Israel, do not warrant a mention.

Does Ms Nathan really believe that votes of 180:6 in the UN General Assembly (the 6 including Israel, the US, United States of Micronesia and Palau) is based on a hatred of Jews? That may be comforting to her but it hardly accords with reality.

The hoary canard used by bigmal and his ilk about "wiping Israel" only serves to obfuscate the history of the region Israel occupies and what is really said by the surrounding governments. As for belligerent threats generally, reward the quotes of Netanyahu and his predecessors, which are a litany of constant threats. Compare the number of countries that Israel has invaded, occupied, bombed or sabotaged in its short existence with the record of its neighbours. Np prizes for guessing just who is the belligerent party here.

Or look at Israel's constant breaches of international law, its apartheid-like regime, or the treatment of Palestinians and the constant theft of their land. Again, not hard to spot the belligerent party.

Jewish community have flourished in places such as Syria and Iran. They flourish in australia too, notwithstanding the mindless attacks on some places and people. But Jews are not unique in suffering this intolerance. Ask any Aboriginal about Australia's fine tradition of racial tolerance; or any Australian Muslim, or indeed anyone who is "different" from the cultural stereotype.
Posted by James O'Neill, Monday, 2 December 2013 1:39:53 PM
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Julie, you forgot to mention the elephant in the room, you know the one, the one who is holding the Palestinians under brutal occupation and has done for 60 plus years, that commits atrocities and genocide upon the Palestinians, that humiliates the Palestinians, that kills their children, that throws them out of them homes into the street, that starves the Palestinians, steals their taxes, deprives them of medical aid and attention, that uses phosphorous munitions against them, that holds them in prison without trial, that defies U.N. Resolutions, that builds settlement upon occupied land, that destroys Palestinan farms, that...

I could fill up pages listing the sins of the Israelis but they ignore them, they pretend they aren't happening, haven't occurred.

And you wonder why the world seems to be anti-Jew and anti-Israeli!

No amount of Jewish lies hides Jewish evil.

Change Jewish behaviour and you might be treated as decent people!
Posted by David G, Monday, 2 December 2013 1:47:09 PM
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Looking forward to seeing how The Forum's moderators will respond to David G, who conflates the actions of the Israeli government with what he calls "Jewish evil". This is out and out racist stereotyping. His black and white views of all-powerful evil Jews versus helpless Muslim victims incapable of agency is insulting all around.
Posted by Alia, Monday, 2 December 2013 2:20:45 PM
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I agree with Sir Vivor, it is important to distinguish legitimate criticism of Israel from racist attacks on people who are Jewish. Not all criticism of Israel is racist, but some is. Both sides of the argument tend to deliberately blur the distinction – the pro-Israel lobby to imply that all criticism of Israel is merely racism, and the anti-Jewish racists to imply that they are merely expressing outrage at Israel’s behaviour, not being racist.

James O'Neill, I agree that Indigenous and Muslim Australians probably suffer more racism than Jewish ones. But that does not make racism directed at Jewish people ok, nor does it in any way undermine the validity of Julie’s argument – unless you hold that racism directed at Jews is somehow not as deplorable as racism directed at other minorities?.

David G, your negative stereotyping, tarring of all members of a groups with the same brush and palpable hatred are classic hallmarks of racism. The irony is that one could substitute Muslim/fundamentalist for your use of Jew/Israeli to replicate almost exactly the views of another set of bigots in these forums:

“I could fill up pages listing the sins of the Muslim fundamentalists but they ignore them, they pretend they aren't happening, haven't occurred.

“And you wonder why the world seems to be anti-Muslim

“No amount of Muslim lies hides Muslim evil.

Change Muslim behaviour and you might be treated as decent people!”

ps Graham, if you do delete David's post, better delete mine too!
Posted by Rhian, Monday, 2 December 2013 2:36:02 PM
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Criticising Israel is not anti-Semitic
and saying so is vile.
But singling out Israel for opprobrium and
international sanction - out of all proportion
to any other party in the Middle East - is
anti-Semitic, and not saying so is dishonest.

(Thomas Friedman).
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 2 December 2013 3:58:26 PM
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Dear David,

<<No amount of Jewish lies hides Jewish evil.>>

The vast majority of Jews are not liars or evil.
The vast majority of Jews are innocent victims of the lies of Jewish leaders, past and present.

As the Jews are currently celebrating the festival of Hanukkah, they are told that it is a festival of light, of the victory of good over evil. When the common Jew lights Hanukkah candles, eats the traditional food associated with this festival and plays the dreidel, they only harbour positive and benevolent thoughts and it's great time for the kids.

Unfortunately, nobody told them about the real origins of the festival, which in today's terms was equivalent to the victory of the Taliban, taking control over their region, burning and destroying all foreign elements (such as Buddhist statues) and establishing strict Shariah law, banning women and music.

The vast majority of Jews innocently believe that theirs is a benevolent religion, failing to see that it is not a religion at all, but a national-group-identity, using 'religion' merely as a beautiful cover-story, where god was shaped to suit the national aspirations of their leaders.

Other than a few sociopaths, the common Israeli too doesn't do any of the atrocities you list in person and many even honestly believe that their government does only good.

Persecuting Jews and Israelis based on their racial origins is absolutely wrong, although a bit of education would go a long way to help them.

The vast majority of Jews and Israelis should be treated as decent people because they ARE decent people, despite being afflicted with Judaism.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 2 December 2013 4:19:54 PM
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Foxy I agree with Thomas and you.
I have on numerous occassons criticised the actions if the Israeli government as well as the actions of those who attack Jews.

Where once the apologists of the Israels once characterised me as anti-semitic, now they would not dare. Simple honesty, reason and expression of logic, as expressed in part if David G's post, simply 'stuffs' them and they eventually fall silent. The exception so far being D. SINGER.

The same destiny awaits this latest Israeli propagandist.
Posted by imajulianutter, Monday, 2 December 2013 4:27:25 PM
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When Jews end Zionism like Europe/USA ended Fascism,then they will have nothing to fear.
Posted by Arjay, Monday, 2 December 2013 4:34:15 PM
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James O'Neill

It took me about 30 seconds to locate the most memorable quote that represents your so called old "hoar", about wiping Israel out.

What's the bet that some of the software and hardware that allowed to do this was the product of an Israeli.

This and plenty more that gives Israel ample justification for defending itself and for possessing nuclear weapons... that they helped to design and build.

Further if my neighbour wants to throw rockets and rocks at me over the fence I am sure as hell going to fire some back ..only bigger and better.

Israel stands as a beacon of light and achievement surrounded by sea of poor ignorant masses under the thrall of despots as leaders and their violent and back ward religion.

By the way look up Middle East Forum for how the ex Morsi Govt of Egypt enacted a whole list of fatwas ( now annulled) that were just so appalling...including one that women should not bathe in sea water because it is male... . that's what the Israelis have to put up with in their region.
Posted by bigmal, Monday, 2 December 2013 4:53:07 PM
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Here you go... what a contrast with Israel
Posted by bigmal, Monday, 2 December 2013 4:57:36 PM
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"The vast majority of Jews innocently believe that theirs is a benevolent religion," says Yuyutsu.

You are right, of course, but nothing could be further from the truth.

For many years I have watched the unequal struggle of the Palestinians against their brutal conquerors. Many times have I cried as I watched them constantly being crushed, downtrodden, humiliated, cheated, treated worse than animals (they are classed by Israelis as sub-humans of course).

And many times I have watched the cleverness of the Jewish Propaganda Machine and its infinite cunning as it manipulated the MSM and Western politicians to hide what was really happening in the West Bank and Gaza.

Most of the time I have been a lone voice crying in a Jew-controlled wilderness but I continue to list the crimes and atrocities of those who run Israel because the truth must be told. But there is a darker truth!

What most people don't realize is that Israel has nukes and its leaders are crazy enough to use them!

Israel's enabler, the U.S., is also crazy enough to use them and, hence, the world is faced with the threat of a nuclear holocaust by those who are mentally deranged by religion and out-of-control nationalism.

Wake up to the danger before it is too late! The fate of our world is hanging like the Sword of Damocles.
Posted by David G, Monday, 2 December 2013 5:16:38 PM
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its a worry..[all..this poor me/stuff]

living behind
IS..JUST/PLAIN..RUBBISH..[sympathy/card/poor you]

<<>.Antisemitic incidents rose by 21%
from 543 incidents in the previous 12 month period..
to 657 incidents during the current..12 month period..>> is..a scientific study..right?

<<..antisemitic the mainstream media,>>

how many..?[specifically]
<<Christian,>>..[how many?

<<Muslim, far Right, far Left and other publications.>>

ok..hard copy publications[how many
from the total..of...657..[RAW/NUMBERS..not percentages]

<<..It also covers antisemitism..on websites, Facebook,
YouTube,..and within the anti-Israel movement.>.

how many..are words you lot got shut down..immediately?

its still an..incident..but i..know i seen/over
20..embarrassing things mossad got deleted/instantly

considering the hundreds of 'watchers'..out there
seems getting two..a year..must be ok?

BUT I SEE WE HEre..the high carrd

<<..Incidents include assault, face-to-face abuse, property vandalism, graffiti, hate mail, and other forms of antisemitic harassment.>>

<<Around 22% of the 657 incidents
comprise physical assault and abuse and property destruction>>

im afraid u need more detail
i SUSPECT..'abuse' a loose use..[SPIN}

assault and property criminal

abuse..i was raised..on-sticks and stones can/beak bones
but abuse.[words],..can..never hurt me?

im calling you on your numbers
one in 4 results in..PHYSICAL..ASSULT?

whats 22%..of 657..
170..CRiMiNAL..aTTACKS..prove it

heckk..i get put down weekly..
assaulted/ words..even from/mates

i would have thought hundreds of..antiSemite stuff
your emphasis on the spin..[on the net..there is thousands]

not just 657
thats wrong too

show your numbers
ESPECIALLY..the 22%..physical..aSSULTS/BULL*
Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 December 2013 5:34:24 PM
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Dear David,

<<the world is faced with the threat of a nuclear holocaust by those who are mentally deranged by religion and out-of-control nationalism.>>

OK, but please leave religion out of this: out-of-control nationalism - yes of course, but it has nothing to do with religion.

As I mentioned and as you agreed yourself, most Jews believe that theirs is a [benevolent] religion rather than out-of-control nationalism, but they are mistaken and you should not repeat their error.

Religion is when one tries to come closer to God, to surrender to God and live in God, with God, infused by the grace of God, forsaking all worldly concerns to Him. Nationalism by contrast wants to achieve material/territorial success for the people in question, subjugating all others and claiming their resources - quite the opposite!

Judaism invented a god in its national image, one who is committed and always ready to help the nation. So long as he is perceived to support the nation they 'love' and worship him; if they sinned they try to appease him, praying that he forgives them and returns their glorious days as of old; but if he were perceived to work against the nation, then they would no longer need him, in fact they would have stoned, sacked and replaced him.

