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The ALP and Red China
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Posted by wobbles, Sunday, 9 September 2007 1:11:32 AM
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CJ Morgan said: "Inevitably, given our geographical location, this will mean that our society will become less obviously 'Western'. Whether or not some people feel threatened by this is largely irrelevant, because the globalisation toothpaste's out of the tube."
Your version of globalisation sounds awfully like geographical determinism. Contrary to your opinion, there is nothing inevitable about Australia chosing to be imprisoned by its geography and disassociating itself from its culture. If anything, globalisation - in the true sense of the word - means that Australia is less bound by the tyranny of geography than ever before. One of the many accusations levelled against the West is 'cultural genocide'. But if there’s any going on these days in this part of the world, it’s the genocide of Australia's European heritage. And that has nothing to do with globalisation, and everything to do with geographical determinism. As for being 'bedeviled' by fears of 'Yellow Peril', I can only assume that it does not bother you in the slightest that a large number of people holding Australian citizenship are possibly spying for foreign governments. Last time I checked, treason was still a crime in this country. By then again, such dubious loyalties to Australia are the inevitable result of multiculturalism, an ideology close to your own heart. Whatever lofty notions may exist, multiculturalism in reality has encouraged immigrant groups to maintain an allegiance to their former homelands, to the point where it has undermined Australia's national security and sovereignty. Canada certainly believes Chinese spies to be a legitimate concern: Are the Canadians paranoid about 'Yellow Peril' also? Posted by Dresdener, Sunday, 9 September 2007 1:50:22 AM
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Thank you for opening this much needed thread. My name is Antje Struthmann. I am German born and as Morgan will tell you I sometimes miss spell English and don’t express myself as he would. I would however really would like to join your thread if that’s ok... Australia should be self sufficient and the ALP are encouraging even more ships with our natural resources being sent to China and else where. Unless we control our own country we are going to be in terrible trouble later on in life. What is the matter with these Australian Politicians? Are they so Lilly weak they cant do a bit better for the Australian people? Or are they just bone lazy or is it a bit of both. The Labour Government will push and push to export even more of our jobs to the cruel China. I won’t apologise using these terms because they have NO concern for Animal Welfare and often not even people. Australia surely is no so desperate and poor we have to send millions of sheep cattle and all livestock ‘Alive’ in death ships to this dreadful death at the hands of cruel practises. Did you know we send rabbits there that they skin alive! - Keep our produce here and manufacture our own goods Mr Rudd and give our grandchildren a future and show some responsibility and concern for our Australian farm animals. Please read this Mr Rudd and Mr Howard- from the Gold Coast Bulletin QLD Live export trade inquiry would be like lambs to slaughter THE RSPCA may have the answer for fed¬eral Labor politicians struggling to galv¬anise voters with the AWB bribery scandal. The recent 60 Minutes program on Channel 9 revealing cruelty on Australian cattle in the Middle East hit a nerve. Not that the RSPCA was surprised by the strong response from Australians outraged at endemic cruelty in the live export trade. Many Australian voters may not give two hoots about $300 million in kickbacks to Saddam Hussein to sew up Australian wheat sales to Iraq. continued next ;post Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 9 September 2007 7:49:21 AM
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This thread should remind us all why we post and read messages here.
For a start it is social exchange for many of us and the chance to have our views seen and read others. But if we are open minded, if we truly want to we may learn too. Learn our biases our ideas are ours but they may not be true. Or even begin to understand the issue involved. Red China? surely most of us know it is a term that no longer describes the one party state that is China? And even thinking the ALP is betraying us by trading with them? is that not so very wrong? It is not just governments trading with China John Howard if he could retain office would trade with them just as closely you can bet on it China drives our economy now and tomorrow. Now here, in this thread we are reminded of the shameful record of China in human rights. Yes it is all true, but just sometimes trade can help bring about change. We are told Armageddon may be China invading both Australia and the middle east. OK but may I ask do we all base our life on religion? am I free to regard all religion as a fable? What out cry do we hear about Zimbabwe? the bigger part of Africa for that matter? I am biased, yes I am as little more than a kid I thought I found God in left wing politics, it was no God I was wrong. But the extremist right wing thoughts expressed in this thread are just as wrong. In Kevin Rudd I see balance, a restoration badly needed in the way my county[ at this point I ask the person who tells me it is not my country to ignore me as I will all of them] needs balance not bigotry. Posted by Belly, Sunday, 9 September 2007 2:40:31 PM
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China is on the verge of economic collapse. It is being propped up by internal money recycling and the fears of the rest of the world. If China sneezes the rest of the world catches cold. The leadership uses external fear of the huge population to control the rest of the world. It uses internal virtual slavery to control the majority.
Yes, on the surface China looks like a boom economy but the reality is very different. China has moved into every area of our lives...bought any frozen vegetables lately? Hard to find as most of them are "Made in China" along with clothing, machinery, toys, entertainment etc etc. China is hoping to hold out long enough to be able to raise their prices and claw their way out of massive debt. Mandarin Rudd's ability to speak a little Chinese is not going to save the day, indeed it will probably make matters far worse - especially if he continues to be arrogant enough to believe that he can make a difference and that speaking a little Chinese will make a difference. The ALP way of doing business is not acceptable in China either - a lesson Rudd will learn the hard way, if he can learn it at all. This is especially so because the Chinese leadership believe they can get away with gross abuses of human rights even while the world is watching the Olympics. (Probably right too - most people will only care about their country's medal count.) Posted by Communicat, Sunday, 9 September 2007 4:31:47 PM
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Well said and you have raised some valid points .APEC is also a Labour victory being the brain child Bob Hawk. .Nobody is saying ALP is betraying us by dealing with China or any other country. The real issue here is Australian Politicians Howard and Rudd are betraying the Australian people by sending our raw materials off in its most valuable form. We are buying China or overseas foods produced with our raw products sent back to us. Clothing electrical etc. That’s simply not clever. We are the food bowl of the world working our way towards being unable to produce food for our own people. We are already dependant on overseas to just about everything in particular the live Animal Export trade is an Economical dead end. It is this cruel trade that has slowly eroded Australian Regional areas Australia’s backbone. The AMIEU have long cried for the live trade to cease and many abattoirs along with those jobs have been closed because it. The AMIEU have pointed out for years it is not just abattoir jobs lost but value adding which flows throughout all manufacturing and thousands of Australian jobs. Indeed the real reason China and other countries buy live Animals are to buy employment for their own economy. So if we are to discuss the ALP it is important we look closely at Mr. Rudd and today’s Labour to ask the right questions. We need to know why Mr. Rudd has not delivered a policy to divert some of these jobs back to our own country instead of exporting our products in its most valuable form like the Howard Government... We don’t want to hear either anymore of labors standard email declaring Labour hold concern for animal welfare. We can export to china and elsewhere but we must stop allowing these big countries to walk all over us. If they want meat they can buy it in a box while we keep our economy strong and keep jobs here. Posted by People Against Live Exports & Intensive Farming, Sunday, 9 September 2007 9:38:47 PM
Oh, I forgot - we gave it to them. Profit before politics.