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Would you change Australian identity?

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Hi, my name is Jack Farrugia. I am a PhD candidate completing my research project at Curtin University, and I am exploring preferences for Australian identity.

I am looking for participants who are over the age of 18, have Australian citizenship, and are interested in Australian identity. If you are interested, you will be required to complete one online activity lasting approximately 30 minutes. In this activity, you will be provided a list of statements on Australian identity to sort from least prefer to most prefer.

This activity is only for those over the age of 18 and who have Australian citizenship.

Participants will receive a Coles voucher to recompense them for their time contributions.

If you are interested in participating, please email

Curtin University Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) has approved this study (HREC number HRE2019-0541)
Posted by jackpfarr, Monday, 10 May 2021 11:15:22 AM
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I think we've had this character nosing around for cheap and easy research before.

"Would you change Australian identity?" is a very insulting and provocative question.
Posted by ttbn, Monday, 10 May 2021 1:34:47 PM
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Dear Jack,

I'm not sure that you're going to get much of a response
on this forum. Most of us like the anonymity that the
forum offers therefore few people would like their
identities to be known. I presume that your survey
will not be anonymous? If it is - then perhaps you will
have more success.

In any case - Good Luck. I wish you well. The topic
you've chosen is an interesting one.
Posted by Foxy, Monday, 10 May 2021 4:34:40 PM
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Perhaps the real question is just what is the Australian identity today, is it worth having.
Posted by Hasbeen, Monday, 10 May 2021 11:57:54 PM
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Australia in 2021 is on target to becoming a truly cosmopolitan, ethnically diverse society where multiculturalism is embraced and accepted, where discrimination and disadvantage is not tolerated. A society where our first nations people, women and other minorities are accepted as equals and not disadvantaged as they are to some degree today. Australia still has a way to go before total acceptance is achieved, but we are getting there.

Hassy, I know you hanker for yesteryear, that clean white society of your childhood, where women and aboriginals etc "knew their place!" and the white Anglo-Saxon males made all the rules. The reality is 1950 is well and truly gone, and those hankering for its return will be disappointed.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 5:50:41 AM
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Our population has really grown and continues to grow.
In the past people came mainly from Europe (and NZ)
due to government policy. Today the highest population
numbers come from China, India, followed by Vietnam and
the Philippines. The shifts in our national identity are
significant. There is much more global interaction and
the cultural mix is in our DNA. 1 in 4 were not born
here. The Australian values that used to be bandied
about - mate-ship, larrikanism, a fair go for all, and
so on. Do they really exist today?

Especially when people get king-hit by strangers from
behind - is that mateship? When women are subjected to
domestic violence and sexual abuse - and pay gapes,
is that a fair go for all? when we have bullying being
common, and the list goes on.

Perhaps those values from the past may still exist in R
Regional Australia. However most of us are urbanites -
and we are too diverse.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 9:07:25 AM
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The following link sums things up rather well:
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 9:30:59 AM
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What Australian identity?

There is no longer a stereotypical Australian they we can point to and say "He's an Australian."

We now have to identify people as being racially determined: He's a Chinese-Australia, I'm an Indian-Australia, she's a White-Australian.

"Yes, it's on the other side of the road, just left of where that African-Australian is standing."

But don't ever make the mistake of referring to someone by race . . . That's racist!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 9:51:14 AM
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What Australian identity?

You do jest Mr O,

What about Sir Les Patterson, white male, knighted by the Queen of another country, a sleazy politician, loved meat pies, beer gut, hated sheilas. Who could come close to Sir Les, maybe Arthur Dunger, Barry Mackenzie, Dame Edna, count him out straight away, a bloke dressed up as a sheila. Little Johnny Howard? Only when he wore his green and gold Aussie tracky dacks.

