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Do you need to come out

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Heading back to an earlier comment,

"Most human beings are not hunters therefore were I to say that hunting is normal then I’d be in error."

So say perhaps there were a whole subset of hunters out there, who decided to let people know that previously they secretly hunted and now they want to no longer be secretive. And another component that decided one day they realised that hunting was for them, and they were not going to be secretive about it from the outset.
By definition due to the higher numbers of non secretive hunters the act of normalisation would accelerate.
I suspect the urge to "come out" is not neccessarily to be vicarious and attention seeking, moreso to add to the normalisation paradigm I mentioned earlier?
Posted by ViolentEntropy, Monday, 1 November 2021 1:59:12 PM
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Is Mise,

<<But I do expect people to answer a simple question, after all, it’s a discussion forum.>>

O.K, that's not unreasonable, but then when I put a dictionary definition regarding a previous point about what normal means you choose to ignore it and continue with your own slant on what is normal, despite what a dictionary says. Just so you remember:

1a: conforming to a type, standard, or regular pattern : characterized by that which is considered usual, typical, or routine.

Don't forget the definition includes "what is considered usual, typical or routine", so what one does is normal for them, not the case though for someone else - and in real terms I don't need to be told or know.

So will you accept what a dictionary considers normal or not? The ball is now in your court.
Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 1 November 2021 2:12:51 PM
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I apologise, I didn’t think that you were serious as you left out so much of what MW had to say.
However homosexuality is not normal, expected or routine for human kind.
Foxy said that what is natural is normal but when she was confronted with the example of women who had never been pregnant breast feeding , something that is perfectly natural.but far from normal she did her usual slither and slide to evade admitting that she was in error..
Do you think that such feeding is normal?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 1 November 2021 3:28:46 PM
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Is Mise,

I don't understand where you are coming from. I provided a dictionary definition of normal and you choose to ignore it.

One person's normal is different to another, weather it be entering or exiting a building through to breastfeeding or not breastfeeding.

I don't really want to discuss this matter with you any further and I think that ends the discussion.
Posted by NathanJ, Monday, 1 November 2021 9:49:33 PM
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The Democratic educational system in America is trying to educate anal sex as normal, whereas Parkistan would consider it as abnormal and impose death as the penalty upon the act as being socially abhorrent. So to consider what is normal depends upon a predetermined acceptable social norm.
Posted by Josephus, Tuesday, 2 November 2021 8:44:19 AM
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Are you doing a ‘Foxy’ and being deliberately obtuse?
I answered your question and apologised for not answering it sooner.
Normal is that which is the norm and the norm for humankind is heterosexuality.
The homosexuals that I know, and that includes one that I soldiered with (we still keep in touch, he’s a keen shooter) all glory in being different, in not being.normal, in fact they use the word ‘queer’ and ‘queer’ is given as a near antonym of ‘normal’ in MW..
Posted by Is Mise, Tuesday, 2 November 2021 8:55:33 AM
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