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A Blow for common sense

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If you believe the Wokeness agenda on gender is all a social construct, controlled by powerful white paternal males. Being woman can be celebrated by a transgender male in the new world order of wokeness. This wokeness ideology is now taught at preschool to eradicate white supremacy and language about family to be inclusive of two mothers or two fathers, that trans is also acceptable as a normal life. This is all to do with eradicating the western view of family and family relationships like mother and father.

All of us deserve to feel safe and to have equal opportunities in life, no matter our background, ability, gender, sexuality, income or postcode.

To ensure a safe, equal world for all, we can’t let a few powerful voices turn us against each other or divide us based on where we come from, who we love or what we look like.
But both Liberal and Labor governments have cynically pitted members of our community against each other. They’ve introduced and aggressively championed policies that exclude or vilify people just because of who they are - divisive policies like allowing schools to discriminate against gay teachers, unbelievably cruel policies like locking refugee children up in offshore detention indefinitely, or discriminatory policies that result in First Nations children locked up in jail at ten times the rate of non-Indigenous children. They’ve eroded everyone’s fundamental rights, including our right to privacy and digital freedoms.

Part of a bigger agenda.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 21 March 2021 4:52:21 PM
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Josephus, and "I" get vilified and railed against!
Where do you hail from?
Your questions and concerns are for naught.
YOU are not privy to the internal machinations of Govt, and neither is anyone else.
So how dare you make these egregious and spurious, unfounded, unjustified allegations and accusations without a shred of facts or evidence, only suppositions and emotionally driven, ideological drivel.
You have NO idea or concept of why ANYTHING that transpired to result in the things you mention.
The one thing I can comment on, and I might add, shows you up as a dishonest and unworthy person, is why so many black kids are in jail or detention of some kind.
You see I know that you know the answer, and so does anyone else reading this.
You simply don't like or want to accept the answer, well Nancy, suck it up and start looking at the world without the Alice in Wonderland glasses.
I tell you what, seeing as how you're such a well meaning chap, why don't you apply to the govt to foster and house all these, so called poor helpless souls, blacks and all, and then you can tell the govt where they were going wrong in doing whatever it is you have childishly and immaturely dreamed up that is our fault.
As I said in the beginning, YOU have NO IDEA of what you speak on the topic and comments you have made, so please stop, in fact move on to another topic that you might actually know something about.
This MAY be an OPOINION forum, BUT PLEASE, let's try and make the opinions truthful and factually correct, and not random emotional venting outlets for useless and irrelevant comments.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 21 March 2021 5:44:40 PM
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Pity your name isn't Dan, desperate goes with Dan.

I didn't ask you to endorse anything just to explain why the Greens want to change our language heritage.
Posted by Is Mise, Sunday, 21 March 2021 7:14:50 PM
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ALTRAV, I was just posting the Greens communist agenda. If you are communist you have to have a cause to fight against. Their cause is capitalism the ideology of the white supremist, that causes social divisiveness and inequality - well according to them. To be woke you must believe capitalism is destroying the world by consumerism that is causing Global warming.
Posted by Josephus, Sunday, 21 March 2021 7:19:07 PM
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Proud Boy Jose', poor old Il Duce got his knickers in a knot over your comment. Shame on YOU! Wash your mouth out with holy water.

Mr Issy, I'm being gender positive for your sake.

No, maybe you should ask all the Senators, including the Labor senators, who voted against Roberts motion, why they did so.

Mr Issy, with gunnies demanding that primary aged school children be allowed to carry loaded guns to school, I'm not asking you to endorse that notion, but rather explain why gunnies want children carrying loaded guns. There must be a "good" reason, and you as a leading gunnie should know.
Posted by Paul1405, Sunday, 21 March 2021 9:03:20 PM
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Josephus, Oh, OK. Sorry if I came on a little strong, but I am sick and tired of these poor, oppressed, victims of affluency and entitlement, (just to be clear, I'm being sarcastic) and because of this I will ALWAYS put them down and back in the swamp from whence they came.
I hope these ignorant childish greenies eventually grow up and see things for what they are, and not like Paul and Foxy, who see things the way THEY want or would like them to be.
Even then a society of compliant weakling, "yes men" (and maggots) is a truly regressive one with no true leadership and convictions.
With everyone going around smiling and agreeing with everyone, and trying to be compliant and inclusive, not saying anything which may be construed as offensive, OH GOD, what falsities, what non-people, what liars, all lying to each other, and trying to be all sweet and nice, because they are too scared to disagree with anyone, in case they are driven out of favour or worse, physically attacked.
So these gutless new age good for nothings, want us all to become just as gutless as them, for fear they might cop a hiding, for being so arrogant.
I can confirm, that if they try to keep this Alice in Wonderland farcical going, that's exactly what is going to happen to these insidious, backward thinking, irrelevant morons.
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 21 March 2021 10:38:35 PM
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