P.s to the Forum Old Farts; Don't forget Tracky Dacks Day this year August 27th, come hell or high water, covid or World War Three, come Tracky Dacks Day I expect all you Old Farts to be dressed appropriately in your K-Mart $12 trackies, 2 sizes to small of course, with a discreetly exposed bum-crack, naturally wearing thongs on your clod hoppers! I hear you fellas say; "So what's the special dress for TD Day? Down at Shady Pines we dress like that everyday! Remember the Shady Pines motto "No Chicks Allowed!"
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 12:24:38 PM
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Dear Jack,

"I am exploring preferences for Australian identity."

"Identity" means that A and B are one and the same.
A is just A, it never preferred to be B nor can it change that simple fact.

Our biggest mistake and malady is when we try to identify with something that is not ourselves. We are already who we are and we remain who we are regardless, whether or not we mentally identify ourselves with anything.

Identity cannot be changed. Had we indeed been identically Australian, then nothing could change that fact, whether we recognised it or not, whether we liked it or not. If that were the case, then we would have been Australian long before we were born and would remain Australian long after we die, in fact long before Australia was separated from Gondwana and long after this planet will be melted and swallowed by the red-giant sun.

So please do not mislead others into identifying with anything that they are not. Whatever it is that you wish to explore, you should do better and obtain clearer results by changing the title of your research and survey to reflect accurately what it is.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 12:25:30 PM
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Maybe we could make LNP deviant the Australian identity.

Just look for the guy rubbing his crutch up against an office desk and mumbling "Come on baby, come on Baby."
Posted by Mr Opinion, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 1:26:45 PM
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I must add that after the last 3 posts, if that lot are Australians, would you want to be identified as one?
Posted by Hasbeen, Tuesday, 11 May 2021 1:42:23 PM
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"I'm an Indian-Australia" I didn't know that Mr O, what tribe? Are you an Apache? Did you ever get a run on that smash hit Aussie TV show 'BONANZA'. I believe Hassy is a great fan. Four all white guys, not a sheila in sight, out there on the 'Pondarosa', that 10 million acres of land Ben stole from the Indians. Ah yes, there it was true ethnic diversity, with white guys Ben, Adam, Little Joe and the mentally challenged fella Big Hoss. Yes, the good old days, when the lads could come home from a hard day of shooting Indians and Mexicans, or politically incorrect people, and Hop Sing the dill of a Chinese cook would have 15 fried chickens on the table, mostly for the obese dumb arse Hoss, he ate 10 chickens at a time, to gorge themselves on. For a bit of ethnic diversity the lads would now and then take a trip into Virginia City where they would shoot up the saloon, kill half a dozen badies, and be home in time to consume another 15 fried Hop Sing chickens. Good wholesome family entertainment, stuff the kiddies could watch, back there in yesteryear.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 6:13:55 AM
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Australia should have its own Ponderosa.

But instead of four white ranchers and a Chinese cook we would have to have a white cook and four Chinese ranchers. Otherwise it just wouldn't be Australia.

The cook could be John Smith (who has a birth certificate to verify he is white) and the ranchers can be Ping, Ding, Ming and Ching. Now that's what I call Australia.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 7:47:43 AM
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.. would you want to be identified as one?
A few years back, a married Australian couple friends of mine wen to Bali for a holiday.
they told me that, after seeing the antics of many Australians, they told everyone they were from NZ.
'Nuff said ?
Posted by individual, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 7:47:58 AM
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Would I change Australian identity?

Most Australians are comfortable in their own skins.
Most embrace this country with all of its iconic
landmarks and are proud of our cultural achievements
and events. Our cultural mix is now in our national
DNA and its part of our lifestyle - it's who we are.

Mor than 1 in 4 were born overseas. Today we celebrate
the richness of our lifestyle which comes from the
input of so many cultures.

The most impressive Australians are not the heroes, saints
or sages of an earlier "golden era" nor are they
contemporary sporting heroes. They are political leaders,
medical doctors, scientists who have had an actual rather
than a mythical influence on the everyday lives of
ordinary people.

