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A Chinese Ethnic Weapon ?

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Josephus, please pay attention, I never said Covis19 does not affect Chinese.
Having heard talks on developments in DNA research I understand why
research to make a racially sensitive product is illegal, but probably
possible. It is remarkable what they can now do, in fact frightening
but at the same time thrilling how they might be able to correct some
of the worst inflections on humanity.
There might well be some complaints that are racially specific that
can perhaps be repaired with modified DNA. That is one research area.
There has been invented little "devices" that run along the DNA
chromosomes and make modifications when they find specific sequences.
Think about the implications in that.

Paul, if you get the opportunity to hear the top researchers in the
DNA field in the Australia ask them about the possibility.
I am nowhere near the first to think of this !
Posted by Bazz, Thursday, 2 September 2021 11:13:46 PM
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Beijing bans ‘effeminate’ and ‘vulgar’ screen content, caps pay for actors

Nothing to do with ethnic but a lot to do with ethic !

Anyhow, did anyone seriously believe China would produce & not take advantage of using the commodities to infiltrate security systems etc ? All & I mean "ALL" our computers, phones & literally everything we buy & use is from China so, it only makes sense that spy ware is built into all these commodities. If other countries reserve the right to let so many of their people be as stupid as they are then China has the right to exploit that stupidity ! That includes Health research.
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 September 2021 7:33:00 AM
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Yes Individual, there was a report of extra chips being built into
the mother boards of Dell computers.
They were noticed by Dell and commented upon.
They were in inner layers of the PCB but could be seen
with a strong light. That is all my recollection of the article.
It has been suggested they could now be located under components.
It could be very difficult to detect spurious operations of software
as routines can be hidden in video formatting.
I never worked in that area so I am as ignorant as most of us.
Posted by Bazz, Friday, 3 September 2021 11:42:37 AM
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The greed that caused out-sourcing our manufacturing to other countries & the collapse of local manufacturing is China's weapon. Hopefully, it will not be too long from now when this will bite us all in our butts with a severe shock wave to hopefully make our decision-makers come to their senses. Any union now asking for more pay should be deregistered on the spot. It's they who pandered to the money-hungry manipulators which made local enterprise unsustainable.
Let's do to China what they do to us, make them dependent !
Posted by individual, Friday, 3 September 2021 5:38:35 PM
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Further to Paul1405's comment on Nina Rosenwald and the Gatestone Institute...

"Born and raised in New York City, Rosenwald is one of three daughters of William Rosenwald and Mary Kurtz Rosenwald.[14] Her sisters are Elizabeth R. Varet and Alice Rosenwald.[14][15]

Rosenwald's grandfather, Julius Rosenwald, was an early investor in Sears, Roebuck & Company, and served as president of the company from 1908-24. Thereafter until his death in January 1932 he served as chairman.[16] In 1912, he partnered with Booker T. Washington and the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (now Tuskegee University) to build more than 5,000 schoolhouses for African-American children throughout the South.[17]

Rosenwald's father moved from Chicago to New York City in the early 1930s and was chairman of the investment firm American Securities.[15] In 1939, he was one of three founding members of the United Jewish Appeal (UJA).[18] Rosenwald's mother, a professional violinist, was a refugee from both the Russian Revolution and Nazi Germany.[15]

Rosenwald received a B.A. from Sarah Lawrence College in Yonkers, New York and her M.A. in English from New York University in New York City.[citation needed]
Political activism

Rosenwald's political activism began in the 1970s in support of Senator Henry M. "Scoop" Jackson. She also supported the campaigns of Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, serving for many years on his campaign finance committee.[19] In 1984, Rosenwald was appointed to the Rules Committee of the Democratic National Convention in San Francisco, and she served as a delegate from New York at the 1996 Democratic National Convention.[20]

According to the Right Web (Institute for Policy Studies) website, Rosenwald's donations to pro-Israel organizations have "earned her a place of considerable influence in the 'pro-Israel' firmament"
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 7 September 2021 9:35:58 AM
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Paul1405 claims that Nina Rosenwald and the Gatestone Institute is Far Right yet worked for the Democrats and is Hebrew. Little surprise that Hebrews dislike Muslims given world events- and little surprise that Hebrews support Israel.

Hebrew's as a group seem to paradoxically vote Democrat but support business oriented policies.

It's amusing when Communists label Hebrew's as "Nazi's".

It's also amusing that Greenies side with the profligate expansionist Communists- hence the term watermelon
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 7 September 2021 9:47:30 AM
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