Comment History for ELIDA
The Forum > User Index > ELIDA > Comment History
» 28/10/2006 11:14:40 AM While picking table grapes in several vineyards in Emerald Qld, I made my own head & face .....
» 28/10/2006 10:54:13 AM Aziliz, you say, There’s a documentary on monkeys where the new leader of the 'harem' of f.....
» 16/10/2006 10:40:30 AM So the ungodly Nationals are to blame for your Manufacturing Woes? I don’t see the connect.....
» 13/10/2006 5:26:01 PM Hasbeen, the majority of green preference votes went to Team Beattie. Like the religious g.....
» 13/10/2006 4:58:18 PM Team Beattie is not doing its job. They have Sun Water working day & night 24/7 to pipe wa.....
» 5/10/2006 6:30:45 PM She had two children when he met her, then later after marriage they had one child now fou.....
» 16/09/2006 8:56:27 PM I received the following this morning from PRO-MED "Source: ABC Online, Australia [e.....
» 15/09/2006 5:24:57 PM Colinsett, I have only once seen a lung-fish in the 80’s at what I know now was the Mouth .....
» 15/09/2006 2:30:30 PM Celivia, you say, "Hey people take this outside; start your own discussion if you nee.....
» 14/09/2006 2:36:56 PM Hamlet, you say in your reply, “You have to accept that your town, for economic reasons, i.....
» 14/09/2006 12:42:01 PM Men are not the only ones who spend on home repairs, eating out, gambling and holidays. Th.....
» 13/09/2006 7:41:44 AM Hamlet, you say, “In the meantime, if you choose to live on a block of land far bigger tha.....
» 8/09/2006 12:28:45 PM The Nationals have not forgotten you with your water dilemma, there are plans afoot to dev.....
» 23/08/2006 9:53:05 PM Good points Yabby, and easy to read. Meg, you need to watch how much page you spead out.Be.....
» 16/08/2006 3:25:56 AM August 16, 2006, 3:20 AM Our council tells us via the 'local rag,' Bedford weir has 92% as.....
» 3/08/2006 9:24:37 AM Ho, hum, Prediction wrong! But what could we expect from a paltriness back flip. Interest .....
» 2/08/2006 1:51:03 PM SHONGA, Have you looked at John’s C/V. very impressive, so why is he pointing the bone At.....
» 31/07/2006 2:08:56 PM How much water does your toilet use? There is alternatives such as found at:- http://www.g.....
» 30/07/2006 10:29:17 PM Aka, you mention a pipeline taking oil from Caspian to the Mediterranean, then second pipe.....
» 29/07/2006 1:52:53 PM "Yesterday, I was chatting to a lady who with her husband own a home at Gympie, South.....
» 29/07/2006 1:01:08 PM Well said bennie, I only commented as I believe the ones supplying the weapons are more gu.....
» 28/07/2006 4:30:32 PM Those pesky weapons manufactures do not want peace, nor does it really matter to them who .....
» 23/07/2006 2:00:08 PM “The reality, Ted, is that you have no concern for Australians at risk in Lebanon.” Well s.....
» 22/07/2006 5:32:07 PM ALAMO, Please read the comments of “Perseus,” who has done the costing of Pipeing water ov.....
» 19/07/2006 9:38:17 PM Tell me where, oh where have all the Christians gone? WHERE ARE THE CHRISTIANS? “When Isr.....
» 17/07/2006 10:36:56 PM Do not forget Peter Beattie hails from the Cairns Highlands, and that is what their touris.....
» 28/06/2006 10:56:26 PM Global warming, pollution and calling us selfish beings, now our governments are courting .....
» 23/06/2006 9:55:07 AM Excellent article, Ian, and I do hope more people read it. My water bill would be twice yo.....
» 22/06/2006 9:20:22 AM Belly, good to hear from you again. I cheated by having an e-mail sent to me when someone .....
» 21/06/2006 9:35:11 AM Plerdsus, when the money sits in the bank somewhere, others are using it, & you gain the i.....
» 19/06/2006 7:47:56 PM Queensland democracy! What is democracy, when Party Politics is the Rule? I understood the.....
» 1/06/2006 9:33:04 AM There is something about 'send in the troops,' but I can't put my finger on it either. Is .....