Fred Hollows, Dr Victor Chang, Dr Munjed al Muderis, Dr
Catherine Hamlin come to mind, to mention just a few.
There's so many more.

What it means to be Australian today has morphed to meet
the challenges and diversity of our changing times.

Today we are more sophisticated, more mature and more
representative of our place in a global interaction.
We are a country with its own global cities, leading
edge technologies, business hubs. We're a fashion
destinatio0n and a nation hosting iconic events. We are
known for innovations and international success beyond
just the sporting field - beyond beaches and sweeping plains
and far horizons. Today we're much more than that. And
we are recognised internationally.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 9:58:38 AM
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Dear Foxy,

«Would I change Australian identity?»

It is not possible to change one's identity - you are what you are.

You can of course change your feelings and ideas about anything, but none of that can change your actual identity in the least.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 5:34:11 PM
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What is being discussed here is our national identity,
not our individual one - and as individuals we are the
ones who make up the national identity. As pointed
out earlier - Australians today are comfortable in their
own skins. Our cultural mix is now in our national DNA -
it is part of our lifestyle - it's who we are. More than
1 in 4 were born overseas. Today we celebrate the richness
of our lifestyle which comes from the input of so many

As stated previously - what it means to be Australian has
now morphed to meet the challenges and diversity of our
changing times.
Posted by Foxy, Wednesday, 12 May 2021 6:20:49 PM
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Dear Foxy,

«What is being discussed here is our national identity, not our individual one»

What is being discussed here is an erroneous concept and I find it my duty to correct this: the use of plural tense does not change the simple fact that identity cannot be modified - either A is the same as B, or it is not.
Of course, A can FEEL like B today and like C tomorrow, but this can never change who and what A is.

This mistake of assigning identities to what are not identical, ought to be corrected, not only national "identities", but also for example the popular notions of racial, gender and sexual "identities".

We HAVE a body, we HAVE a gender, we HAVE a sexual orientation, we HAVE feelings and ideas, we HAVE a house, a car, and also a passport - but none of that touches on who we are.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Thursday, 13 May 2021 12:07:05 PM
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Almost 50% are un-Australian & if I had my way I'd make that 100 % !
Posted by individual, Saturday, 15 May 2021 6:54:33 PM
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Oops ! Meant 0%.
Posted by individual, Saturday, 15 May 2021 11:03:28 PM
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Again I find myself agreeing with Foxy.

Australia is made up of over 25 million individual identities, an assortment of cultures with differing beliefs and practices which makes us one of the most diverse societies in the world. We should not confuse nationalism with identity. Those of the hard right will call out others they perceive as Un-Australian, in reality these extremists types will only identify with people of a similar ilk, generally, white, English speaking, of Anglo-Saxon origin.

Unfortunately too often those harbouring the far right nationalistic view of what is an ideal member of society convince themselves, others "not like them", are a dangerous anti section of society which needs to be controlled, or in extreme cases eliminated. History is full of examples where minorities have been scapegoated as undesirable within society and treated accordingly. Thankfully Australia is not in that position, although a small far right extremist clique with such ideas of nationalism does exist within society and is an ever-present danger to others.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 May 2021 5:59:28 AM
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Read the following link:

I have no further wish to discuss anything with you.

Dear Paul,

Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2021 6:33:59 AM
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Here's the link again:
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2021 6:37:45 AM
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Dear Paul,

Our national identity is a work in progress.

We should promote Australians as a people who value
tolerance, equality, and peaceful solutions of
disputes, and a spirit of co-operation. Of course,
some of us are none of those things but our
national identity is all about what we think we should
be rather than what some of us regrettably are.

We are building a new society which is not yet finished.
But pride in ourselves does not mean we have to dislike
others. Patriotism based on dislike of other groups is a
very dangerous thing as history has taught us.

Perhaps the best we can do is to define an Australian
as one who lives here, is a citizen, and accepts certain
core values which characterize Australian society.

