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Happy Centenary Herr Chancellor

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I posted the dictionary definition of socialism and Nazism fits it like a glove.

Ian Kershaw and the other left whingers tried to redefine socialism as being a class struggle which Fascism is not. In this, they are fundamentally wrong.
Posted by shadowminister, Tuesday, 10 August 2021 2:03:55 PM
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Dear mhaze,

This is a hoot old boy so thanks.

That the Jewish refugee influx gave fertile ground for antisemitic parties is beyond doubt and it was the Nazis who through their propagandist Goebbels made the most of it. Why is that is the slightest bit controversial. Because you are determined to flog this side issue rather than dealing with the supposed socialist values of Hitler.

When I try and bring the conversation back to that issue off you go again with your repetitious arguments about what the rest of us consider a given.

Why is this so hard for you? Is it that your long held beliefs are being uncomfortably challenged? Well that is what happens on occasions.

Absolutely nothing you have posted thus far supports any notion that Hitler was an ardent socialist. How about you give it a try now.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 10 August 2021 2:42:48 PM
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One other point for SR to ignore.

When his original claims about the Nazis garnering votes from the 'fertile soil' were shown to be rubbish, he then tried to salvage face by saying the "German Nationalist People's Party...recorded the second highest amount of votes in that election [1928]."

Unfortunately for SR, in that election the German Nationalist People's Party's vote FELL by fully one third as compared to the previous election. So it seems this 'fertile soil' that, as is now very clearly seen a mere figment of SR's wild imagination, didn't do anyone any good.

No wonder SR wants to change the subject back to the original issue....his diversion made him look the dill.

Foxy likewise decides to avoid the issue. This after having tried to show her superior knowledge by referring to Robert Conquest, and been shown to yet again not know anything about that author.

She whines "I could go on listing more and more material for
you to read". Well yes Foxy you can go on trying to find lists of books on the WWW and you might stumble on some I'm not familiar with. But might I suggest that a better idea might be to actually read one or two of the books you merely claim to have read.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 10 August 2021 4:23:20 PM
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Do you think if you keep repeating something often
enough it will come true. Listen old chap - we've
discussed Robert Conquest in the past
- especially regarding the Ukrainian famine.
"Harvest of Sorrow." was a book I had mentioned
at the time as being part of my vast
collection of books. I've discussed Stalin and Hitler
on this forum including quoting from my
own material.

Anyway, if it makes you feel superior in some way -
go ahead and be happy that despite my profession,
and life experiences - you're the one with all the
knowledge who doesn't need the www. and is the only one
who reads books and has a book collection.


There you go!

And wait for it - you'll be getting a "kudos" any time
soon from your resident admirer (LOL).
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 10 August 2021 4:55:07 PM
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Dear mhaze,


Is this your version of covering your ears, closing your eyes and rocking backward and forward mouthing some comforting mantra?

You cry: “Yes, you have repeated asserted that. You have no evidence for it, just asserted it.”

The evidence is what would have been history's most virulently self-evident anti-Semitic party gained power in Germany and proceeded to murder and gas millions of Jews.

I have shown that up until the 1920s Jews were integrating relatively well in German society. You chose to ignore that.

Now you are contending that this was not fertile ground and that once the Nazi party was allowed to run in elections properly its appeal soared spectacularly due to some yet to be described collective and sudden madness.

Look mate, you have painted yourself into a corner and you just want to be let out. You can't respond to anything else at this point because it is consuming you.

When you are feeling a little better about yourself I would be interested in what you make of Goebbels's remarks about Hitler's socialism.

Play on.
Posted by SteeleRedux, Tuesday, 10 August 2021 10:56:19 PM
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mhaze- Take care mate. You've convinced me to go and check my history books on my understanding. At least you've achieved something constructive.
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 11 August 2021 3:57:34 AM
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