Note by-the-way that Netanyahu is not even religious according to Jewish standards - he doesn't for example keep the Sabbath and kosher rules.

So let us not get back to this, talk about nationalism and its evils, but leave religion alone.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Monday, 2 December 2013 6:02:09 PM
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"Religion is when one tries to come closer to God, to surrender to God and live in God, with God, infused by the grace of God, forsaking all worldly concerns to Him," says Yuyutsu.

Sounds like a recipe for disaster to me. I would need a frontal lobotomy to stifle my rational mind, to enable acceptance of your well-meant prescription.

I dismissed such thoughts in my teens!

Posted by David G, Monday, 2 December 2013 6:23:14 PM
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I find it interesting that on the same day this essay was published on On Line Opinion, the Guardian Australia has an article on the forcible removal of Bedouin by the Israeli Government from land in the Negev that they have lived on since long before the current state of Israel was proclaimed.
As always it is imperative to distinguish between the Zionist State of Israel, Zionists wherever they are and Jews living their lives as best they can whether in Israel or in the wider world.
The only way out of the current imbroglio is to declare one state in Israel/Palestine with one elected government based on one person/one vote and with full right-of-return to all those who have been dispossessed of their land and homes since the current troubles began. Sooner of later this will happen, so why not cut to the chase and begin the process today.
Until then we will merely repeat the division, dissension and impending disaster that has been all the story for far too long.
Posted by halduell, Monday, 2 December 2013 7:07:26 PM
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Obama has nothing to lose now. He recognises Netanyahu as a pathological liar. Hopefully he will let Iran get the bomb too. Only then will Israel accept realpolitik and start to make peace. A bomb for Iran would be great.
Posted by dane, Monday, 2 December 2013 8:59:51 PM
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Great idea
"full right-of-return to all those who have been dispossessed of their land and homes”

So long as that applies to a million or so Jews too.

Few Arabs who left in 1948 are alive today. Jews would be they were evicted up to the 60s, Arab/Muslim countries couldn't pay those people back.

British records show Arabs owned little.

A person BORN in a country, cannot claim to be a refugee of another. A refugee has to have been evicted from one's county of birth.

The Guardian?

Spare me!

No, Bedouin weren't living in the Negev prior to Partition. My father grew up in the Land of Israel in the 1929s and 30s,there were very few Bedouin around then. British aerial footage proves that point.

If you have one skerrick of care for the environment, I suggest you go and see the filth, squalor and general disgusting mess they have made. It is sickening

**For years the Israeli authorities have been struggling with this issue. On the one hand, the ownership claims have been rejected outright in legal proceedings. In some of the claims, the assertions of “ownership for hundreds of years” were exposed as fraudulent. Aerial photographs from the last century proved that “a settlement that had existed for centuries” had not even existed for a few decades.

Despite the legal determinations, the state decided on a generous arrangement. Every Bedouin family is entitled to a plot of land in one of the Bedouin towns built in the region where they live, and there are plans for the construction of many more towns. These arrangements attempt to approximate the Bedouin tradition and heritage as much as possible.

For this reason a plot of land in a Bedouin town is nearly one dunam (1/4 acre), which is much larger than the plots in other towns. On the other hand, this is an arrangement that is in line with accepted practices in modern countries, in which land ownership requires registration, and in which human habitations require infrastructure, running water, connection to the electricity grid and paved roads.**
Posted by SF, Monday, 2 December 2013 9:01:27 PM
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70.000bedoin..DONT EXIST?

One will destroy the other.

ahhh men

Cameron’s pledge to his Jewish friends:

“An enemy of Israel is an enemy of mine.
A threat to Israel is a threat to us all”

British MPs urge Israel to come clean on nukes
israel convicted of War Crimes:

Because of the bias the International Criminal Court in The Hague demonstrates in its selection of cases to cover, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal was established by former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad in 2007 to investigate war crimes.

“The perpetrators had committed acts against the Palestinians, with intent to kill, cause serious bodily or mental harms and deliberately inflict conditions of life calculated to bring about the physical destruction of the Palestinians as a whole or in part.”

“These are universal crimes for which there is a responsibility upon nations to institute prosecutions. The Tribunal deplores the failure of international institutions to punish the State of Israel for its crimes and its total lack of respect of International Law and the institutions of the United Nations.”

Please read the Complete November 2013
Judgment of the Kuala Lumpur Tribunal:

mark Zuckerberg Is Grandson Of David Rockefeller? Real name. Jacob Greenberg?

Ok so this Greenberg / Zuckerberg thing is getting weirder by the second.

A Jacob Greenberg was arrested for possession of Marijuana and this mugshot was taken. It was later revealed that this could indeed be the man the world knows as Mark Zuckerberg.

His family members include David Rockefeller, his Grandfather. A little strange because Rothschild owns 8% of Facebook shares. Both Rothschild and Rockefeller are well known names….TAP with One World Government associations.

and his other granpa….greenberg…CEO of AIG

TAP – Facebook was funded with $500 million from a CIA owned bank, which was a bit suspicious. I wonder if Google has similar disguised progeny.

settler/colonizing theocratic/Democracy
is in direct conflict

with JEWISH-zionist Secularity -

they cannot coexist.
Posted by one under god, Monday, 2 December 2013 9:40:25 PM
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There is nothing wrong with criticising the policies of the Israeli government . If you demonise Jews in general for those policies , you are an antisemite .
If you hold Israel to a higher set of standards than any other nation and use it to demonise and ultimately seek to delegitimise Israel you are an antisemite .
If you seek to deny the national aspirations and right to statehood of the Jewish people while actively promoting the same rights for Palestinians , that too makes you an antisemite . It's quite simple really !
Posted by Harvela, Monday, 2 December 2013 10:13:57 PM
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Having read through some of the rants above , I realise now that I inadvertently signed up to a latter day Nuremberg rally reunion fest . No moderation so time to take my leave and take a long hot shower
Posted by Harvela, Monday, 2 December 2013 10:35:23 PM
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it..should-have..fitted neatly..into/the heading

its just..this lucked would..have/been..the sane voice/of moderation..but..were you really..what you/ be..[i would.say/ a key*clue]

its..a/shame really

/quote..<<..There is nothing wrong..with criticizing/the policies of the..Israeli government..>>

absolutely..govt's..can/must be..criticized
[or praised]..when..its due..

even/the next..bit sounds..'fair'

<<..If you..demonize general are an antisemite .>>

but what if you try to..shame/yankies..
/or shame blame..ALL*..islam/for..a few suicide nutters?

that's not-on either

<<<If you hold a higher set/of standards.than any other nation..>>

we dont
your play by the rules

[ah/la..neuremberg/trials]..and sadly..israel dont

<<and use/it to demonise
and to delegitimise>>> palestein*

The wall in..question does NOT/
separate Israel and..the Palestinian West Bank.

According to..the United Nations Office..for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, “Some 85% of the Barrier’s route runs inside the West Bank,/rather than along..the Green Line”

The Israeli/organization B’Tselem says the same

*Israel you are an antisemite .

If you seek *to deny..*the national aspirations
and./right to statehood..of the PALSTINE people
while actively promoting the same rights..for I$REAL
,..that too makes you an antisemite...

It's..quite simple./really!

ooh well/pro-intel..didnt work..[this time]
sadly..the rest/of you..are doing..just fine

sadly..both sides are 'dark-forces'


its always sad..when..'neutral minds'
decide to leave..but you sounded like a nice harvey.[ela]

its just the facts are so horrid still at/it

monsanto/too too

more poor u

its really..a fine..line art

An exhibition of art from inmates at Auschwitz during WW2 was on display in NYC in November 2013.

Which is highly hypocritical when you consider that back in 2011, an exhibition of art from children in Gaza was banned in California because Jewish groups complained it was "anti-Semitic".

So, maybe Germans should complain about the current New York exhibit as being "anti-German" and have it taken down!

semites fighting semites
is semitism..[or a sign..of too much seminite[inbred trible fears gone wild]

OHH...and/watchout for stux..type2
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 7:03:16 AM
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Dear David,

<<I would need a frontal lobotomy to stifle my rational mind, to enable acceptance of your well-meant prescription.>>

It would be interesting to discuss on another thread what it takes to become religious, where I could explain why lobotomy is not required, but only the gradual creation of new neural pathways in order to evolve from being ego-focused into being divine-focused.

But for the purpose of this topic, all which matters is that the Jewish so-called 'religion' is not truly about God and turns its followers into nation-focused instead.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 7:23:50 AM
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the qualities of god..are contained..within..the one word

nature..isnt survival/of fittest gown-up
its about the nurture..that sustains nature

see the most vile/beast..yet loves its own
[of course..there are any rule]
in time of drought..parents may eat..their own young
BUT generally..THE YOUNG..survive..ONLY..because of good nurture there is way more love[good]
than..hate..hate..[in nature]..hates..then love returns

to say god isnt opinion..not fact
[think..of a constant base-condition..[default]

love alone..can live eternally
hate only long as the last hater

nature/nurture..are symbiotic..not opposing
just as good/god..same same

jesus saying see me/see my father
by their deeds..will we know their learning's

same same same
gods sure..good/sign..=life/love/logic/light
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 9:00:37 AM
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As Antony Loewenstein points out in his book,
"My Israel Question,"Conflating legitimate criticism of
Israel with antisemitism - calling critics of Israeli
policies antisemitic - is a strategy intended to stifle
criticism and dissent. Not every anti-Zionist is antisemitic;
to assert that they are makes it more difficult to
distinguish between real antisemitism and harsh but often
warranted criticism of Israel."

"Israel and Judaism are separate and should not automatically
be connected. Likewise, antisemitism is not anti-Zionism,
though the two can be connected and are sometimes conflated."

As Akiva Eldar wrote in Haaretz:

"It is much easier to claim the entire world is against us
than admit that the state of Israel, which rose as a refuge and
a source of pride for Jews ... has become a genuine source of
danger and a source of shameful embarrassment to Jews who
choose to live outside its border."
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 10:10:27 AM
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Well, well. It seems that there is nothing like publishing an article on antisemitsm to flush out the antisemites. The moderators of OLO need to do some serious self-reflection on how and why their website, and the political views it generally promotes, seem to spawn outpourings of raw-sewage antisemitism from posters like “David G” and “one under god”. OLO’s procedures for monitoring and moderating posts are also obviously in urgent need of improvement.

The postings here illustrate how the online media help to proliferate racism. It is not good enough for online publishers to remove racism only in response to complaints. They have a responsibility to be pro-active and check for, and weed out, grossly racist comments before, or within a short time after, they are posted, and not leave them up on their site for days at a time. If they had pride in their product they would not allow this to happen. It’s a reflection on them and their websites, a poor one, and not just on the authors of the racist posts.