» 26/05/2006 7:15:21 PM Steve, Hasbeen tells us he has 20 acres in one of his earliest postings. not under 2 hecta.....
» 26/05/2006 12:49:07 PM Mr Moore, I'm having great difficulty understanding your post, so I have referred back to .....
» 25/05/2006 9:10:06 PM He had the top job, in the hot seat yesterday, making the decision to send troops to East .....
» 24/05/2006 3:34:52 PM I am fortunate to have my own home, in-between the mullock heaps of open cut mineing. The .....
» 22/05/2006 11:56:44 AM To keep things in perspective to the rest of the world, people living in tents, make shift.....
» 20/05/2006 6:08:17 AM In regards to daggart's post 13th May, Local workers sacked and Chinese guest workers stay.....
» 19/05/2006 1:24:41 PM After reading the Posting, ‘Miners Put The spotlight On Unions,’ briefly, yesterday, it mu.....
» 17/05/2006 12:15:27 PM Mr Burnett, you say “Queensland's Growcom organisation is being effective in helping growe.....
» 2/05/2006 10:26:35 PM Ifran, warm & fuzzy, wearing a frizzy lawyer wig, washing my feet after they have treked a.....
» 29/04/2006 2:47:20 PM What's this? Cheap beef on your plate verses the luxury of watching the wild birds breed i.....
» 27/04/2006 2:41:37 PM Well where to start; Cannibis is not the big demon all are saying. Aren't there much bigge.....
» 26/04/2006 10:57:03 PM "Hard core schizophrenics," what makes them that way,tell me do? Because I was g.....
» 17/04/2006 9:16:14 AM I can understand an Army having its own de-salination plant, because of the areas it acces.....
» 15/04/2006 3:14:26 PM Does any of you who have knowledge of mental health in adult offenders that are suffering .....
» 13/04/2006 7:43:10 AM Gary Brown , you say, Australia also acquiesced in Jakarta’s rape of East Timor. Isn’t it .....
» 12/04/2006 11:02:51 AM "Nephilim Genesis 6:4 states 'The Nephilim were on the earth in those days --and also.....
» 10/04/2006 6:52:09 AM Sorry folk, elida has a flash coming on, many of you will bejoinin'Homar Simpson' in his j.....
» 9/04/2006 5:07:33 AM Kalweb, Religion is a type of Mental illness, with all its twist and turns. You say, ".....
» 7/04/2006 1:00:06 PM SHONGA, You are saying, ‘no room at the inn,’ or in other words , fix the huge problems th.....
» 4/04/2006 8:41:27 PM Corin, Australians do not understand the British Government, and I have enough difficulty .....
» 3/04/2006 10:47:25 AM There is three monkeys leading this invasion, Bush, Howard and Blair. Our saviours, the Tr.....
» 2/04/2006 12:25:40 AM Ludwig, shame we do not have video cam here, you could show us your trim taunt & slim figu.....
» 1/04/2006 11:29:34 AM Redneck, aren’t you out of your depth, here? Perhaps not, as you are still knocking the “w.....
» 31/03/2006 10:15:12 PM Benjamin, On Chomsky, I had not heard of until you mentioned, has his critics also, as I .....
» 31/03/2006 11:27:40 AM You were presenting yourself as an entertainer,displaying the story from your culture/back.....
» 29/03/2006 9:47:14 PM Sydney Harbour, all that water and not a drop drinkable. I have a question, where does all.....
» 20/03/2006 8:27:05 PM Irfan is coming from a different world to Crass Australia. The Advertising world changes w.....
» 18/03/2006 5:20:16 PM Well, Doubtingthomas, refered to you 'blog' and survey. Not happy with the tune, what they.....
» 18/03/2006 12:14:40 PM I am still trying to connect the forest, the pomm tourist and the little devil. Cancer is .....
» 17/03/2006 2:09:13 PM Put it simply a weed is just a plant in the wrong place. Or man has no more use for, it ge.....
» 17/03/2006 10:23:15 AM You wrote this in 2003, and still no comment until now.There is much written re-water or .....
» 17/03/2006 9:31:25 AM Elida back to correct two points, I visited the Japanese site <self defence force> H.....
» 16/03/2006 4:35:33 PM My first comment, and first in line, quiet daunting. I have just visited the P.M.'s Defenc.....
65 comments in total: 64 article comments, 1 general comments.
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