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Does Australia need a new flag?
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Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 15 September 2021 4:37:28 PM
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Foxy's assertions on multiculturalism are both arguable and very offensive. Of course that is her intent to be very offensive. If one doesn't object the assumption is that we support her assertions by remaining silent. If we counter Foxy we are being aggressive. Similar tactics were used to shut down opposition during the Gay Marriage "debate". It's a difficult position to be in. While generally one supports the right to be offensive to make a point there comes a time when all there is- is offense. One starts to see the messenger as an item of disgust. I guess that Foxy insists on being an item of disgust. Sometimes that's just the way it has to be.
Aesop's fable The Farmer and the Viper is an example of how cultures can be incompatible- this is all the more reason to let cultures alone to live how they see fit. But Foxy- in her wisdom- doesn't want to do that. Some don't believe in "live and let live". Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 15 September 2021 9:49:50 PM
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I can't think of anything we need less that a new flag, unless it is to stop all immigration, completely, & permanently.
It is the British heritage that has made the modern Australian society possible. It is the flag that reflects that foundation, & is a bloody good idea to remind recently arrived people of that fact. Posted by Hasbeen, Thursday, 16 September 2021 12:15:03 AM
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More than 2/3 Australians are of British heritage and roughly 9/10 are of European heritage whereas all the mooted flag designs are heavily focused on aboriginal designs that represent 1/50 Australians. Sounds like the tail wagging the dog. Posted by shadowminister, Thursday, 16 September 2021 8:43:28 AM
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shadow minister,
I explained earlier that in my opinion the current Australian flag does not accurately connote Australia's status as an independent nation. The Union Jack suggest Australia is a British colony or dependency. And that today many people simply are uncomfortable with the flag. That on so many levels the anachronism of the flag's arrangement has led to a discordance with Australia's self-confident and multicultural identity. That is only my opinion. Nothing more should be read into that. I made it quite clear that it is up to the Australian people to decide whether or not they want a change and what that change will be. I will have very little input into that decision. My influence is not that big and to suggest all kinds of things on my expressing an opinion borders on the absurd. We need to rise above name calling and insults of people whose views don't agree with our own and labelling them as being "bad." Some of us need to stop sounding like echo chambers and giving kudos to those who have the "wisdom" to agree with us. That's not how a democracy is supposed to work. And as far as I'm aware this country is a democracy - and an independent sovereign nation. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 16 September 2021 9:43:07 AM
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cont'd ...
shadow minister, As for the accusation of my being "offensive." To paraphrase Albert Einstein - Many individuals have always encountered opposition from mediocre minds. Mediocre minds are incapable of understanding the person who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express their opinions courageously and honestly. And as Jordan Peterson confirms: In order to be able tho think you have to risk being offensive. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 16 September 2021 10:11:31 AM
And Australia today is certainly much more than
the British colony that it once was.
It is a vibrant multicultural country that we can
all look at with pride at the number of cultures
that now make up the nation that is today's Australia.