A defining feature of Australian society might be that we
are relaxed about it - that we reject xenophobia and
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2021 7:38:51 AM
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That's okay Foxy, just spent 4 days away in NSW, in the Byron Bay hinterland on a retreat/spiritual awakening/holiday, what can I call it, with a group "T" is involved with. Lovely people, some I had met before, ordinary folk enjoying a peaceful time with each other, a bit of everything, bush walking, meditation, arts, games, gardening, cooking, interesting mix of a communal get together.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 May 2021 7:43:29 AM
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Australian identity is ever-changing already so, nothing to really study there in the first place !
Posted by individual, Sunday, 16 May 2021 8:58:59 AM
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Dear Paul,

Your stay in Byron sounds wonderful.

My older brother lives in Byron.

Yesterday the family celebrated my brother's 70th
Birthday. It was a family and friends gathering.
I wasn't able to go because my husband had another
operation on his neck yesterday.

Anyway, everything went well - both for my brother's
birthday and my husband's operation.


Our national identity is a work in progress. But I
think most Australians are comfortable in their own
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 16 May 2021 10:30:16 AM
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Thanks for the link, just had a read, its much as I see Australia's ever evolving "national identity". Glad to hear birthday and op went okay. Your brother is 2 years less a day older than me. Happy Birthday Foxy Bro.

p/s Had a catch up with a good friend from the Senate this morning. The weather in Canberra is getting colder, but the politics is on the boil, and has been for some time. My friend has never been so busy as she is now.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 16 May 2021 5:15:28 PM
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This whole discussion is based on a fundamental error:
Identities cannot be created, modified or destroyed.

All you have been discussing about, are feelings and values and possibly how to sort people according to them.
Feelings and values can change, but that does nothing to the identity of the ones who hold them.

Identification with anything, is just a kind of feeling.
One may feel whatever they like, but mistaking such irrational feelings for facts is a nonsensical folly.

Perhaps what you actually like to discuss, is along the lines of:
"What should one feel and believe in order to be counted as one of our group".

Fair enough, but this has nothing to do with identity!
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 16 May 2021 5:56:09 PM
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Would you change Australian identity?

Yes, back to the way it was.
Posted by Armchair Critic, Tuesday, 18 May 2021 9:34:14 PM
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Foxy said- Our national identity is a work in progress.


This is a view...

The British Australian Identity has been subverted by greedy traitors and those that hate Britain and Britishness and more widely the West through a vendetta against the Roman's, the American's, the German's, the French, the Lithuanian's, the Viking's, the Church. And have even been betrayed by those that we took in after the wars- bigger fools us. The Communists have had it in for Britain for a while as I understand.

There are those that believe in Multiculturalism for their own self interest and their own future but yet they deny the right of others to determine their own destiny with their own kind- others self interest- this is racism in it's own way.

There are some that see and promote universal multiculturalism as some sort of objective truth but it is just as subjective as any other ideology- probably more so.

While some would say that those that are opposed to multiculturalism are racist I believe that these people want to destroy all other cultures but their own- in the name of equality- but really for global hegemonic power- and there will never be complete equality. There will be less equality with multiculturalism- more world population growth as ethnic groups compete for dominance.

Do you want global politicians to control your life or would you prefer a government of your family, by your family, for your family, on your own family's land.

If you want a global hegemony then there is communism along with all the blood.

Those that believe in Communism don't have land of their own, a family of their own, they are the dispossessed nobodies of a non-existent or miss-managed nations- so envious of those with their own- they want to destroy it- in the name of what they call truth
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 18 May 2021 10:14:18 PM
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I would like to see these people get something they can call their own - I'm happy to help it happen- I am happy to allow little ethnic enclaves within Australia or other parts of the Western World and help them to eventually return to their roots.

At first we can find a way to create opportunities for them to make contact with their roots then we can help them find resources to make their journey of rediscovery.

