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The Forum > General Discussion > Bruce Pascoe’s ‘Dark Emu’’ debunked

Bruce Pascoe’s ‘Dark Emu’’ debunked

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Your remind me of the cat, once cornered, throwing out a limp pow in defence from the raging Rottweiler standing menacingly over the poor mange animal. You being the cat, I being the Rottweiler.

Ha, ha, my best political friend is a Muslim female senator, no tokenism there.

The mob from the extreme right, you included, the other want-a-be far right posters as well, add in Bolt and co, Mundine looks like he's trying to get in there for a pat on the head. You lot would have some credibility if only you could honestly say you have actual read 'DARK EMU'. You're passing judgement from a point of ignorance, not having read anything, other than cometary from biased sources, and simply regurgitating those opinions.

I read 'Dark Emu' it didn't change my opinion that pre colonisation Aboriginal people were predominantly hunter/gathers. What it did do was offer evidence, you and others if you ever read the book can dispute that evidence, that Aboriginal people had another string to their bow in the form of agriculture.

When I have read Sutton and Walshe I'll be in a position to give an opinion on their work. But till then, unlike you, I'm not going to speak from a position of ignorance.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 6:27:10 AM
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You remind me of a turd. Ugly, smelly, of no use to anyone and simply needs to be flushed.

As for the dank emu, since Sutton and Walshe (who know 1000% more than you) have described it as a piece of crap, reading the book would be a waste of time. That you have read it has done nothing to your gross ignorance.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 8:36:38 AM
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I take your "turd" remark as a compliment coming from an anonymous fascists such as yourself. You are like the German Nazi's who found "scientists" that proved their racial theories. Of course you are going to take the word of two "scientists" who by all indication support you blinked view that Aboriginals were nothing but sub humans scratching around in the dirt for 60,000 years, and at the same time dismiss other learned opinion that agrees with Pascoe.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 9:18:09 AM
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What a lot of crap. Perhaps I should say that you are like the paedophile greens that raped children.

The moment you start comparing me to Nazi's you are clearly showing yourself to be a desperate fwit.
Posted by shadowminister, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 1:56:25 PM
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shonkyminister, very touchy!

There were no "paedophile greens that raped children" unless you want to name them, you are a liar and should be made to put up or shut up. Its on the public record that some German scientists cooperated with the Nazi regime to prove their racial theories. Heinrich Himmler wanted proof of Aryanism, so the scientists accommodated his wishes. They even proved the Japanese were Aryan, they just didn't have the blond hair and blue eyes.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 5:07:02 PM
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You forgot the Indians, they were also Aryans of convenience to the Nazis.
Posted by Is Mise, Wednesday, 30 June 2021 5:50:36 PM
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