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Antisemitism still alive in Australia : Comments

By Julie Nathan, published 2/12/2013

Jews in Australia, as elsewhere around the world, worship, study, and work, under the protection of high fences, armed guards, and other security apparatus.

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<<3)And one should call them brother or daughter>>

jesus told me the same thing..yet..if your being a jackass
or simply serving the masters agenda..i call a spade a spade..not a brrr-other..[even..if JESUS himself said the SAME* the money/changing thieves

THE POOR you will have with/you*..ALWAYS*


Here's some teachings you overlooked:
1) "Prophet,"{is one who..receives/revelation..
FROM outside from herd-mind..[ego]..from demons
as much as angels..*SO MUCH DEPENDS..ON..y'OUR THOUGHTS..[more of the SAME thinking..shall come]

dowries=respecting,,the value..of the loss
a high dowery..indicates..YOU FEEL..they are worth..MORE*

[i feel your loss..and respect..the gift of myne[and thyne]..its old school/stuff..[we used to/do it/too]..but heck..i wouldnt give you two cents for,,far..too many..of you

[but..THANKFULLY;.to god your BEYOND values]

MANY XTIANS LOOT>>war booty."
at least the muslims..can find the CAUSE..of the error

<<[Quran:33:50]..Note the words.."WHOM GOD..HAS/GIVEN AS BOOTY"!>>

im..sure its an error/of men..[translation..SOME-how]..not the messenger

<2)..edited]..He said, 'You would have got more reward if you had given her (i.e. the slave-girl) one of your maternal uncles.'
[BUKHARI'S HADITH - Vol. 3-#765]..>>

ie gifted..the booty..[in..lue of respectful dowry]
ass jesus would have said/it..its better TO SERVE OTHER*[not your self]..

but clearly..the MESS-ANGER..has been misheard..if you take him to/.say anything else..[islam..means peace/justice/grace/mercy]

3)..<<."If a slave marries without the permission of his master, his marriage is null and void." [ABU DAWUD'S HADITH #2074]>>

OK..THERE YOU GO..recall..gratefull you
you SHALL..not say SLAVE..[where did that word.,come from?

hint hint

Posted by one under god, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 9:06:36 AM
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'SLAVE..[where did that word.,come from?'

People in the Slav countries were regularly captured and sent as slaves to Muslim Spain and North Africa, often through the agency of Venetian traders.

They probably built some of those architectural marvels we hear about in Moorish Spain.

Isn't it interesting that authoritarian states promote a love of architecture, big buildings: Rome, Muslim Spain, Nazi Germany, colonial powers all over, Fascist Italy, Soviet Russia, China, North Korea ?

Thanks for the question :)

Posted by Loudmouth, Tuesday, 17 December 2013 3:17:52 PM
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no..worries joe

have you noticed..we are all..ENSLAVED..[by debt]

clubman..has a new topic..regarding 'changes'
we have to free the people from..DEBT..enslavement

we will year

and..BECAUSE..we are ALL*
Posted by one under god, Wednesday, 18 December 2013 7:12:06 AM
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WHAT..they are trying to..get us angry
its called divide and con*queer
the beginning..explains the war..between the baddies/the baddies
the middle explains how federal..police are corrupting local police...and how they..assaulted hurting a child

[they will do much the govt
[recall..goerge/blair/john..REALLY believed satans spin

and note..please..the big important too
perhaps more..try to focus..on what is said

thats what i like about can make sure
thats all tony needs do..check/confirm..dont act fast..not furious

anyhow the lions lay..with thee sheep?
Posted by one under god, Friday, 20 December 2013 7:45:39 AM
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The world seems suddenly to be listening..for all the right reasons, and the popular attraction..has high-profile atheists concerned.

“He’s obviously a nice man,..therefore a dangerous man,”..leading evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins..told fellow atheist Bill Maher in late October...

“We don’t want nice men in the Vatican.”

does dorkins speak for thee?

We want to be..proud of the pope.

“What you’re a lot of pent-up frustration..among a lot of Catholics..who instinctively want to stand by the pope,..want to promote the pope,..but felt somewhat ambivalent about doing so..with his two predecessors../.Now they have a pope that they believe represents..a Biblically robust representation of Christianity,..and they’re excited about that.”

Spiritual Reflection
The Naivitivity..of the Lord
reflecto..Benedict XVI,..Urbi Et Orbi Message,..Christmas 2010

“The Word became flesh”.

Before this revelation..we once more can this be? The Word.and the flesh are mutually opposed realities;.[contract/act].how can the eternal..and almighty lord become,, a frail and mortal man?

There is only one answer:..gods will=Love.

Those who love..all..desire to share with their beloved,..they want to be one/with the lover..of the..beloved,..and Sacred Scripture shows us..the great love story of God..for his creation which culminated in Jesus words[…]

God is Love...[living/loving/love life..In himself/of himself..he is communion,..Unity in..holy-Trinity,..and all his words..and works are directed to communion.[between..t6hat above/with that..below/within

The Incarnation..[Emmanuel/god with-in] the culmination of creation...When Jesus,..the Son of God.[incarnate],..was formed in the womb of Mary…..evolved/creation..reached its high point...The ordering principle of the uni-verse,..the Logos,..began to exist in the world, a certain time and space.[…]..and/the christian/ the fathers house was opened

In the night..of the world..ofthe fathers divided house..a new light was kindled, which lets seen by the simple eyes of works[inter/ of the truth

in some would impose/itself..for the se4rvice..of its own..freewilled/power...But if Truth is Love,..[what is love calls for faith, the “yes” of our become..seen.

Non-Catholics are paying attention,..too...A November survey found “Pope Francis”..was the most talked-about proper*/name..on the English language 2013. In December,..Time magazine named him “person of the year.
Posted by one under god, Thursday, 26 December 2013 7:02:32 AM
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