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Lydia Thorpe Petition

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Is Mise,

Just a few more points:

It's not polite to not call a person by their chosen
name. Her name is Lidia Thorpe. And you should have the
good manners to refer to her correctly - no matter how many
versions of that name there may be. Respect her choice
of name seeing as you're so interested in "correct"

Talking about "correct behaviour" and hats?

In the House of Representatives - no hats are allowed.

However in the Senate - it's not a rule. In 1988
Federation-era rules governing headwear were abolished
as a "relic" of their times.

So Patrick Dodson - can wear his hat.

Bob Katter - who loves his hats can't because he's in the
House of Reps.

As for your banging on about Lidia Thorpe's lying et cetera?

How many white politicians who favour a republic over a
constitutional monarchy (the former PM - Malcolm Turnbull)
weren't/ aren't labelled as liars when they
swore/swear allegiance to the Queen?

Seems a bit selective and hypocritical.
Posted by Foxy, Friday, 22 July 2022 11:14:49 PM
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I gave a qualified apology for spelling Thorpe’s name wrongly and I didn’t even ask that she apologize for insulting my country, my country’s flag and my fellow citizens.

Malcolm Turnbull is a liar and a perjurer as are all politicians who swear allegiance but don’t mean it, in his case it’s even worse because he didn’t need the money.

People who lie to Centrelink to get money are prosecuted, why not a politician who also lies to get money?
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 23 July 2022 8:22:10 AM
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Is Mise,

Lidia got elected to her position by both her party and
her electorate. The position came with a salary for which
she works. She obeyed the rules that were required to
get into office. As many of us do - to get our jobs.
The fact that she disclosed her feelings towards (according
to her) - a foreign power what invaded her country so that
she can help her people finally achieve their rights -
is in my opinion - totally understandable.

The fact that you choose not to understand says more about
you then it does about her. And as I stated earlier - there
are many politicians who have not told the truth as she did -
to get their jobs. Why single her out?

It seems that you'll defend the empire no matter what.
Yet you're not interested in who the next British PM
will be?

You've painted yourself into a corner old chap.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 July 2022 10:11:24 AM
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Is Mise,

BTW: Regarding your so called "apology" to getting
Lidia Thorpe's name wrong?

You only apologised after Josephus pointed the fact
out to you on page 8, and even then you made excuses
for yourself as to how it really wasn't wrong.

Pot - kettle - black.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 July 2022 10:34:03 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Issy didn't apologise when I pointed out his name abuse of Lidia. I said if you can't get the name right, what else have you got wrong.

Getting endorsement from the Greens membership for Senate nomination is very difficult, it involves attending exhaustive grass roots meetings all over the State, at your expense, delving your credentials for the job, your objectives and reasons why you deserve the nomination from the membership and answering some very tough questions from them. Then there is an online voting process by the membership to get through. The last one I was involved in had about 20 nominations to begin with, thankfully my number one choice got up. and she now sits in the Australian Senate as a NSW Senator.

Maybe Issy can outline the process for Senate nomination in his Shooters and Hooters Party. Claims he was a founding member of that mob. Maybe whose got the biggest gun get the top pick!
Posted by Paul1405, Saturday, 23 July 2022 3:04:52 PM
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Hi Paul,

What Is Mise can't seem to understand is that Lidia
Thorpe did not lie to the Australian people - to
her constituents. She simply was honest enough to
reject the system that did so much harm to her people.

She comes from long line of strong black women who
taught her to stand up for what's right and never let injustice
and racism beat you down.

As activist Kath Walker did by changing her name to
Oolgoroo of the Noonuccal tribe in protest of the
Australian Bicentennial celebration. And, in the same
year Walker returned her MBE to the Queensland Governor
stating that Aboriginal Australia had very little to
celebrate after 200 years of white settlement.

And yet Is Mise wants Aboriginal people to pay homage
to their invaders and sincerely pledge their allegiance
to them?

See you on another discussion.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 23 July 2022 4:57:08 PM
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