The majority is always slow to see prejudice that is directed against a minority group such as gays, the disabled, indigenous people, or ethnic or religious communities. The majority are not affected personally by it. It is hard but necessary to understand how material that is being considered for publication will be perceived by members of the affected group. It is easy, but false, to simply assume that any claimed offence is merely feigned for political advantage.
Posted by Quintus, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 10:24:55 AM
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There is no team of moderators here to pounce on every unacceptable posting. If you complain about a post Graham Young will look into it; if not, it stands.

This site does have a very strong ethos of free speech and diversity, publishing a range of views including many on the fringes of mainstream thought and acceptability. Likewise, its posters are diverse and often opinionated. It’s one of the few sites that keeps censorship to the absolute minimum needed to comply with the law, and has from time to time come under attack from hate campaigns designed to prevent it from airing certain opinions. It has resisted these, to its great credit.

I loathe the views of racists like David G, but I think it’s far better to dispute them than silence them.
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 11:01:55 AM
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Quintus I think your views promoting censorship should be censored.

If Israel claims to be a western liberal democracy then of course it should be expected to maintain higher standards and behaviours than those that don't claim to hold western democratic ways.

That is the western liberal democratic way.
Posted by imajulianutter, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 11:12:58 AM
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"I loathe the views of racists like David G," says Rhian.

Listing the many sins, atrocities, war crimes, cases of land stealing and tax withholding, the murder of Rachael Corrie (Google it) and the people on the Turkish Aid Boat, the head-shooting of Palestinian children, the use of phosphorous munitions, the starving and impoverishment of Palestinians by Israel, plus their constant humiliation and loss of their homes and farms because of Israel, etc, etc, are NOT MY VIEWS!

They are facts that anyone who is even moderately informed and intelligent would know.

Claiming that presenting facts makes me a racist is nonsensical and infantile.

I'm just a man who hates injustice and I will ALWAYS stand up for the underdogs!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 12:21:17 PM
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David G
I do not call you a racist for your loathing of Israel, but for the way you project that loathing onto Jewish people in general.
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 12:34:06 PM
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"I do not call you a racist for your loathing of Israel, but for the way you project that loathing onto Jewish people in general," says Rhian in a grand rhetorical though infanticle flourish.

Please provide examples of where you think I have 'projected' my 'loathing' onto 'Jewish people in general'.


- I have never once made any statement that includes all Jews when detailing the multiple crimes of Israel.

- I have never once suggested or implied that I loathe Jewish people because the truth is that I don't loathe them. I do however have serious issues with the people who currently live and vote in Israel. Then so do a lot of Jews!

- All evidence I have provided refers to things done (atrocities, massacres, bombings, genocide, land stealing, wall building, etc) over decades to the Palestinians by their occupying military power, namely Israel.
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 2:07:10 PM
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David G

quoted from your post above:

"And you wonder why the world seems to be anti-Jew and anti-Israeli!
"No amount of Jewish lies hides Jewish evil.
"Change Jewish behaviour and you might be treated as decent people!"
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 2:30:21 PM
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Dear David,

<<I do however have serious issues with the people who currently live and vote in Israel.>>

I do hope that these serious issues include the Israeli Arabs who have the right, but don't bother to vote, thus allowing Netanyahu and his settlers to rule.

They comprise over 20% of Israel's citizens and the reason about half of them don't bother to vote is that they do not perceive themselves as Israelis, but of another nation (Palestinians).

The Palestinians of Eastern Jerusalem are entitled to vote for the Jerusalem council - but very few of them do. They have permanent-resident status and are also entitled to become Israeli citizens, yet they just choose not to do it. Why should they then complain when their council evicts them from their homes under various pretexts? Had they bothered to come and elect their own representatives, they could easily have had a majority in the council and prevent those evictions!

All nationalism is a disease just the same (yes, even including Australian).

I do agree with Rhian:

You equate Jewish honest mistakes with lies;
Jewish ignorance with evil;
and Jewish affliction and illness with indecent behaviour.

Do others not suffer from the same?
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 2:42:15 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

Perhaps the Palestinians perceive themselves differently
because they're always been treated differently by the

Taken from the web:

"Although Palestinian citizens of Israel are entitled to vote
and participate in Israeli political life and several
politicians are members of the Knesset (Israeli Parliament)
they do not receive the same treatment as the Jewish citizens
at the hands of the government."

"From the birth of ths state in 1948 until 1966 -
predominantly Palestinian areas were ruled through a military
government that enforced draconian restrictions affecting
all realms of life."

"Israel still applies 20 laws that privilege Jews over Arabs,
for example, the 1950 Law of Return which grants
automatic citizenship rights to Jews anywhere in the world
upon request, while denying the same right of Palestinians."

"The Basic Law of Human Dignity and Freedom ensure that Israel
is the state of the "Jewish" people not its citizens. The law
was passed in 1992 - to serve as a "Bill of Rights", as
Israel doesn't have a written Constitution."

"Israel's flag and other National symbols are Jewish not neutral
or National ones that represent all of the citizens of the

Also, government resource are disproporionally directed to
Jews and not Arabs. Palestinian schools and their children's
education are extremely poorly funded, and the list goes on:

If people are treated differently, they behave differently.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 4:40:45 PM
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Foxy, you made some good points.

Unfortunately, the Palestinians have few supporters in Australia, the mythical land of the fair-go!
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 5:29:05 PM
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David G,
The greatest oppressors of Muslims are other Muslims,why do you make a special exception for the Palestinians and not, say the Shia minorities spread across Western Asia who live in the same precarious state as the people in Gaza and the West Bank?
I don't think you're actually an anti Semite as you don't profess anything but Judeo Christian universalism but you do seem to hold Jews to a higher standard of behaviour than other middle easterners.
Then again that's also consistent with Judeo Christian beliefs, the oaths of Jews are seen as "more sacred" than those of gentiles so when Jews talk about peace and the being the light among nations you hold them to their word, Anti Semites don't, that's the difference.
Posted by Jay Of Melbourne, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 5:57:49 PM
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The primary reason why anti Semitism is growing in Australia is because Australia has foolishly imported 300,000 Muslims, and hatred of the Jews (and everybody else who is not Muslim) is a religious obligation under Islam. So, if there are any Jews out there who supported multiculturalism, you just shat in your own nest, didn't you?

The second reason, is because our social regressive class have flipped allegiances. They were once the Jews most ardent supporters and you were not really hip if you had not worked on a Kibbutz. But Israel kept winning it's wars and if there is one thing that a trendy hates, it is a winner.

Once the trendies went in to bat for the poor Muslims who were unable to exterminate the Israelis, they could not hold back. Since they seem to possess Absolutist personalities where there 50 shades of grey can not exist outside of the bedroom, The Jews trans mutated from being the victims to the oppressors. The Syrian and Iraqi governments can drop poison gas on their own civilians and you are not going to hear a peep from the Greens or the Leichardt Municipal Council. But if the Israelis do to the Arabs what the Arabs have been doing to them for 1300 years, the world savers will scream it from the rooftops.
Posted by LEGO, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 6:05:02 PM
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Dear Foxy,

So it's a chicken-and-egg issue.

No doubt that Palestinians as well as Arab Israelis have serious grievances against Israel, but some people like their grievances more than their own welfare, like those crippled beggars in India who live of displaying their deformities to tourists: some could be treated, but they refuse treatment, they don't want to be well, their crookedness is their profession.

You want to do for them more than they are willing to do for themselves. Why for heaven sake can't they at least VOTE? Along with their brothers and sisters of the Israeli peace-camp they could have achieved victory, they could have kicked Netanyahu and his gang out, they could have signed a peace deal, have a Palestinian state, better and fairer living conditions, more water, repealing of draconian laws, etc. Perhaps their achievements may not be perfect, but they could experience such an improvement!

But what do they do?
Come election-day, they sit at home.
For those who are permanent-residents there are forms to fill:
if they filled them they would become Israeli citizens in 18-24 months,
then add their votes to the peace-camp...
then nobody could kick them out of their homes...
but they don't. Why? Is their hand hurting?

Regarding those draconian restrictions, 1948-1966, haven't Australia done the same with alien Japanese/German citizens during WWII? Essentially, rightly or wrongly, these people could not be trusted, they were assumed to side with the enemy. Were all those restrictions necessary? no, they were overly cruel beyond what was absolutely necessary and lacked discrimination between real and imaginary dangers. Mind you, Jews of German origins were also idiotically locked up during WWII in Australian detention camps together with Nazis, forced to eat with them at the same table.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 6:13:33 PM
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Let me pose this question: what if tomorrow, we all woke up and switched on the news and found that, overnight, the Israelis had bayoneted every single Palestinian child, women and man.

On OLO, the following would be typical responses:

1. The Jews have made a terrible mistake but an honest one!

2. The Jewish ignorance which brought this tragedy about cannot in any way be seen as evil, just a case of human frailty combined with the influence of overly fervent religious conviction!

3. The indecent but short-lived violent behaviour of the IDF was a result of Jewish affliction and illness and trauma experienced over centuries!

4. Who cares? The only good Palestinian is a dead one!

5. A terrible tragedy but at least six decades of Palestinian suffering and humiliation has finally ended. The obvious question is: who is going to wear the Israeli yoke next? (my comment).

Which response best suits you? Could it be racist?
Posted by David G, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 6:55:41 PM
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David G

Your certainty about others’ responses here is breathtaking. In my case, and I'm sure most others, the answer would be “none of the above”. I would be as outraged as you.

But – I would not see this as in any way justification for the racism directed at Australian Jews that Julie’s article describes.

By comparison - do you see the excesses of the Taliban as jistification for racism directed at Australian Muslims?
Posted by Rhian, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 7:13:08 PM
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i have..not noted the author presenting the raw numbers
but she..did send in two/of her masters..from..on high..[two/new to olo/posters]

anyhow..its good to see/the word getting out

poor grayham..must be copping some flack..
quimtus..especially..could have tried refuting the post..not the poster..[but this standard..]..its sad..if they had proof..they would have

but the numbers are pure spin[to/get near the one quarter/assault/spin
they [julie]necessarily needed to minimize..even/the number/of posts such as mine..easily surpass..the 675..[if they are regarded wrongly as anti-zion/seminite/shite]

anyhow..the worry..isnt..based in reality
thus part of a psy-op/red or blackflag event..likely on the 8th candle-day

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu broke bread for the first time with Pope Francis at the Vatican.

The two leaders exchanged gifts and discussed plans for a papal visit to the Holy Land in May, as well as peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians.

the pope got a book..[from..neta's daddy

as a historian, Mr. Netanyahu reinterpreted the Inquisition in “The Origins of the Inquisition in Fifteenth Century Spain” (1995)...offered evidence that most Jews in Spain had willingly become Catholics and were enthusiastic about their new religion.

Jews were persecuted, he concluded — many of them burned at the stake — for being perceived as an evil race rather than for anything they believed or had done. Jealousy over Jews’ success in the economy and at the royal court only fueled the oppression, he wrote. The book traced what he called “Jew hatred” to ancient Egypt, long before Christianity.

