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Community Sponsorship of Refugees

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You are right: multiculturalism = globalism, and it is controlling and anti-Western.

Diversity is definitely not a strength for the West; it leads to the loss of nationality and weakens democracy. Democratic political institutions are more likely to develop and survive in countries that are homogeneous.

Multiculturalism has become an aggressive ideology against the once predominant moral, legal and religious traditions of the West. The mainly government-sponsored construct operates as a subversive strategy for the deconstruction of Western Civilisation,

Apart from a few privileged people, societies gain little from multiculturalism but bewilderment and loss of national identity.

So serious is the problem that barely a third of young Australians now think that Australia is worth fighting for.

We are succumbing to the arrogant fascinations of regressive pseudo-intellectuals and politicians, who are cultural relativists
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 September 2022 8:21:52 AM
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Hi AC,

I differentiate between migrants and refugees, although migrants can be refugees. My GP of 35 years, was both, coming to Australia post war as a Hungarian "refo". In his lifetime he made an outstanding contribution to Australia, I'm proud to not only call him our family doctor, but a friend as well, a man who never put himself above any other person. I have some fabo stories we had in conversation, some funny some serious. One thing is for sure Australians enjoy the living standard they do today, partly due to the positive contributions made by migrants. Unless you're a First Nations person (and them to) we are all a product of migration. Although most of the make-up of the First Fleet was English, there were many other nationalities on board as well, from Irish to Africans.

AC, you say; "I liked it better how it was", and just how was it, and when? I think we can overplay the nationalistic race card. Australia despite some pain has been successful at integrating migrants over time, particularly in successive generations.

"kind of person that hates foreign people just because they're foreign" I don't believe you are, there are few deliberate racists in Australia, many however are racists because of ill-founded predigests, they have developed false notions based not on experience, but irrational fear of what others might bring to Australian society.

"many hate white or western people anyway, who would also state that we don't have any culture, whilst forcing me to accept bow to theirs." I refute that statement (see above). From my personal experience with refugees and ethnic groups in Sydney, that was never the case with the majority I interacted with, just the opposite in fact. Can you give any examples of that hate, publicly shaming Australians or forcing you to do anything against your will.

Your last paragraph I took as cynicism, that's what you want to believe, and that's that
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 4 September 2022 8:48:23 AM
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Maybe the country does need more people, or maybe it doesn't who's to say.
We do have an ageing population with the boomers, who themselves need a sound healthcare system, and what about the kids, the education system is falling apart due to a lack of teachers.

Plenty of issues going on there, most importantly I can't just be selfish and think about my own feelings.
Boomers and kids deserve a fair go too.

Is it really a lack of people or is it a lack of good policies?
The government at least in part created this mess, by firing health care staff and teachers for not having vaccines.

Our leaders are supposed to lead their citizens to better outcomes.
Not lead the country and constituents off a cliff, like I see so many other leaders in the world doing right now.

Many people will never be able to afford their own homes, which is sad because it's a big country.

It's really poor form the quality of leaders these days.
Most care more about themselves and their own political futures than they do about the betterment the citizens, no matter what they say.
- Drunk on power for their own best interests and no-one elses

I want to start seeing some good policies, not more of the same half-baked crap we get from leaders that are no better than kindergarten kids.
Real leadership, forward thinking, sound fool-proofed polices that are going to make this nation a better place for all.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Sunday, 4 September 2022 8:51:26 AM
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The obsession with population size is absurd. In 2020, a World Bank investigation found that small countries are richer per capita than large ones. There are many rich countries with populations of 10 million or less.

To name a few:

New Zealand 5 million
Switzerland 8 million
Sweden 10 million
Denmark 6 million
Norway 5 million
Finland 5 million,

none of them hard up.

The more people we take in, the poorer those already here become individually.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 4 September 2022 9:21:01 AM
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Dear Paul,

The history of this country is full of historically
recorded facts of the vast array of contributions that
refugees have made (and continue to make) to this
country and to Australian society. From science,
medicine, the arts, business, sports, education,
technology, literature, and the list goes on.
Look who started the wine industries, the fashion
industries, the innovations in science and medicine.

Research shows that people who've come in as refugees are
more likely to set up businesses than other groups.
They play an important role in facilitating the development
of trade and other links. They value the education of
their children very highly.

More young refugees study than other migrants and people
born in Australia. They contribute greatly to civic and
community life. They volunteer and promote community
development and engage in neighbourhood activities and

The Refugee Council of Australia tells us that:

"By definition refugees are survivors. They have survived
because of their courage, ingenuity and creativity.
These are qualities that they bring to this country and
qualities that most of us value in Australia. If we
support them to recover from their persecution and rebuild
their lives in Australia - Australia will (and has) reap
the benefits."

Sidney Myer arrived in Melbourne by boat as a Russian
Jewish refugee without a visa, no English and almost
no money. His Department stores are an iconic part of
Melbourne. Then we have people like Sir Gustav Nossal,
Dr Karl Kruszelnicki, Harry Seidler, Frank Lowy, Tan Le,
Munjed Al Muderis, Sir Selman Cowen (Cohen) whose
grandparents were Jewish immigrants from Belarus,
Dr Victor Chang and so many, many, others to numerous
to list here.

There's no point whatsoever in arguing with dinosaurs
with whom you can't even agree on the basic historically
recorded facts. These people are illiterate not because
they can't read and write but because they can't learn,
unlearn, and re-learn. And in 21st Century Australia
they truly are irrelevant.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 4 September 2022 11:22:32 AM
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Hi Paul,

Well I'm on a roll and on Father's Day too.

So much comes to mind about the contributions of
migrants to this country. I can't possibly mention
them all - so I'll select just a few more.

"If you drive north out of Adelaide in South Australia there's
a point where the name of towns and streets start to have German
names and architecture. Every village's main street has a
German style bakery and signs tounting "wurst" or "wein."

"Where the grass covered rolling hills give way to vineyards
you've arrived in Barossa Valley. The pioneers who opened
up this area in the 1840s were German speaking Lutherans
fleeing from religious persecution in their Prussian homeland."

Lets also not forget the contribution Italians also made to
Australia's wine industry. Plus Lygon street in Carlton -
is Melbourne's key area - that Melbourne can thank Italians for
the famous coffee and cafe culture. And of course there
are other parts of all cities to which migrants have contributed
food wise - just think of all the China Towns, and multitudes
of shops and restaurants.

The roots of the Australian Ballet can be found in the
Borovansky Ballet a company founded in 1940 by Czech dancer
Edouard Borovansky.

Mount Kosciuszko was named by Polish explorer Paul Strzelecki
in 1840 after Polish cultural and political hero Tadeusz
Kosciusko. It's part of the Kosciuszko National Park which
includes other parks in the Australian Alps Mountain Range.

Olegas Truchanas, a Lithuanian born Tasmanian wilderness
explorer and photographer who undertook a numver of
different journeys into parts of Tasmania's South-West
previously not visited by Europeans. The stories and photos
from his journeys have since become part of Tasmania's

I could go on and on. But I won't.

Enjoy your Father's Day!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 4 September 2022 12:05:36 PM
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