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The Forum > General Discussion > Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine is not a solution

Two State Solution for Israel and Palestine is not a solution

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Hi Yuyutsu,

I beg to differ.

Read the link I gave. $38 billion is not a drop in the
bucket and Israel is counted one of the strongest military
powers - thanks to US support.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 30 September 2022 7:50:00 PM
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Miriam Margolyes in her autobiography tells us:

" Four days before my eight birthday, David Ben-Gurion,
head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the creation of
the State of Israel. I remember the cautious celebrations
at home."

"My parent were troubled by Zionism, more because they felt
the Jews having their own country would increase anti-Semitism,
rather than from a sense of the wrong done to the Palestinians."

"Because of my public refusal to support the State of Israel
, I have become unpopular with other Jews. It's difficult not
to be a Zionist when you're Jewish. There are many who think
I'm betraying my people. I've been vilified on social media,
labelled a fascist, an antisemite, a terrorist, and a
self-hating Jew."

"My position on Israel has lost me friends. Naturally this makes
me sad, but I have to tell the truth. I've seen with my own eyes
how the State of Israel is abusing the Palestinians. "

Miriam goes into detail about what she has experienced and
seen for herself in Israel. I won't go into that detail
here. Suffice to say that she ends with:

" "It's about understanding how you would feel if soldiers came
and pushed you out of your home, destroyed your orchard and
the farm that your family had owned for hundreds of years, and
made you feel like vermin in your own country. I keep saying
to British Zionists, "Please just go and look for yourself!"

Miriam attests, "I would be much easier not to speak out.
My support for the Palestine has brought me great heartache.
But I can only speak the truth. I can't accept that something
wrong is being done in my name. I am a proud Jew. I fight
anti-semitism wherever I see it. I'm not a believer, but I
adore the culture I spring from, and honour it."

"Truth is not hard to see if you open your eyes."
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 October 2022 11:21:12 AM
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Injustice is injustice. It doesn't matter who is the recipient of injustice and who is the dispenser it is wrong. Miriam Margolyes has a conscience and sees injustice done to the Palestinians. The past sufferings of the Jewish people do not justify the injustice done to the Palestinians. The past actions of the Palestinians do not justify the injustice. Nothing can change what has happened, but future injustice can be avoided. As long as there is a Jewish state non-Jews will be second-class citizens. As long as there is a Buddhist, Christian, Hindu or Muslim state non-Buddhists, non-Christians, non-Hindus or non-Muslims will be second-class citizens. To eliminate religious injustice there must be separation of religion and state.
Posted by david f, Saturday, 1 October 2022 5:08:41 PM
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I agree with Miriam Margolyes when she says that:

"We need to encourage people to think critically about
their country and its relation to the world."

"My country right or wrong doesn't work for me. I'm on the
side of humanity. If I see a wrong, I feel I must do my
best to right it. That is who I am."

Of course religion plays a big part in many troubled lands
as we know and when you criticize their actions - you can become
persona non grata - or worse -put your life at risk. I like
Miriam believe that people have to face up to the moral
implications of their actions. But that is difficult to do
in religious states who believe that they are right.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 1 October 2022 5:30:44 PM
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Dear Foxy,

$38 billion is over 10 years - 3.8 billion per year.
Israel's GDP for 2022 is estimated at 520 billion USD, thus for this year, the American military aid is 0.73%.

Yes, in previous years that was a bit more, so in 2016 (that is when the sum of 38 billion USD was agreed on) when Israel's GDP was only 319 billion USD, that amounted to 1.2%

The percentage keeps decreasing.

Israel doesn't really need this money - it is the U.S.A that needs to "donate" this money as a trick to bypass its own laws and overtly subsidize its military industry. Soon America will be begging Israel!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 1 October 2022 10:05:08 PM
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Hi Yuyutsu,

I beg to differ.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 2 October 2022 9:10:16 AM
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