In other words, Ben Zion Netanyahu’s argument shifted the root blame for the Inquisition from religion to ingrained racial animus–from the spiritual to the secular.

If one was going to give the Pope a book about the Inquisition, then, this would be the one. Moreover, not only does the book’s revisionist reckoning partially absolve Christianity for Spanish persecution of the Jews,

The elder Netanyahu’s account of the Inquisition then, whatever its merits as a reconstruction of the past, serves as a powerful warning
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 3 December 2013 8:53:07 PM
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I think it is a silly question, David G. Whereas I would not have put it past the Arabs to engage in such behaviour had they won the 1967 war, the Jews can find more socially acceptable ways to get rid of their unwanted minorities.

They could just copy Islam, and spend centuries making it plain to all non Jews that they had better convert to Judaism or get out. They could copy Islam by putting special taxes on non Jews. Kill the odd non Jewish religious leader. Look the other way when some small massacre of non Jews happens somewhere. Refuse to allow the building of non jewish religious buildings and refuse to allow the repair of others in dire need or repair. Have a legal system which considers any evidence by non Jews to be unreliable. Make certain that all non Jews live in fear. Rape their women at every opportunity. Force the non Jews to form special army units that will be in the front lines and will get killed off first in any war. Build a synagogue on top of every significant non Jewish site to prevent non Jews from accessing their holy places. Such tactics have been a very effective means of social control and ethnic cleansing practiced by Muslims for centuries.

Finally, have your western supporters always scream about non Jewish attempts to defend themselves against Jewish religious imperialism while never mentioning the fact that by copying Islam, the Jews have been effective and imaginative ethnic cleansers for centuries.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 3:57:38 AM
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what have the servants of satan/done while we sleep?

more muslims..into'camps/then gulags



one/dead..palistinian/child..EVERY 3 days



UN declares 2014 the ‘Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’

the frenchie'/connection


Palestinians to protest JNF event: Trees are soldiers in occupation


security..for corporations

the maps/story

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 6:01:45 AM
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You missed out a word:

" .... have your western supporters always scream about non Jewish attempts to defend themselves against Jewish religious imperialism while never mentioning the fact that by copying Islam, the Jews COULD have been effective and imaginative ethnic cleansers for centuries.'

Just trying to help :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 8:11:27 AM
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nice try joe

LETgo..wrote..<<..the Jews have been effective
and imaginative*..ethnic cleansers for centuries.
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 3:57:38 AM..>>

joe came here..from there

but he is trying to build his lego blocks..differently
but kitchen..too

we are talking..of the settlers..
who/ dark/ under?

UNDER*..talmudc law?
read the rule those zionists[sorry jew/
sons of jewish-..mother' in the deserts]
quotations;..from the Soncino Edition
of the Talmud,(Book]

SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?...

Rab said:..Pederasty with a child
below nine years of not deemed
as pederasty..with a child above that.

(footnotes)"..The reference is to..
the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy


do you get that joe?
now lets go younger

[is/this..what the settlers are doing in the deserts

YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it

the daughter of a..'proselyte'..
who was under..the age of three years[and one day]...,

and Rabbi declared her/eligible*
to live with a priest."

(footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years
and one day married by a priest...

*And was a priest.

(i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."]


Child sacrifice was practised in ancient times as offering to the Ammonite god Molech a worship of natural fertility which was forbidden by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18: 21; 20: 1 - 5; 1Kings 11: 7; 2 Kings 17 17; 21: 6; 27: 10; Jeremiah 32: 35; Ezekiel 16: 21.
Tradition ascribed to Sanchuniathon stated that the Pheonicians sacrificed children.

the practice of Mlk occurs in Ugarit texts and has been ascribed by Gordon as a kind of child sacrifice (C H Gordon, Ugaritic Handbook 1947 edit page 246)

what happens to..a nest of vipers?
when..its only..the innocents..that are..
the offering blood-'sacrifice' satanic vices..of athiest-secular/man..putting mens urges..before god.

ye shall..put..none..before god
love loving his children..dont include rape...
murder/maiming/mutating/pill-aging..nor looting..or poluting

by their works..will we know them
trouble is..the nest a..nursery
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 8:34:22 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

I don't know why Palestinians don't vote in
Israel. I can only hazard a guess due to the
treatment that they receive and how even in Israel
the media often fail to inform readers of the
reality of Israel's strangehold.

What I do know is that criticism of Israel should
not simply be to label critics as antisemites
but to begin focusing on justice for both Israelis
and Palestinians and not just on military might.
The Jewish state can only ignore majority world opinion
for so long.

Despite these uncomfortable realities, as Loewenstein
points out in his book, " the Israeli
perspective is far better "understood" in the West largely
because of the Zionist lobby's activities, but also because
Israel's struggle against "terrorism" is now framed even
more so since September 11 - as "our" struggle against
Islamic fundamentalism. The Palestinians are not particularly
effective at translating their message for a Western audience,
and most Western journalists based in Israel spend relatively
little time in East Jerusalem and the occupied territories."

"Zionist lobby groups in the USA, United Kingdom, Europe and
Australia are highly vocal and efficient at persuading
journalists, editors, and politicians that Israel must be
supported and defended. Ferocious media monitoring groups
such as HonestReporting contribute to the atmosphere of
intimidation. They also refuse to tolerate dissenting opinions
on the conflict, and actively campaign against Jewish and
non-Jewish critics."

Foe example, Dr Ilan Pappe, Senior Lecturer at the University of
Haifa in Israel and author of, "A History of Modern Palestine,"
today lives in London with his family. Pressure against him
in Israel forced him to move.

So, how can Palestinians be expected to behave normally under
these sorts of conditions and use their right to vote.
Intimidation usually wins out.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 9:20:09 AM
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Racial or religious profiling is an abhorrent act and nobody deserves to be treated that way in any civilised society.

Unfortunately it's what we have always done and will probably continue to do for at least another generation. This nation was founded on racial hatred for the Chinese.

It's no different from the Cronulla riot (except for the widespread encouragement of a certain shock-jock) and should be equally condemned.

As for the constant criticism of Israel and Zionism generally, it's not who they are, it's the things that they do as a nation that creates and maintains that position.
Posted by wobbles, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 10:30:39 AM
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Dear Foxy,

While Israeli Arabs are wronged in several ways, it NEVER went as far as intimidation not to vote by Jews or by the Israeli authorities. Not a single case so far. I read the Haaretz paper which is strongly against the government's militant policies and if there was any such case they would be screaming to the heavens. Unlike in Australia, even Arab-Israeli prisoners, even those convicted of terrorism or espionage, are entitled to vote and the Israeli government makes sure they are given the opportunity to vote from prison.

There are indeed some cases of intimidation against voting by fellow villagers, especially Muslim men who don't want to allow their women to leave the house in order to vote. Preventing someone from voting is a serious criminal offence in Israel and those caught doing so are punished severely.

The most common reason cited for Arab-Israelis not voting is "we don't care, it's not our country". Another is that it would legitimise the state of Israel. I think these are poor excuses: if it ain't your country, why not MAKE it your country? If it ain't legitimate, why then not exercise a tiny effort once every 4 years to make it worthy of being legitimised? There are Arab parties to vote for, both communist and Muslim, that are openly against the Jewish state, but then, what to do about Muslim ideology that claims it illegitimate and irreconcilable for even one Jew to live in an area formerly conquered by Islam.

Mind you, while not voting, Israeli Arabs are not shy of receiving Jewish social-security payments and generous support for their large families.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 10:37:50 AM
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Wobbles and Yuyutsu,

Spot-on ! Thank you for some sense in this barren argument.


Posted by Loudmouth, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 10:58:55 AM
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You've got me stumped:how can you compliment BOTH Wobbles and Yuyutsu?

They're as different as chalk and cheese. Praising Yuyutsu I can understand, he makes some sound points --but Wobbles? ROFL

As we have come to expect from Mr Wobble he just gives us his party's standard mindless cliches:
"This nation was founded on racial hatred for the Chinese"
"It's no different from the Cronulla riot"
"it's not who they are, it's the things that they do as a nation"
Then he garnishes it with a motherhood statement "Racial or religious profiling is an abhorrent act and nobody deserves to be treated that way"

What Mr Wobbles doesn't say is he only every picks up on racism when it comes from the Israelis or "WASP" Ozzies, hence Cronulla was all about those dastardly rednecked Ozzies picking on innocent Muslims who juuuuuuuuuust wanted to enjoy the sea breeze--TYPICAL!
Posted by SPQR, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 11:38:17 AM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

Thank You for your opinions.
Antony Loewenstein in his book,
"My Israel Question," presents a somewhat
different perspective to the one you're stating.
His is a searching discussion in one of the most
important debates of our times and well worth a
read, if you haven't already read it.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 12:38:58 PM
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EVEN..alex/jones..has..seen/the light


lego/bricks/quote..<<..the Jews/can find..more socially-acceptable get rid..of their..unwanted minorities.>> in
but just watch..the big..edit..
the mossad/french doing as we speak

then..poor lego-block..goes off into..fantasia

<<..spend centuries making it plain>>

israel..already HALF there..50..year oppression/block-head

<<to all non Jews that they had better convert to Judaism>>

how ignorant you are
[NO JEW MOTHER=no jew]

[you cant be that stupid]

but/ya..made..your threat..[point]<<or get out>>.

<<putting special taxes on non Jews.>>

<Kill the odd non Jewish religious leader.>>

<<Look the other way when some small massacre of non Jews happens somewhere.>>

lego/block-head..your clearly so deluded
its not worth even thinking about your dis-info
let alone the boastful..underlying threat..implicit in your crimes

<<....Have a legal system which considers any evidence by non Jews to be unreliable.>>

<<Make certain that all non Jews live in fear.>>

done..and done too death

<<Rape their women at every opportunity.>>

in process [[it sure seemed to work
they..fled thier houses for*some reason
now we know why

<<Force the form special/army units..that in the front/lines..and will..get killed off first/in any war.>>


<<Build a synagogue[settler camp]..on top of every significant non jewish/ prevent non-Jews/from accessing their holy places.>>


<<Finally, have your western supporters always scream>>

done to death
we got 8 of you..just on the one thread

i hope..they got less fact
more imagination..but im..not holding my breath


more muslims..into'camps/then gulags



one/dead..palistinian/child..EVERY 3 days



UN declares 2014 the ‘Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People’

the frenchie'/connection


Palestinians to protest JNF event: Trees are soldiers in occupation


security..for corporations

the maps/story

Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 1:10:54 PM
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Wobbles, everybody on planet Earth judges individuals by their group associations. It is not wrong, it is entirely normal and an everyday occurrence. If you continue to claim it is wrong, then I am going to pay a game with you. I am going to sit here and monitor everything you say, and I am going to jump on you when you do it yourself. And you are going to do it yourself, because everybody does it.

Some fool has said to you that it is wrong to judge people by their group associations and you just accepted it without bothering to think about it. You are having your moral and mental boundaries dictated to you by people who are too stupid and vain to know that their moral imperatives are so unobtainable that they are unable to comply with them themselves.