There are some that don't believe in the "right to self determination"- these people are racists. I say if we reduce the worlds population (see Population Bomb) then everyone can live in their ancestral homeland.

All groups within a community are just concerned with their own self interest when these groups are ethnically based- disadvantage becomes entrenched- and social mobility is restricted- if the ethnic group becomes large enough within another community they usually disenfranchise the original community.

Multiculturalism is a simple land grab- a confidence trick- if you are fool enough to believe the ideology of the con-artists- and you are aware enough you will see them laughing at you behind their hands- as they replace your culture- and your very life- with their own.

The British people have been able to survive through work and ingenuity- now others want it- and seek to take it- maybe they should learn from the British and create it.

No country or people can afford other interests within it's midst.

All cultures need their own nation
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 18 May 2021 10:15:30 PM
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Is Hitler really dead, or are new Hitler's born all the time?
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 18 May 2021 10:38:56 PM
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Wasn't it the British who led the fight against Hitler. Even though much of the British population is nominally Germanic. Paraphrasing Paul1405- "Are new Trotsky's, Stalin's, and Mao's born all the time?" 100 Million dead under Communism.

This is interesting...

In 2011, Matthew White published his rough total of 70 million "people who died under communist regimes from execution, labor camps, famine, ethnic cleansing, and desperate flight in leaky boats," not counting those killed in wars.

Struggle sessions were a form of public humiliation and torture used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)... The aim of struggle sessions was to shape public opinion, as well as to humiliate, persecute, or execute political rivals and those deemed class enemies.

In general, the victim of a struggle session was forced to admit various crimes before a crowd of people who would verbally and physically abuse the victim until they confessed. Struggle sessions were often held at the workplace of the accused, but they were sometimes conducted in sports stadiums where large crowds would gather if the target was well-known.

The term refers to class struggle; the session is held, ostensibly, to benefit the target, by eliminating all traces of counterrevolutionary, reactionary thinking.

Following World War II, communism spread beyond Russia’s borders to Eastern and Central Europe, Latin America, and East Asia. Although not all communist states were alike, each were totalitarian dictatorships, and almost all of them had in place “reeducation” systems that subjected political prisoners, criminals, and everyday citizens to horrific physical and mental abuse. Some of these penal systems, such as the Soviet Union’s gulags, are well-known in West. Others have been all but forgotten, and in some communist states today, camp horrors still exist. Some former Khmer Rouge (Red Khmer) members have admitted that although the point of torture was to extract confessions, most of the time, it was done for personal enjoyment.

In total, between 1975 and 1979, Pol Pot’s regime murdered between 1.5 and 2 million Cambodians.

And many think- it couldn't happen here... we'll see...
Posted by Canem Malum, Wednesday, 19 May 2021 4:37:12 AM
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What we have to guard against is extremism, which comes in many guises, be it called Communism, National Socialism or simply Britishness, whatever you want to call it, its bad news, above you give us examples of that bad news. We must protect what we have with our Liberal Democracy. The fact Australia is a relatively stable society and Communist Russia and Nazi Germany in the past, China today and Cambodia under Pol Pot were not, along with much of todays world is no accident. To maintain a Liberal Democracy like ours you don't need a big police force or draconian laws, not even the harsh penalties for perceived disobedience, like you require to maintain those extreme totalitarian dictatorships you write about. Put in a nutshell what you need is love and kindness, which equates to fairness of opportunity, justice for all and a socially tolerant and equitable society. I'm not saying Australia is a utopian society, far from it, there is still plenty of work to be done, but we are a long way in front of those failed states you point to. I suspect we are a long way ahead of the kind of society you would like us to be, with all that Britishness as you call it.
Posted by Paul1405, Wednesday, 19 May 2021 6:02:56 AM
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Universal Liberalism is a form of extremism- it is incompatible with Traditionalism- and those people that just want to live with their own kin on their own land in the society that they create. Liberalism is in a sense a theft culture- whats mine is mine and whats yours is mine. Liberalism is intolerant of other philosophies- despite it's claims of tolerance. Liberalism is just another intolerant ideology.
Posted by Canem Malum, Friday, 21 May 2021 7:21:29 PM
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With almost a third of the population born somewhere else, how the hell could we still have an Australian identity? No country can absorb so many of different culture, upbringing & education, & still have a homogeneous population giving a national culture.

