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Some grievances last for generations

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excuse my typo - it should read the famine was in 1932-33.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 9:52:14 AM
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As for remembering past grievances?

Should we forget the Holocaust?

Especially those that were/are
still allowed to continue to this day.

Both the Nazis and
the Communists had committed unheard of cruelties.
Concentration camps - on both sides of the front
operated at a high pitch prior to and during the war years.
While the USSR policy of mass murder preceded that of
Nazi Germany, most notably with the artificial Ukrainian
famine of 1932-33, the wholesale destruction of the
Russian peasantry, and later the peasantry and intelligensia
in the occupied territories as well, the Nazis soon matched
Soviet terror with their wholesale slaughter of Jews,
Gypsies, and others in equal numbers, if not proportions of
their populations.

As stated in "The New KGB":

"There is no dispute about the enormity of Hitler's Holocaust.
But it is equally important to be as aware of the accomplishments
of the Soviet Secret Police, which brought death to at
least four times as many Russians, Poles, Jews, Latvians,
Lithuanians, Estonians, Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Gypsies,
and Romanians as Hitler did in his eleven years as a leader of
the "1,000-year Reich."

While half of the criminals, the Nazis, have been pursued
all over the world for their crimes, the other half, the communist
criminals, were allowed to go free. They were, in effect, given
tacit permission to continue the operation of their
concentration camps, to expand their draconian systems to
include psychiatric wards, thereby raising torture, suppression,
and murder to a science.

The fact that the process persisted was vividly disclosed to the
free world by Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn in his book - "The
Gulag Archipelago, " and many other authors as well.

Yes some grievances do last for generations - especially if they
are allowed to continue and they do last also to try to ensure that
they will not happen again
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 10:18:46 AM
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Just a reminder:

The USSR was a blood-stained regime
In which millions were murdered as a daily routine
Might is Right was their slogan of choice
Dissenting cries were not given a voice

History has written of the many disposed
The frozen infernos have now been exposed
Putin and Stalin are two of a kind
Yet some in the West to this are still blind

Putin like Stalin will take what he wants
He will kill and destroy those who fight in response
The world can't allow this rampage of terror
Not protecting Ukraine would be a huge error

First the Ukraine, then Romania
Followed by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
Do we want the USSR re-instated
Ruling Eastern Europe unabated?

The world must unite and be fully aware
That this is a battle that we all need to share
Putin must be stopped in his tracks
Otherwise no sovereign nation can truly relaz
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 10:34:34 AM
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First the Ukraine, then Romania
Followed by Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania
Something tells me that Putin has no interest in those countries, only Ukraine !
Posted by Indyvidual, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 3:18:14 PM
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Putin has ever interest in these countries.
He's made it clear that he'd like to reconstitute
the Soviet Empire. However there's something
very powerful standing in Putin's way - that's
Article 5 of NATO - an attack on one is an
attack on all. It is exactly why NATO has been
reinforcing NATO'S Eastern flank and why these
have joined NATO.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 3:51:14 PM
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Armchair, OLO's resident Russian apologist, races to make up excuses for the Bolsheviks.

AC writes: "Blame Russia for what they did to Jews post Russian revolution, but don't say anything about what the Jews did to Russia to cause it."

So the Jews had it coming to them? AC with his usual absence of logic tells us that the Bolsheviks were Jews. Therefore the Bolsheviks killing Jews was really a Jew on Jew massacre? Logic takes a holiday.

But my point wasn't that the tens of thousands murdered by the evil ideology were Jews. They were people. That they were Jews is secondary...except if you want to make up excuses.

".. the graves mentioned in your article were located in Transnistra".

Which is in Moldova, unless you are a Russian apologist in which case you slavishly accept the claims that it is part of mother Russia.

AC asserts: "You seem to misunderstand the difference between USSR and Bolsheviks and Modern Russia."

Since I hadn't mentioned the USSR or the Bolsheviks I wonder how he'd know that. But...well it is AC.

The regimes might change and with it the rhetoric. But peoples hang on to their essential being. Putin is just a Tsar by another name. Stalin also. Lenin especially so. The essence of the people who perpetrated the Holodomor, the Moldovan massacres and things like the Katyn massacre and the rape of Berlin is unchanged. Firing rockets into residential areas just to terrorise the population is very much the Russian way of war (and peace) and helps explain why the peoples of eastern Europe are determined to resist Putin with all they have.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 29 November 2022 4:58:22 PM
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