If you really think that you are intelligent, sit down and monitor every written article on OLO and note how many times that people prejudge, label and stereotype every member of a group they hold in contempt. Then figure out that your position is not that of a person capable of critical thinking, and start getting angry at the people who are dictating nonsense to you and treating you like a fool
Posted by LEGO, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 6:56:56 PM
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Dear LEGO,

Only dyslectic people confuse 'Normal' for 'Moral'.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 4 December 2013 11:51:11 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu.

What is "moral" is entirely subjective. Morality in any society is simply the values, attitudes and behaviours which by general consensus is considered the right thing to do. In case you haven't noticed, what is morally right and morally wrong varies very markedly between cultures and is subject to change over time.

The idea that morality is absolute appeals only to people who have what psychologists call "Absolutist personalities." Such people comprise a significant proportion of the world's population and for them, morality can only be absolute and is usually based upon their particular religions dogma.

But people with Absolutist personalities can also inhabit political and social movements, particularly those that demand a complete change in the political, social, financial, and ecological status quo in order to reach a new nirvana. For "Absolutist personalities", there can be no shades of grey, everything must be black and white.

My prognosis is that you do not posses an Absolutist personality, Yuyutsu. You just didn't think out what you were writing. If you are still confused, lie down on the couch and I will continue your diagnosis.
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 5 December 2013 3:30:38 AM
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lego..<<..Wobbles, everybody on planet Earth judges individuals by their group associations>>

absolut-isms..are rarely..absolutely correct..
thus they need to-be challenged..[not because their right..or wrong..but because absolutes..stop thinking]

are we talking about..peer/pressure here/or typecasting
or is/it..the perceived/differences..or avoidance..of sameness

im remminded that the same act..can
produce/different results..[just like..there are many/ the same'

its the absolute..[close-minded]..that seems our greatest divider

[i..had to read your post 3 find a point off difference
but when we search..for divisive/minutia..its seek and find

in the end..its our difference/that make us the group
yet it/was our common concern..that formed..the group..but..are we all*..getting a fair 'lick/at the sauce bottle'..[i would think-not]

but then others/..dont want sauce
in the only matters whether we can agree with anyone..long enough to get..a good fruit/betterment..or solution.

we dont need to much as
we need to avoid/hating/hurting/fearing/judging..of any-other[whether they be sister/or brother/duty or bother...prisoner/guard..indigent/invader

ie..[i ..expect artists..of all ilk..

yet share greater passions..for their art..than the poli-tricks
[i think thats why olo works..we just love words.

and stringing them/together...into mind/form..
[to..[share/expand-upon..the idea's../behind..the word's/works/deeds]

ideas..have greater value..than the thing/itself
because the idea..can/be freely all

yet not be appreciated equally..but in the end..
we all got an idea..but then/lack..the right words.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 December 2013 6:35:31 AM
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Dear LEGO,

Morality is based on one single principle propounded by Hillel:

"That which you hate being done unto you - do not do unto others"

And as Hillel concluded, "This is the whole Torah - as for the details, go figure them out for yourself".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 5 December 2013 8:28:13 AM
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"That which you hate being done unto you - do not do unto others."

If this is the main meaning of the whole Torah, how does it fit with the barbaric treatment of the Palestinians by the Jews who live in Israel, the Jewish homeland?
Posted by David G, Thursday, 5 December 2013 10:14:30 AM
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davidf/g..<<..That which you hate being done unto you - do not do unto others."

If this is the main meaning of the whole Torah, how does it fit with the barbaric treatment of the Palestinians by the Jews who live in Israel, the Jewish homeland?>>

its simple..atheist/zionists..have heisted..
the religious..privledge..into an athiest[secular]..state/right.

only secular zionists/.[and atheist-jews]
not the religious freaks..[shove them..out/into the wilderness]
put the kinky..into gulags..[sorry kibutz]..and the disposed/ religious freaks into..gaza..or west back..or egypt..or syria

anywhere but in..the zionist atheist/state
sure use the imagery..subvert the lampstand/of levie..into
the risen/star..of david..[borne-again]..[there is ya messiah..right there.]


its a do the bolchovic..thing..all over again
next stalins purge..then do like the chinese/commies did

its the god-less dont treat the issue lightly
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 December 2013 11:47:09 AM
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Dear David,

<<"That which you hate being done unto you - do not do unto others."

If this is the main meaning of the whole Torah, how does it fit with the barbaric treatment of the Palestinians by the Jews who live in Israel, the Jewish homeland?>>

It doesn't.

Israel's politicians follow, when convenient, the letter of the Torah rather than what Hillel claims to be its spirit.

Some Jewish commentators excuse it by saying that the word I translated in context as 'unto others' (Hebrew: 'Lachavercha'), should be understood literally as 'to your friend' and then they add "but only Jews are our friends".
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 5 December 2013 11:55:55 AM
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Yuyutsu, since mankind invented and developed the banal concept of 'God', it has all been downhill.

Look at this thread: 60+ comments talking about fantasies and myths and discussing bits of theology extracted from ancient texts.

60+ comments talking about the smallest minority of rabid believers in the world who seem to wield influence out of all proportion to their numbers especially now they, self-anointed 'Children of God', got hold of nukes.

The thing that amazes me is that, through the shabby, brutal, murderous behaviour which they direct at the Palestinians (the rightful owners of Palestine), we get a clear view of how they would behave if they ever gained enough power to control the world. This behaviour should be condemned by the world!

Of course their alliance with the Imperialists in the U.S. ensure they will achieve a great deal of power unless America goes bankrupt which is the fervent hope of billions of the world's people.

What a shame we can't purge the world of religious belief.

If we could, peace might stand a chance!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 5 December 2013 2:05:57 PM
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Dear David,

As I conveyed to you time and again, these attitudes and behaviours have nothing to do with the religion, but rather with the abuse of religion. It is nothing but a shameful desecration of the name of God (

I am happy to see America go bankrupt - but only once we in Australia have our own nukes and biological weapons: for if it happens earlier, then you and I shall both perish doing hard-labour in mines, digging gold and copper for the Chinese authorities in return for a scant meal of bread and water IF we achieve our daily quota.

As you mentioned peace, please understand that peace cannot be achieved by changing political situations. Peace can only be achieved within one's own heart, whereby forgiveness is an important step.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 5 December 2013 2:36:08 PM
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Yuyutsu, I talk about peace while you, a religious person, talk about Australia having nukes and chemical weapons otherwise we'll become the slaves of China, a country with whom we trade, one whose long history shows a remarkable absence of war.

There is a serious disconnect in your conception of the world but you don't appear to see it!

Peace doesn't come at the point of a sword or bayonet, only death and destruction. Surely the history of the world tells you that.

Religion, though a myth, is a divisive force as the Palestinian situation in Jewish Israel clearly demonstrates!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 5 December 2013 3:11:39 PM
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david..<<.Religion, though a myth, is a divisive force as the Palestinian situation in Jewish Israel clearly demonstrates!>>

Gazan children look as sewage overflows onto streets. (file photo)
The Zionist regime of Israel has turned the besieged Gaza Strip into a big concentration camp by paralyzing life for residents, an analyst says.

“The Gaza Strip is the world’s most densely populated urban area. Some call it the world’s biggest concentration camp,” Kevin Barrett wrote in a column for Press TV on Wednesday.

“The Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip has crippled Gaza’s main power plant for more than a month – and it’s getting worse. The power outage has wrecked Gaza’s waste water treatment system and flooded the streets with raw sewage,” the commentator wrote.

Barrett said the Gaza Strip is close to “becoming an extermination camp” due to Israeli and Egyptian blockades of the enclave.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 December 2013 3:22:59 PM
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UOG, the Palestinians have been living in a concentration camp since Israel emerged in its modern form, a concentration camp where every aspect of human cruelty is carried out daily.

The tragedy is that most of the world has looked the other way, pretended that the holocaust and the genocide and the ritual humiliation didn't exist. And the world looked the other way while Israel gained nuclear weapons too.

And now another charade is carried out by the U.S. while it pretends to be an honest broker trying to get the Palestinians their own State. While the charade goes on, Israel builds more settlements and continues to tighten the rack that all Palestinians are tortured on.

That the people of Palestine have not known freedom since 1948 is a horror that, in my mind, eclipses the horror of the gas ovens.

Why? The Palestinians die a slow death as if they were not humans at all. The truth is that they have no rights at all, no freedom, no hope. Palestinian kids live in a cage and know only oppression, tanks, Apache gunships and F-16s and missiles falling from the sky.

While religious rogue nations like Israel and the U.S. are running the world, there is no chance of peace, and nations like Australia, the land of the fair-go, are supporting them, much to our eternal shame.

It's time the Palestinians were freed and their oppressors were marched off to the Hague!
Posted by David G, Thursday, 5 December 2013 4:00:25 PM
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more/onthe power-less plant
There may be more than real cruelty behind Israel's shutting off the fuel for the power station. By forcing the sewage treatment plants to stop operating, Israel in creating an environment in Gaza that will inevitably lead to a major epidemic that would kill most of the population.

Indeed Israel may well initiate such an epidemic and rely on the lack of sanitation to allow the biological weapons to sweep through the entire Gaza strip; a "Final Solution" to the Palestinian question!

Biological warfare is not a recent development. 1 Samuel records how the Philistines were struck down by Bubonic Plague after capturing the Ark of the Covenant.

According to the biblical account, the Philistines, defeated by the plague, returned the Ark of the Covenant with five golden spheres, representing the buboes of the plague, and five golden mice, possibly a message to the Israelites that the Philistines knew just how and by whom the plague was inflicted on them.

increasing annexation

like the fed..somethings thrive..upon/misery


The UN has declared the year 2014 as the Year of Solidarity with Palestine. Israel has declared it as the Year to Erase What Is Left of Palestine

the other flotilla

The Tribal Mentality

The tribal mentality effectively indoctrinates an individual into the tribe's beliefs, ensuring that all believe the same, the structure of reality, what is and what is not possible for the members of the group is thus agreed upon and maintained by the group. Carolyn Myss

Israeli Judaization Master Plans

Israel is a racist police state. Zionist ideology espouses Jewish superiority, specialness, and uniqueness. It claims Jews are God's "chosen people."

It's uncomfortably close to Nazi Aryan dogma. Master race notions are troubling. They reflect racist extremism. Israel is a prime example.

Israel Supplies Weapons to Al Qaeda Mercenaries in Syria: Government Forces Seize Israeli-made Arms

The Syrian army says it has confiscated Israeli-made weapons in its latest operations against foreign-backed militants.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 5 December 2013 4:40:42 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu.

The Age of Consent for females in differing countries varies markedly according to the local moral culture. In Iran it is 11, In Spain it is 13, in Italy it is 14, in France it is 15, and in most North European countries it is 16. The USA has a differing morality with a "three year rule", meaning that the Age of consent is 18, but it is still OK to have sex with a 16 year old, provided that the male partner is less than three years older than the female.