A rest from immigration for a few years might give us a chance of absorbing the new chums, but continuing at recent rates guarantees a disconnected society.

So much talk of needing high migration to continue GDP growth is simply code for maintaining profits. GDP growth is worthless to the average citizen unless it is growth per citizen, otherwise it merely overloads facilities, & reduces quality of life for existing citizens, submerging identity on overcrowded spaces.
Posted by Hasbeen, Friday, 21 May 2021 8:19:49 PM
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Australia has come a long way. It has become a
thriving, wealthy modern nation. Who would have
thought, when the unhappy denizens of the First
Fleet were huddled, starving and desperate on the
shores of Port Jackson, that one day Australia would
grow powerful and confident on the world stage.

Back in 1788, the ancestors of modern Australia knew
nothing of globalisation, but despite their ignorance
they had one thing in common with the average Aussie
of today: a restless pioneer energy, the pulsing
determination to make the world a better place that drove
explorers over mountains and across deserts, that
pushed soldiers into the midst of enemy fire, that
convinced young children of humble origins that if
they worked hard they could achieve great things.

What will the next 200 years bring for Australia?
More wars and exciting political struggles?
Human cloning? Laser guns? All these wonderful
possibilities and more are out there. Or it's possible
that we'll all die of radiation poisoning, or
that the rising seas will swallow us.

Whatever happens to Australia, the country, we can
be sure of one thing: Australia's history, rich and
colourful and filled with heroism and drama, will
live on into infinity.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 22 May 2021 7:51:50 AM
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Interesting that the Communists have also been involved with ethnic cleansing in their list of 100 Million ideological murders- but they act as if the other side are the only ones to engage in ethnic cleansing- serves as a good distraction I guess. The classic "LOOK and run away" strategy- we've been pretty naive to fall for this communist propaganda- but I must admit they've been well schooled. The new left is just a rear guard action to hide their past- Marcuse and others are pure evil- but this is war- "war is hell son" and "truth is the first casualty of war". Those that engage in war have to be skilled in lies- trust only yourself and your family- sometimes not even your family- not the government, the police, the courts, the teachers, the Army, etc. In a coup- The Institutions are turned- everything is done so that the insurgents can take power- and then the real game starts...

Sometimes you need to bring the fight to the enemy early...

While you're fighting these internal battles external enemies are maneuvering to attack from outside.

This is interesting...

The above diagram shows how Communism has evolved in British Society over one hundred years.

It's also interesting that Global Capitalists (such as Google, Apple, others- especially IT Giants) in the US are identifying with the Democratic Party- Communism is also a Globalist Ideology. They seem to be positioning for a final battle against Traditionalism and National and Community Identity to wipe it from history. As Orwell said "those that control the present, control the past- those that control the past control the future" => There is no future but death.
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 22 May 2021 5:34:15 PM
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It's interesting that many now say that Globalisation is inevitable in the same way that they said that Communism was inevitable some time ago.

James Burnham disputed this inevitability. He started as a Trotskyite but turned and became one of the greatest warriors for American integrity during the Cold War. We owe him a great debt- we should celebrate his birthday every year.

"The Managerial Revolution, a radical tract that deserves to be more widely read. Burnham's claim was that capitalism was dead, but that it was being replaced not by socialism, but a new economic system he called "managerialism"; rule by managers."

