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The Forum > General Discussion > Covid stinks, & so does our reactions

Covid stinks, & so does our reactions

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Hassy, I might not agree with the girls foolish behaviour, but thumbs up to your son for helping out.

I kept my fingers crossed for our niece, hubby and two little kids who made the trip from Sydney to Brisbane, and back in their old car at Xmas. Other than the oil dropping below the dipstick they made it ok. Topped up the oil with a thicker grade and back they went. Got home the oil was ok. They have done it tough economically with Covid, loss of income etc.
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 14 January 2022 6:01:51 AM
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Hi JF,

I've heard about the natural immunity defence. I sent a recording of an exchange between a radio host and a natural immunity exponent to a non-vaxer. The host asked whether the fellow would have unprotected sex with someone infected with syphilis or gonorrhoea, then asked why he felt his natural immunity was enough to fight off covid. The non-vaxer felt the host was an idiot and the natural immunity exponent sensible, so I guess the point was lost on her.

I think the kindness of Hasbeen and son is commendable, but the premise is silly as the young lady is undertaking a long and hazardous journey in a vehicle unfit for the purpose for the sake of being nine times more likely to end up in hospital from a covid infection.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 14 January 2022 6:38:23 AM
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Hi Fester,

Yes, vax doesn't stop bones being broken either, nor does vax stop girls catching covid from an overheated radiator during daylight on a busy highway.
Use a condom for STD and drive a new car to control temperature.
And avoid Ch9 news to overcome covid phobia.
Above all be a true Australian and welcome Djoko to play his tennis.
Posted by JF Aus, Friday, 14 January 2022 7:36:38 AM
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Unless you want to change the entry rules and permit fraud and lying when making a visa application I would think it's a case of Novax Rackoffovic.

Vaccination is a means of harm reduction. I don't think it sensible to mandate. As with Novak getting a visa, that he has been dishonest and in breach of the entry rules is clear, but people will believe whatever they want to, and no amount of evidence will persuade some people otherwise.
Posted by Fester, Friday, 14 January 2022 8:30:45 AM
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Hi Foxy,

Since we're going to vote, who will be on the ballot paper; Goofy Charlie, Randy Andy, Harry Pothead, Buck Tooth Willie. Voting won't be compulsory, me hope not.

I was reading something the other day where a doggie got on the ballot paper for town mayor. The pooch got elected. Given the talent on offer, will animals be included, Skippy!
Posted by Paul1405, Friday, 14 January 2022 9:52:49 AM
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This talk on Bad Pharma is interesting...

Ben Goldacre (I believe currently at Oxford) talks about the issues with Tamiflu and the Billions perhaps Trillions that world governments have spent and the efforts of the Pharma to avoid responsibility and provide all the data to the Cochrane Group for mortality studies.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 16 January 2022 4:20:14 AM
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