Could you please explain to me how Hillel's philosophy on defining correct morality works in these specific cases?

How does Hillel's philosophy define who is right? And how dies Hillel's philosophy define who is wrong?
Posted by LEGO, Thursday, 5 December 2013 5:57:43 PM
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Dear David,

I didn't mention chemical weapons: they are only effective in localised assaults and even then not so much in winter. Nukes are more effective, but have their limitations. The weapon of choice for deterrence or a desperate second-strike is biological, especially because it does not require sophisticated ballistic launching mechanisms, which at that stage are probably neutralised. Having such weapons almost guarantees that it will never be needed to use them.

Re China, my hair stands on end when I recall the horrors of the cultural-revolution. There was also the short but painful and unprovoked war to occupy Tibet.

Currently China goes through relatively good times. Currently also, America is still there. But once times are bad, a billion and a half Chinese are hungry, the Americans are gone and it is possible to take all that steel, copper, gold, coal and gas without having to trade and pay, what authoritarian regime could let such an opportunity go by?

Though myths are prevalent in the Middle-East, religion is not. Any parrot can repeat "I am religious, I follow God" 1000 times, but that doesn't make it religious.

Dear LEGO,

Hillel's morality does not involve itself with WHO is right or wrong, but with WHAT is right or wrong.

The Age of Consent for females in differing countries varies markedly according to the local [XXXXX] culture. The word 'moral' does not belong in that statement. The determining of that formal legal age is a secular act, made in order to serve the laziness and convenience of the justice system. The only true age of consent is the age of consent, that is when a girl fully understands exactly what she is doing and all the implications thereof. For some, that occurs at the age of 3, for others at the age of 50.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Friday, 6 December 2013 1:16:24 AM
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"Jews in Australia, as elsewhere around the world, worship, study, and work, under the protection of high fences, armed guards, and other security apparatus."

Julie, isn't it obvious to you that the reason that this situation exists has a great deal to do with the appalling treatment of the Palestinians by the Israelis for 60+ years?

I mean, you don't have to be a rocket scientist to work this out, surely.

If Jews want to change the way they are treated around the world, then they must first change their own behavior!

The question is: can they?
Posted by David G, Friday, 6 December 2013 10:23:39 AM
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we se the death..of one peace-MAKER
who changed..himself..and thus changed the world

if one should free palistein/how much greater?

think..greatnesss GREATER/ there/for the taking
JUST MAE just need to grab/it

what mean's dead?

NOW what?

[no..really..a dead..!
but worse than south-africa..STILL//kills
do we talk..of ignore the bigger picture?

or of/the BIGGER-man..[menche'] dead?
how..,much THE GIFT[present]..of LIFE*[etternal]

[energy cannot/be created..NOR destroyed]..
what..of your enerrgy..PEACE"MAKER?.

science only ONCE..has weighing
the..'dying' the moment of 'death'..

a weight..loss..WAS found..
[in..4 out of/the]..

[it was allowed repeating..[with..wild-dogs..
not domesticated dogs ..who..too have souls.

anyhow nelson_madela is 'dead'
but his life spirit lives on....or is the essential-life energy..ALL..gone?

if it..dont live-on
where gone? he lives-on
[as we all must]..

jessus said/..'let the dead..tend the dead'
what does that mean..WHAT MEANS..dead? listening..THE

what would you say..of him..?
what..can you add to..that..NOW*

WHERE..THE peace maker
[you serve..either..or]


greatness calls the peace-maker*

one day/greater..that this mandela day..can/be yours [rightfully/righteously..given..that you earn..only by bring the peace,,to the ignored few]

if you proof..that..dead is dead?

lets hear it..nelson..[peacemaker]..isnt dead..refute?
lets have it said..nelson..mandela..aint dead..[am..i in denial?]

by what proof?
what are your own..questions?
what are you really afraid of..[was he a bright light..or a terrorist?

nelson..madela..its judgment day*
or is it..who..measures greatness?
what does greatness reveal/conceal?

who grows up..can do..grown-up/things
he sick..of eternal/infernal..war..can make peace

peace-man want/to.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 6 December 2013 11:18:13 AM
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To a crowded courtroom on the late afternoon of November 25, presiding Judge Lamin Mohd Yunus announced the verdict by an international panel of seven jurists:

“The Tribunal is satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt, that the first defendant, (General) Amos Yaron, is guilty of crimes against humanity and genocide, and the second defendant, the State of Israel, is guilty of genocide.”

According to data which appeared in one of the verdicts, 130,000 Palestinians received a permit to stay in Israel from 1994 to 2006, and only few of them were suspected of security offenses.
Posted by one under god, Friday, 6 December 2013 9:09:06 PM
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"The Israeli record of massacres, extrajudicial killings and daily harassment of Palestinian comprises a continuum of criminal behavior over the past 67 years."

The jurists got it right, UOG! And Desert Peace got it right in publishing the report. It should be read by everyone, even the Israeli-apologists.

It makes sickening reading but the truth must be told!
Posted by David G, Saturday, 7 December 2013 7:15:28 AM
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And meanwhile al-Qa'ida blows up a hospital in Yemen, killing more than fifty doctors, nurses and patients.

Oh, you didn't see that small news item ?

Get real.

Posted by Loudmouth, Saturday, 7 December 2013 7:33:46 AM
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noted/..Lawrence Of Arabia,..has a big the israel thing
i guess this explains..his..'after/life'..experiences..[maybe..tthere is a clue..there..that may help here

info.under/ 2

an of a the pope

the book

This SECRET*..Vatican document is referenced
in an important new book by Scott Anderson,..Lawrence In Arabia: War, Deceit,..Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East.

In the spring of 1917, the Turkish Ottoman ruler of Syria was Djemal Pasha...When the British army was poised to strike Gaza City in February, Djemal Pasha ordered..the evacuation of Gaza City's entire population,..a total..of around 20,000 citizens.

He wanted to clear..the area for his army to move in and defend Gaza. After defeating the British in a cleared out Gaza, Djemal Pasha and his German commanders looked north.

They suspected that the British would next attack Jaffa (now a modern Tel Aviv)...The city had a population of 40,000, of which around 10,000 were Jews and around 4,000 were Arab Christians, alongside Arab Muslims.

After the defeat in Gaza, the Ottomans were afraid that the British would attack Jaffa from the sea,..using the city's smooth beaches for easy access.

The British defeat at Gaza came on March 26, 1917. Two days later, assuming the British would turn north, Dejmal ordered the evacuation of the entire population, Christians, Jews and Muslims.

He gave the residents a week to prepare to move out. When Jewish leaders protested that the sacred Passover holiday was about to begin, Dejmal extended the evacuation order for an additional eight days.

Anderson writes: "By clearing the city, Djemal Pasha unwittingly set in motion one of the most consequential misinformation campaigns of World War I."

Ignoring the fact that Jews were joined by Christians and Muslims in the forced evacuation, the Zionist propaganda machine went into action, building the movement of the Jaffa population into an attack on all Jews of Palestine.

The British Jewish Chronicle newspaper led the way with a May 4 story that carried the subhead: "Grave Reports -- Terrible Outrages -- Threats of Wholesale Massacre."

The Chronicle story continued:
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 7 December 2013 8:27:31 AM
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The former security chief, who featured in the Oscar-nominated documentary The Gatekeepers, added: "We cannot live in one state between the Jordan river and the Mediterranean Sea and we cannot treat the conflict as shrapnel in the backside." He was referring to comments by the economy minister Naftali Bennett, who dismissed the conflict as "shrapnel in [the] rear end".

Diskin called for a freeze in settlement expansion, saying that the release of long-serving Palestinian prisoners, agreed by the prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, before the current talks began, was "a disgusting and cynical move that was born out of a desire to avoid freezing settlement construction".

Speaking as the US secretary of state, John Kerry, arrived in Jerusalem for a fresh push at unblocking the current talks process, Diskin warned of the consequences of the Israeli government's stance.

"It doesn't seem like the current government is trying to change the direction of the settlement enterprise. Our friends in the world are becoming frustrated with the implementation of the two-state solution. There is immense frustration in the West Bank. The Palestinians are feeling that their state is being stolen from them. The Palestinian masses feel they have no future. We must take into account the link between the Palestinians and their brothers, the Israeli Arabs. The concentration of fuel fumes in the air is such that even a small spark can cause a massive explosion."

Palestinian youths "that were born into occupation are distressed, frustrated and hopeless", he added.

Diskin has repeatedly criticised Israeli government policy since leaving the Shin Bet, which runs security and intelligence operations in the West Bank and Gaza. His comments were dismissed by serving officials as "recycled criticism and self-righteous preaching". Diskin was "out of touch with reality", they said.
Posted by one under god, Saturday, 7 December 2013 8:35:10 AM
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Some of the comments here are really concerning. Australia is a long way from Israel. Antony Loewenstein's book, 'My Israel Question' in no way justifies anti-Semitic sentiment - such a proposition would be misguided and deceptive.

Anti-Semitism is long-standing in Australia, home of the 'White Australia Policy' - is it really any surprise that racism underpins many of the values that were in the past indoctrinated into the public mindset by politicians, propaganda and the mainstream pop media? Racism is prevalent and racial bias permeates the recruitment of employees to government departments, still - this results in a tolerance for racist treatment and broadly disseminated racist ideas and policies that are openly levelled at ATSI people. Vilification of all types is tolerated in Australia - and soon, it will be protected by law.

I hope that the extreme nature of some of the comments here will become useful in pinpointing causal factors in anti-Semitic and racist activities.

Sadly there is no instant cure for Australia's racist roots and only patience, diligence & education, will raise racist people up out of their ignorance and folly. The media needs to play a central role in creating more tolerance of minorities.
Posted by Daily, Friday, 13 December 2013 12:12:37 PM
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I am puzzled by your response to one of David G's posts. I completely fail to see any link between al Qa'ida blowing up a hospital in Yemen and David G's argument that Israel's treatment of the Palestinians is an enduring criminal disgrace. Unless of course you make a link between al Qa'ida and the Palestinians in which case intelligent dialogue is not possible.
Posted by James O'Neill, Friday, 13 December 2013 1:24:32 PM
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hi daily..good to see you recalled your id
..your post history so far


anyhow..its see/they sent expert
have you heard/of informed consent..?..secret-laws..are secret//cause you/know..who lobbies for it..

VERY..POWERFUL..LOBBY..yes/a..powerful..minority..but driven] know/ far

you/heard..on foxtel..or other zionist/owned media

[and you much our people..hate..towel heads[right]

and we know..some/of you..follow talmudic law..]

lets see..what settlers..
in..dark/ under?

talmudc law?
quotations;..from the Soncino Edition
of the Talmud,(Book]

SANHEDRIN,..55b-55a:.."What is meant by this?...

Rab said:..Pederasty with a child
below nine years of not deemed
as pederasty..with a child above that.