"Burnham’s central argument will repulse both leftists—who think that the modern world is suffering an excess of free market capitalism—and conservatives/libertarians, who think that America is one more Obamaphone away from communism. It certainly pissed off his old Marxist buddies, drunk as they were in the 1930’s on their unbelievably arrogant belief in the “historical inevitability of socialism.” Burnham’s view was that the dictatorship of the proletariat would never happen because the pincer of technological advances and increasingly complex societies meant that ruling a nation required a skill set that the proles simply did not possess:"

It's always been true- the family is sacred- when they destroy the family, the local community, the culture, the nation by insurrection by foreigners the world will become hell.

There are those that are expansionist that seek to opportunistically gain power by deceiving the people about the true source of stability- family and community
Posted by Canem Malum, Saturday, 22 May 2021 5:50:32 PM
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Different groups have different senses of national
identity. It means different things to different
people. It's a very slippery slope to try and pin
it down. Trying to define it is both problematic
and self serving.

It's also an abstract and ever changing concept.
As well as a deeply personal concept and if we
do try to be prescriptive and define it we run
the risk of excluding people.

Were we to ask Australians in the street to tell
us what an Australian identity was we would find
contradictions. We would find fair-minded people
and tolerant ones but also exclusive and xenophobic

We are so diverse. One day we will "Advance Australia
Fair," but we're not there yet.
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 22 May 2021 6:41:34 PM
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cont'd ...

The following link is interesting:
Posted by Foxy, Saturday, 22 May 2021 6:54:48 PM
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Dear Foxy,

«Different groups have different senses of national
identity. It means different things to different
people. It's a very slippery slope to try and pin
it down. Trying to define it is both problematic
and self serving.»

Exactly, because these people describe their feelings,
not their identity.

One cannot argue against feelings, all you can say is "OK, I see that this is how you feel".

«It's also an abstract and ever changing concept.»

Concepts are relatively consistent, as opposed to feelings which change regularly.

That "identity" thing, be it "national identity", "racial identity", "gender identity", "sexual identify", etc. etc., is not a concept at all, but just a bunch of feelings.

«As well as a deeply personal concept and if we
do try to be prescriptive and define it we run
the risk of excluding people.»

If you tried to be prescriptive about it then it would be easily refutable as total nonsense.
But when someone tells you, "this is how I feel", you can have no argument with them - that's how they feel, nothing right, nothing wrong, it's just how it is.

So what we see on this kindergarten thread, is children fighting:
"I feel like this"
"No, I feel like that"

Shouting at each other ad-nausea where there clearly is no conflict between their statements.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 22 May 2021 11:43:13 PM
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The Bible says beware the log in your own eye rather than the splinter in the others.

Foxy can't see her own racism against the British peoples- she isn't unique in this.

The Indian's, the Chinese, the African's etc asked us to leave their nations we did- now they come here asking to stay here because their nations are a mess- is this our fault- how is them asking us to leave not racism but us asking them to leave is?

All cultures have a right to self determination. Despite what those that hate the British say- Foxy included.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 23 May 2021 5:40:36 PM
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Dear Canem Malum,

Why would you assume that I hate the British people?
That is so wrong. Our family is made up of British
people. One of my daughter-in laws is British and
she, her family and ours are very close.

Because I speak of the diversity of modern Australia
does not equate to a hatred of the British people - who
by the way also happen to be diverse as even the Royal
Family illustrates.

Shame on you!
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 23 May 2021 5:48:43 PM
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Dear Canem Malum,

I can reassure you that I have no intention of
trying to destroy anybody or any culture.
There's enough people doing that in the world today,
and there's also enough hatred
in the world.

However, I can see that your mind is made up over
which I have no control. I shall leave you with a quote
from a former British PM:

" A new Britain where the extraordinary talent of
the British people is liberated from the forces of
conservatism that so long have held them back, to
create a model 21st century nation, based not on
privilege, class or background, but on equal worth
of all."

