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The Forum > General Discussion > Bruce Pascoe’s ‘Dark Emu’’ debunked

Bruce Pascoe’s ‘Dark Emu’’ debunked

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On the basis of long term research and observation
Sutton and Walshe portray classical Australian
Aboriginal people as highly successful hunter-gatherers
and fishers.

They strongly repudiate racist notions of Aboriginal
hunter-gatherers as living in a primitive state.

In their book, they assert there was and is nothing
"simple" or "primitive" about hunter-gatherer fishers
labour practices.

This complexity was and in many cases still is, underpinned
by high levels of spiritual cultural belief.

Sutton and Walshe provide extensive evidence to support
their argument that classical Aboriginal society
was a hunter-gatherer society and as sophisticated as the
traditional European farming method.

The book asks Australians to develop a deeper understanding
and appreciation of Aboriginal society and culture.

Bruce Pascoe is very pleased that his book has shone a
light and is encouraging this debate to continue.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 14 June 2021 12:59:36 PM
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I do have a copy of the book, I have tried to read it but it is so boring that I always give up.


Pascoe is e has no Aboriginal ancestors from Australia, his ancestry is European, and if he is of Australian Aboriiginal descent, then why does he always evade the issue?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 14 June 2021 1:05:13 PM
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As well as fantasising, Pascoe is a champion avoider of answering questions; he also never names people whom he claims supplied him with information. They are 'some' archaeologists, some explorers etc.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 14 June 2021 1:26:12 PM
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Is Mise,

Attempts to discredit Bruce Pascoe's Aboriginality
is done to discredit him and especially his book.
Pascoe's book is now in its 40th reprint.
And Australia's reactionary right have now built a
sizeable echo chamber inside their publications.
A storm in a teacup - which nobody takes seriously,
especially young people or Pascoe himself.

He has the support of his community and people like
Indigenous Australian Minister Ken Wyatt, and
Prof. Marcia Langton to name just a few.

He considers himself of Aboriginal ancestry, he has
records to prove it, and he is accepted by his
community as being Aboriginal.

What some trouble-makers think is irrelevant.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 14 June 2021 1:29:15 PM
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Pascoe has supplied an impressive Bibliography -
which is worth a read.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 14 June 2021 1:32:03 PM
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If Pascoe has records to prove his Aboriginality where are they?

It would be so easy for him to shame his detractors; his silence regarding evidence is curious to say the least.

If he is not of. Aboriginal descent then he is a liar, a cheat and a fraudster.

It would be so easy for him to set. the record straight.

What about the dinky-dy Aboriginals who don’t recognise his claims?
Are they part of a right wing conspiracy?
Posted by Is Mise, Monday, 14 June 2021 2:01:36 PM
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