(footnotes)"..The reference is to..
the passive..'subject'/..*victim..of sodomy


now lets..go younger

YEBAMOTH,60b..*...Rabbi.Ramanos who conducted an/inquiry..and..'found' it

the daughter of a..'proselyte'..
who was under..the age of three years[and one day]...,

and Rabbi declared her/eligible*
to live with a priest."

(footnotes)"..A proselyte..under the age of three years
and one day married by a priest...

*And was a priest.

(i.e.,permitted to continue/to live with her'husband'."]

[not gods in./.the bible


Child sacrifice..was practised in ancient offering to the Ammonite god Molech..a worship of natural fertility..*which was forbidden*by the laws of Israel. See Leviticus 18:21; 20:1 - 5; 1Kings 11:7; 2 Kings 1717; 21:6; 27:10; Jeremiah 32:35; Ezekiel 16:21.

[is/this..what the settlers,,[under..THE ATHEIST[secular] the deserts..of/the..lampstand..[the/fox/in..the hen-house?]

tell me...ever heard..of the/clean hands doctrine?

im..ready for you..anytime your a court
im not publicity shy..but your media..dont cover my trials
[but ask..your judges/lawyers and public servants..they know of me]

but please...dont runaway..[like/the..others]..its becoming..a..bit obvious..[THE LAW..requires..negotiation][negotiate]..or refusal=noted. i..even..try?
Posted by one under god, Friday, 13 December 2013 1:42:06 PM
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im..guessing...its a peppa pig/crisis

golem..need in-box messages inserted
before they can..even..act..let alone...move..their poor me attitude
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 15 December 2013 7:56:04 AM
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Thanks, James, no, I'm not suggesting any links between al-Qa'ida and any Palestinian groups, yet, but merely to put the repression of Palestinians by Israel into some sort of perspective.

Whatever terrorist acts the various al-Qai'da-affiliated groups may commit, blowing up hospitals, market-places, schools, etc., at about one atrocity per week since 9/11, in around one hundred countries by now, tends to out-do whatever the Israelis may do in Palestine. That's the context of life in the current Middle East and North Africa (and south Asia, Afghanistan, etc.).

Those groups present a far, far greater danger to human rights across that region than does Israel. As we are now seeing in Syria, the Islamists are more vicious and brutal than Israelis have ever been. But we don't hear much about that from their deluded new besties.

And in relation to the topic, I would respectfully suggest that the blow-back from the exterminations going on in Syria are going to be far more significant for Australians than the comparatively piddly conflict in Palestine. What's the total of killings in Syria now - 136,000 ? In three years ? I don't think the Israelis can match that.

The US is in an extremely difficult position, in that they are realising that the forces opposing Assad in Syria are worse than Assad, with all his bombing of his own citizens and use of chemical weapons against them. But if the US is seen to provide any support whatever for Assad against the Islamists, and their Saudi and Turkish backers, all hell would break loose, including in Australia. The Syrian war could easily spread to other countries, and eventually a confrontation between the Saudis and Turks on one side and Iran and Iraq on the other, regardless of whatever the US does.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 15 December 2013 8:32:30 AM
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In all of that, Palestine is a side-show. It's certainly a conflict which should be resolved, but it's one amongst many in that region. And it shouldn't be exploited to aggravate differences in Australian society. There is far more reason to work together, here and in Israel/Palestine, than to focus on division. Anybody interested in human rights has a common enemy, the Islamists. They are as much of a threat to Palestinians as to Israelis and the rest of us.

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 15 December 2013 8:33:26 AM
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Posted by one under god, Sunday, 15 December 2013 8:42:51 AM
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israel..opens flood gates
to..flood gaza
Posted by one under god, Sunday, 15 December 2013 9:00:21 AM
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Thanks for your support, OG :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Sunday, 15 December 2013 10:12:42 AM
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Hi James,
We know that you have high principles since we have reams and reams of posts from you criticizing Israel's "enduring criminal disgrace" -- and reams and reams critiquing the dastardly US of A.

But have you EVER written a single post criticizing al Qa'ida's "enduring criminal disgrace"?

Just a thought.
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 16 December 2013 7:52:52 AM
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please..note..that ANY*..mulsim..that EVEN..try to clarify shot-down..if not assassinated..thus they MUST remain mute..[with the implicit..but often..non too supple..hints]

if that fails..LEGISLATE..hate spreak..that makes criminal..EVEN simply posting if 'publishing'..simply because of the weight..of info your masters SHUT down.

[a link..will in..time be seen as an offer
little more than a plug[advert]..or a dustcover

once the mongels dare/to..
take me [but a simple MESS-end/ger/not avenger].on..and i call my..witness..[yet]

but one messenger..of the many
sent by spirit..but these these great southlands

but heck..will travel..far and wide to end this tavail..of/travesty

silence hasnt worked

oh i can finally reply..your other attempt to silence
been...busy the a mess-sage,,in the in what

oh well better the devil..[you know]

im going in
watch..out..for the we shall see..[in time]
Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 December 2013 8:18:07 AM
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Posted by Loudmouth, Monday, 16 December 2013 8:36:40 AM
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@SPQR I am not sure that "reams" is quite the right word. I have on occasion responded to either an article or a posting where I thought I had something to contribute to the debate. Unlike many posters on this forum I do not hide behind anonymity.

I have criticised both the Israeli and the US governments because between them they account for the vast majority of terrorist and illegal (in the international law sense) acts conducted in the world today.

To infer from that a reluctance to criticise al Qaeda or any other religion inspired terrorism is too absurd to warrant comment. You might like to acquaint yourself with the history of al Qaeda, in for example the work of Peter Dale Scott or Nafeez Ahmed. Or look at Cockburn's latest article in the Independent (available on line on Information Clearing House.)

Western governments are up to their eyeballs in supporting, through arms, money and political actions, the work of a whole raft of terrorist groups in Syria, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere. I criticise those actions because the consequences are horrendous, not least for the civilian populations. I also regard those actions as war crimes, although you will look long and hard to find anyone with a white skin being held accountable. Apart from a few token prosecutions of former Yugoslavians, I think Nuremberg was the last occasion we were serious about accountability. Don't just take my word for it. Read Phillip Sands, Professor of international law at University College London in his books for accounts of how far we have fallen from notions of accountability.

You seem to need things spelled out in words of one syllable, so for the record, I deplore violence by whomever it is perpetrated. (Sorry, more than one syllable but I am sure you will cope).
Posted by James O'Neill, Monday, 16 December 2013 1:50:27 PM
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Hi James,

<<To infer [I have] a reluctance to criticize al Qaeda or any other religion inspired terrorism is too absurd to warrant comment>>
Firstly, James, I do not detect any such "reluctance" [on your part] since you are ever ready to criticize Israels "enduring criminal disgrace" and where else does Israels (or if you like the Zionists] sense of exclusivity arise if not from religion? What I see rather is a bad case of *selectivity* --you are ever willing to criticize acts of terrorism from one side but not the other.

And then you waffled on with this comment(on an challenge "too absurd to warrant a comment"!) <<You might like to acquaint yourself with the history of al Qaeda...Western governments are up to their eyeballs in supporting, through arms, money and political actions, the work of a whole raft of terrorist groups in Syria, Yemen, Somalia and elsewhere>>

It appears to insinuate that al Qaeda and other terrorist groups are the agents of the West. My first reaction on reading this was that I must be misreading you --but then I thought, maybe not, you are after-all the main proponent on OLO of the theory that the CIA flew those planes into the world trade centre --so who knows!

But if you are suggesting that al Qaeda & co are only doing the bidding of the West. It is you who needs a little history study --Islamic terrorism is not new, its been around since Islams early days.

One last point/query: Did you attend the same school as DavidG?
The reason why I ask is that so many of your ideas are carbon copies of his!
Posted by SPQR, Monday, 16 December 2013 7:15:53 PM
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1. It is a fact that al Qaeda was formed in the 19870s as part of an American inspired & Saudi financed attempt to overthrow the secular government of Afghanistan. Reagan called them "freedom fighters". They have since been used by the West when it suited their purposes, most recently in Syria. Read Ahmed as I suggested.

2. You are fond of straw man arguments. I have never said, and do not believe, that the CIA flew the planes into WTC 1 & 2 on 11 September 2001. I certainly do not believe the official conspiracy theory. Elementary physics alone destroys the government's argument.

3. ditto with David G. I don't know who he is; I very much doubt that we were at school together; and frankly I resent the suggestion that my ideas are a carbon copy of his.

Why don't you surprise us all by actually addressing the issues rather than trailing red herrings.
Posted by James O'Neill, Monday, 16 December 2013 8:00:49 PM
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>>Elementary physics alone destroys the government's argument.<<

In exactly the same way that elementary physics destroys their argument that they sent man to the moon: i.e. it doesn't destroy it all, but some nutty armchair physicists claim it does and a small minority of gullible people who don't know any better accept their word as gospel.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Find out where your nearest university is and email every member of the physics and engineering faculties asking them who they think destroyed the WTC. If less than 90% say 'Al-Qaeda terrorists' I will stab myself in the eye with a fork.


Posted by Tony Lavis, Monday, 16 December 2013 8:24:27 PM
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and topic is moving faster..cant post infulltill tomorrow

anyhow..sop[qr]..has..put-up..another pee/poor
youtube/ the gods will/thread..sad mate..its just sad
WHICH..reveals..why god simply..cant all..into heaven

[see every-time..someone jack..says..
sop[qr]..will be that clip..right into..their soul-form

cant you see qr..your ideas..are distorted imagery
[ chose*,,to make real..but project before all times

i suggest..reading sir lawrence of arabias death experiences

page7.and 8..
[ of peter/otoole..who/acted movies..[who died today]..try reading the whole 42 pages
and get wised-up.

30..million..'slaves' world,, sure to/pick..a topic..yet

but..1..and a raped

..i..done some research,, 'the usual..[islam]..suspects..dont rate.. the top ten

so..why stir up..a deliberated..BIAS....
ignoring..far GREATER real-present..danger/EVILS.

as jesus..said..[at the ABORTED stoning]..let ye without sin..not cast the first stone..[recall..he dirt..

Exodus 20:13. . “You shall not murder" they OVERCAME..the urgings...of..GINN/demons..just as we/all must

BUT you dear aj..throw it about
IGNORING..that worser..of that of the talmud

so..raping kids bot tums..isnt a bigger stick?

or you just hating.[holding/to account...just/muslims.
while...ALLOWING the global evil..of child rape
in.another unholy text..escape scott free?