(Tony Blair).
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 23 May 2021 6:55:32 PM
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If you read my previous links Tony Blair was listed as one of those that support Communism and Socialism. So strangely so do you Foxy.
Posted by Canem Malum, Sunday, 23 May 2021 7:07:03 PM
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Dear Canem Malum,

Wrong again. My family lost their country,
family members, positions, everything they
valued - due
to communism. It's something I could never
support. And - it is something
which I have fought all of my life. And will
continue to do.

As for Tony Blair? I don't know that much
about the man - except that he was a former
British PM and advisor to the Queen on the
death of Princess Diana.
Posted by Foxy, Sunday, 23 May 2021 7:13:08 PM
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"If we are to save the British Australian people there will come a time when we my need to imprison those like Foxy- that would do harm to us- they will do the same to us- and in many cases have done already."

Spoken like a real NAZI, come on CM you cloak your far right extreme white supremacy in some pie eyed notation of "BRITISHNESS"
Posted by Paul1405, Monday, 24 May 2021 8:12:59 PM
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If all you have is a hammer everything's a nail. And so it is with Commie Paul.
Posted by Canem Malum, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 1:05:31 AM
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Come back with all the little philosophical quips you like. Your words portray you as a NAZI. You would not be satisfied with locking up just Foxy, but hundreds, even thousands of others, would also have to be delt with, people you perceive as undesirable enemies of the state. Then its only a short walk from the lockup to the firing squad. The world thought it had been finished with those that think like you in 1945, well no, a nasty rump of such thinkers still exists. CM, the only difference between you and Hitler is, Hitler got to act out his twisted beliefs, you have to be content with penning dribble on a little forum. BTW I wouldn't want to lock you up, your right to free speech prevents that.

Hi Foxy,

Don't take that nonsense from CM to heart, I know your family suffered in the past under people not to dissimilar. While there are enough genuine people, like us, who believe in true freedom regardless of race, class or how you want to live your life, the CM's will always fail. Its when good folk do nothing that these people succeed.
Posted by Paul1405, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 5:23:53 AM
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Dear Paul,

Australia today is known for more than sweeping
plains and far horizons. Today Australia is
discussed as a cultural hub, a fashion destination
and a nation hosting iconic events. Most Australians
are comfortable in their own skins embracing this
sunburnt country with all its iconic landmarks
and proud of our cultural achievements and events.

Our cultural mix is now in our national DNA. It is
part of our lifestyle - it's who we are.
More than 1 in 4 were born overseas. Today we celebrate
the richness of our lifestyle which comes from the
input of so many cultures.

What it means to be Australian has morphed to meet the
challenges and diversity of our changing times. Today
we are more sophisticated, more mature and more
representative of our place in a global interaction.

We are a country with its global cities, leading
edge technologies, business hubs. We are known for
innovations and international success beyond the sporting

We should promote Australians as a people who value,
tolerance, equality, and peaceful solutions of disputes
and of course a spirit of co-operation. Of course some
of us are none of those things but our national identity
today is all about what we think, what we should be rather
than what some of us regrettably are.

Today we are building a new society which is not yet
finished. Pride in ourselves does not mean we have to
dislike others.

Patriotism based on dislike of other groups is a very
dangerous thing as history has taught us.
And we are fortunate that in this country a definitive
feature of Australian society is that we are relaxed
about things - that we reject xenophobia and jingoism.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 10:22:42 AM
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cont'd ...

Dear Paul,

I'll end on this quote from Idris Elba,
the inspirational Black Briton:

"Diversity in the Modern World is more than
just skin colour. It's gender, age, disability,
sexual orientation, social background and most
important of all as far as I'm concerned,
diversity of thought!"

See you on another discussion. Thank You for your
contributions to this one.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 10:33:19 AM
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Dear Paul,

Here's an appropriate quote:

"You will never reach your destination
if you stop and throw stones
at every dog that barks."

(Winston Churchill).
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 25 May 2021 12:56:56 PM
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