The Forum > General Discussion > Biloela family could be sent to NZ or US, as mother pleads from her daughter's sick bed
Biloela family could be sent to NZ or US, as mother pleads from her daughter's sick bed
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Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 22 June 2021 12:21:49 PM
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Calum Malum,
<<Australia must not compromise its immigration laws, or the 'boat people' nonsense will start again.>> The reality is Australia already has people coming to Australia via plane, in fact nearly 100,000 in the last five years. Yes the deniers will want to say it's not an issue, but the reality it is real, regardless of the deniers position on the issue. Posted by NathanJ, Tuesday, 22 June 2021 4:33:09 PM
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Now the illegals have a three month temporary visa to await MORE legal fiddling. How many more times do obvious facts have to be proved! My guess is that the government is gearing up to back down to the skungy Marxist activists posing as the 'concerned and 'compassionate'.
What the Marxist scum are into is not compassion, but open borders and more immigration altogether. Immigration has historically moved Western societies to the left, and guess who massively increased our immigration? The the so-called conservative, John Howard, that's who. People who say that left and right no longer exists have a point: it's all about power for politicians, and mass immigration is their way to power - via more people looking for free stuff they can't get in their own countries. 80% of the locals have joined in. Australia is rooted, and most Australians don't care. When they have President Xi's "socialism with Chinese characteristics" they will care, but it will be too late then. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 24 June 2021 9:33:23 AM
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Terry Barnes says this morning that "the refugee activists and Morrison-haters … know full well the heavy blow they have struck against border protection and the Morrison government" - the government that is caving in abjectly to the activists, and wrecking their own border protection and immigration laws. Who needs people who admit to being Leftist when we have the modern Liberal party.
No matter who gets elected at the next federal election, we are going to have a piss-weak government. Posted by ttbn, Thursday, 24 June 2021 9:58:26 AM
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I'm more optimistic about the current Government.
They fully realize what is at stake here - hence the delays in their decision making. They want to make sure that all the legalities are covered and the laws are obeyed. It's been a long ride - but the family knew what they were getting into and apparently were prepared to risk everything for the right outcome for them. Whether they get it - only time will tell. Mr Morrison has a lot on his plate at the moment - what with a new Nationals leader and Deputy PM to deal with as well. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 24 June 2021 10:10:34 AM
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You've got a big generous heart and we know that you mean well. However, this is a Government decision and it needs to be made in obedience to our laws. Of course exceptions can be made in certain circumstances, but it is up to the Government to decide. And I'm sure they fully realize what they can or can't do - and what the implications are for their decision. There's pros and cons for both sides. Finding the best solution is not easy. Posted by Foxy, Thursday, 24 June 2021 10:15:14 AM
<<If you're really so keen on living in third World standards why not try a stint in one of those countries for a few years?>>
There are plenty of people of people out there, charities and others out there to assist others.
I know being one of who assists others. We are helping people all the time. Our aim is to assist others in need and we are always aiming to make a difference for those in need of help.
The people who need assistance are people like yourself. You feel that not assisting others is the way forward when it is not!