YOU CHOSE TO..IGNORE..the greater..of many evils

same with..your other mates..[followers]
NO MENTION..of the poor shame..of others shames
only muslim..[yep blind freddy..could notice it]

its a great shut up...[muslims]
but what about..the Talmudic KIDDY FIDDLERS

you..know that most vile the enmlish language./.pedophile
[that means SIMPLY..'child lover'..yeah..that word really..hurts
but do;'other'..minority..of talmudic jews to account?


oh has become chicken heartland
but..hold pedophile..Talmudic/zionist/

brave man..parrot the words of a MUSLIM hater
been hating them..for 14 yeaRS..SO..THE LINKS say

mate..brave..pick-on..the muslim..yet,,,not the jew
[your revealed..a bigot..get me,,pry..your mind open my the other issue
ABHORRENT..TO..the many..of the messenger

[the first is from..a..mere/muslim/woman
THIS IS..after-all..WOMANS BUSINESS..because a woman/
[thus..muslim/men..cannot interfere]

they can fix it..but not reply..the woman..what woman
Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 December 2013 9:54:51 PM
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plus the talmud thing..they just need a little empowerment
this is..a step..AWAY..from..what is clearly EVIL

unless your any-one..then..its charity
[recall..that/ child..with a slave..YOU/MUST offer/to..MARRY*

so female slaves..isnt like sex slaves..[another great search term

but im sickend..with..the kiddy fiddling..WHO..always..get off easy
ONE IN..FOUR..get molested..thats a bigger number even..than those 'enslaved'

mate i respect..your sincerity
but..your hurting the wrong person..with the wrong stick
JUST TO AVOID EXPLAINing,,?replying..his questions..[sad mate]
plus giving aid and comforts to demons..and talmudic child distraction

your..not still hitting your boy-friend are you?
is the SAME bigoted..mis-PRESUMPTION..[one brush..tars..the brushholder]

plus your FALSE accusation..hurts..the reasonable persons..
[ other..common..extreem/ rapists]

let..the girls..sort..this enslavement..out
im..told many wives..means less housework
your quoting a known muslim hater..[A woman..for a start] ..THAT..sets up..the man/wopman..argumenmt/power/dis empowerment/thing..

[KEEPING the sexes muslim society.. get involved..with/running the house

[wives pick..the other/wives...if indeed any]..
if any...its not the mans business..its womans]
[the first wife,sets the law];..[or so my guides advise.]

but lets hear..WHAT..this WOMAN..really said

<< KUWAIT:..A female political activist..has recommended>>

IE..not a mufti..nor a man

<<the introduction..of legislation>>

so..its NOT

<<to legalize>>

so its..*not legal

<<the provision..>>

HINT*..provision..MEANS provided*
or supplied..

<<edited> in a bid,..she says, protect*..those men
from committing adultery ..or corruption.>>

which/means..its ADULTRY*..
or corruption..NOW*

GET IT? more..from..a mufti
<<I know that some..who think relative
might argue is okay..because it's..their culture...I disagree.

<<..Adultery is matter who does it..
and women..are not mere..sexual/ be exploited...

<<.I would not/want..such a life..for my daughter,.cousin,
sister..or any woman...It just is not right...>>
from thwew woman..HERSELF
''I’ve dedicated 14 years of my life fighting Islam.''
Posted by one under god, Monday, 16 December 2013 9:55:01 PM
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qr/quote..<<...Quran is very/much a minority position.>>

sorry brother..but..its not a minority..GLOBASLY..[the real the talmud/minority..the fleas...that sits on/the back..of globalist colonizers..[who/run..their THIEFdom's GLOBALY...with kiddy porn[see previous posts

<<>.It also illustrates/the chameleonic nature of Islam.>>

yeah..they are/just about[no/only NEVER..any good/things] ever hear of anything..good..[right]
yet the ZIONIST minority control..the majority..of the media[for those doubt

<<'ll most often hear/see espoused a soft version of Islam . But when it is in a dominant position..then its leaders will suddenly wake-up that:..>>

they DONT RUN..this world..those running the zion-adgenda do
if you IN/THE MEDIA..thats because thats..EXACTLY..what THEY want you to hear[ up[so the made up numbers say today..this will be quietly..REVISED..[LATER].

never/the/less..THE MEDIA..advises..US SHEEPLE..[MUGGINS]..only what the masters SAY..[the world is full of despots[see colisation.. setting up DEPENDENCE/trust me to think for you
and you wil be the next..nelson/mendelsa..or NEXY..oBAMA

[think..a REAL..version..rIGHT/NOW..
of the fame plus credit/MONEY/SEX

so sure..tHEY WILL HAVE ENSURED..some-one
[nearly..the right one..WILL SAY....<<the sex slavery of infidels is OK>>kiddy fideling ifS..fine/stealing peoples taxes and cash from..banks is 'needed' to repay debt..YOUNEVER SPENT..or even earned..yet

we spent IT..ALL..for you..
[or that we come..from apes..[now pigs]
or the falling

<<>.Outlawing other places of worship is Ok..killing infidels is OK''KILLING TOWEL HEADS=ok..kiling nips gooks chong/nong kong natzie jew is kosha..etc etc

the ,media told me so*

I noted your cheer/leading the nit picking effort..TOO

but lets examine
<<..1)..One shouldn't imprison..or starve slaves>>

nor workers/nor beasts..nor servants/parents..god..nor your children/old..infirm..nor imbisile[goyt it now?..[indeed DO NOT>>ABUSE*..ANY BODY]

not even criminals..imf-idels..nor the godless..bwankers..or the soft dic press..THEY ALL have their uses..BUT ALL ARE live..OF GOD HIMSELF..

[that to the

..DO YOU HEAR ME..debt slave?

glory hound?
slave to booze drugs ego/race/creed/righteousness..godlessness

<<..2)One shouldn't..[have[..overworked slaves.>>be they wife..nor husband..[inholy day..or serving other while they feast/pray/play..nor child nor debt slave[nor hookers..nor blogers nor serfs


AM..I..being..CLEAR HEAR?
Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 9:06:21 AM
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<<3)And one should call them brother or daughter>>

jesus told me the same thing..yet..if your being a jackass
or simply serving the masters agenda..i call a spade a spade..not a brrr-other..[even..if JESUS himself said the SAME* the money/changing thieves

THE POOR you will have with/you*..ALWAYS*


Here's some teachings you overlooked:
1) "Prophet,"{is one who..receives/revelation..
FROM outside from herd-mind..[ego]..from demons
as much as angels..*SO MUCH DEPENDS..ON..y'OUR THOUGHTS..[more of the SAME thinking..shall come]

dowries=respecting,,the value..of the loss
a high dowery..indicates..YOU FEEL..they are worth..MORE*

[i feel your loss..and respect..the gift of myne[and thyne]..its old school/stuff..[we used to/do it/too]..but heck..i wouldnt give you two cents for,,far..too many..of you

[but..THANKFULLY;.to god your BEYOND values]

MANY XTIANS LOOT>>war booty."
at least the muslims..can find the CAUSE..of the error

<<[Quran:33:50]..Note the words.."WHOM GOD..HAS/GIVEN AS BOOTY"!>>

im..sure its an error/of men..[translation..SOME-how]..not the messenger

<2)..edited]..He said, 'You would have got more reward if you had given her (i.e. the slave-girl) one of your maternal uncles.'
[BUKHARI'S HADITH - Vol. 3-#765]..>>

ie gifted..the booty..[in..lue of respectful dowry]
ass jesus would have said/it..its better TO SERVE OTHER*[not your self]..

but clearly..the MESS-ANGER..has been misheard..if you take him to/.say anything else..[islam..means peace/justice/grace/mercy]

3)..<<."If a slave marries without the permission of his master, his marriage is null and void." [ABU DAWUD'S HADITH #2074]>>

OK..THERE YOU GO..recall..gratefull you
you SHALL..not say SLAVE..[where did that word.,come from?

hint hint

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 9:06:36 AM
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'SLAVE..[where did that word.,come from?'

People in the Slav countries were regularly captured and sent as slaves to Muslim Spain and North Africa, often through the agency of Venetian traders.

They probably built some of those architectural marvels we hear about in Moorish Spain.

Isn't it interesting that authoritarian states promote a love of architecture, big buildings: Rome, Muslim Spain, Nazi Germany, colonial powers all over, Fascist Italy, Soviet Russia, China, North Korea ?

Thanks for the question :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 3:17:52 PM
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no..worries joe

have you noticed..we are all..ENSLAVED..[by debt]

clubman..has a new topic..regarding 'changes'
we have to free the people from..DEBT..enslavement

we will year

and..BECAUSE..we are ALL*
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 7:12:06 AM
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WHAT..they are trying to..get us angry
its called divide and con*queer
the beginning..explains the war..between the baddies/the baddies
the middle explains how federal..police are corrupting local police...and how they..assaulted hurting a child

[they will do much the govt
[recall..goerge/blair/john..REALLY believed satans spin

and note..please..the big important too
perhaps more..try to focus..on what is said

thats what i like about can make sure
thats all tony needs do..check/confirm..dont act fast..not furious

anyhow the lions lay..with thee sheep?
Posted by one under god, Friday, 20 December 2013 7:45:39 AM
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The world seems suddenly to be listening..for all the right reasons, and the popular attraction..has high-profile atheists concerned.

“He’s obviously a nice man,..therefore a dangerous man,”..leading evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins..told fellow atheist Bill Maher in late October...

“We don’t want nice men in the Vatican.”

does dorkins speak for thee?

We want to be..proud of the pope.

“What you’re a lot of pent-up frustration..among a lot of Catholics..who instinctively want to stand by the pope,..want to promote the pope,..but felt somewhat ambivalent about doing so..with his two predecessors../.Now they have a pope that they believe represents..a Biblically robust representation of Christianity,..and they’re excited about that.”

Spiritual Reflection
The Naivitivity..of the Lord
reflecto..Benedict XVI,..Urbi Et Orbi Message,..Christmas 2010

“The Word became flesh”.

Before this revelation..we once more can this be? The Word.and the flesh are mutually opposed realities;.[contract/act].how can the eternal..and almighty lord become,, a frail and mortal man?

There is only one answer:..gods will=Love.

Those who love..all..desire to share with their beloved,..they want to be one/with the lover..of the..beloved,..and Sacred Scripture shows us..the great love story of God..for his creation which culminated in Jesus words[…]

God is Love...[living/loving/love life..In himself/of himself..he is communion,..Unity in..holy-Trinity,..and all his words..and works are directed to communion.[between..t6hat above/with that..below/within

The Incarnation..[Emmanuel/god with-in] the culmination of creation...When Jesus,..the Son of God.[incarnate],..was formed in the womb of Mary…..evolved/creation..reached its high point...The ordering principle of the uni-verse,..the Logos,..began to exist in the world, a certain time and space.[…]..and/the christian/ the fathers house was opened

In the night..of the world..ofthe fathers divided house..a new light was kindled, which lets seen by the simple eyes of works[inter/ of the truth

in some would impose/itself..for the se4rvice..of its own..freewilled/power...But if Truth is Love,..[what is love calls for faith, the “yes” of our become..seen.

Non-Catholics are paying attention,..too...A November survey found “Pope Francis”..was the most talked-about proper*/name..on the English language 2013. In December,..Time magazine named him “person of the year.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 December 2013 7:02:32 AM
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