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The Forum > General Discussion > I am a Sovereign Citizen, or just a Bogan!

I am a Sovereign Citizen, or just a Bogan!

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Dear Yuyutsu,

Read your own post on age two of this discussion.
You've answered your own question.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 1:54:28 PM
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Dear Yuyutsu,

Some people do 'go bush' and live off the land, bothering no-one, but if they get sick or hurt and need help then there are people who help them. They may not be an Aussie citizen, or they may be. Either way they will get help - that is of course if others are aware of their presence and become aware that they have a problem.

It is called belonging to the human race.

Anyone can choose not to be a citizen, but they will still be a citizen - of somewhere - because they are a human being.

You may wish to stop being a human being, but biology determines that is not possible - even if you were to cut your own throat.

You must face it - we are a human Animal, yes, and a human citizen of somewhere, whether we like it or not.

Go bush if you like, but by your definition if you end up needing help, what will you do then?

Forget about being 'Sovereign', there really is no such thing - just people, and therefore a 'citizen' of somewhere (by birth).
Posted by Saltpetre, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 2:45:58 PM
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A "Sovereign Citizen" is the term applied to those who wish to feel independent of their otherwise held obligations, whether social, legal or other.

Posted by polpak, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 3:21:51 PM
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A 'Libertarian' "is the term applied to those who wish to feel independent of their otherwise held obligations, whether social, legal or other."

However, Libertarians do not believe in Liberty for anyone but themselves.

Egotistical, self-absorbed, and the most selfish of all citizens - decrying all monitoring as 'an invasion of privacy', and thereby condemning everyone to an almost limitless continuation of any pandemic until all are infected, and all the susceptible are dead.
Such wonderful citizens.

Sovereignty belongs to 'The Crown' - either of a duly elected government, or by historical birthright of a notional, implied Head of State (and, in this case, without any real power except in a dictatorship or a similarly repressive setting).

Liberty has responsibilities and obligations both to and from the citizenry - and there can be no freedom without vigilance, both external and internal.

Those who demand freedom but without allegiance or obligation are a blight on any prospect of genuine Humanity, any realization of universal equality of opportunity among peoples, and any prospect for the realization of lasting peace among nations.
Posted by Saltpetre, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 4:07:41 PM
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Dear Saltpetre,

«Some people do 'go bush' and live off the land»

This is one example, but not the only.
Another option is to join/form another society, unrelated to the dominant one.

«but if they get sick or hurt and need help then there are people who help them.»

You assume that they want your help or your-kind-of help.
There's the old example of the boy-scout who "helps" an old lady cross the street, notwithstanding her destination was on the original side.

«Either way they will get help»

They will get something unasked which you like to call "help", but possibly an utter disservice.

«It is called belonging to the human race.»

This is playing with dual/loaded language, trying to rename a social club after a biological fact.

«Anyone can choose not to be a citizen«

The problem is that at present, others will still count them as a "citizen of such-and-such-country".

«but they will still be a citizen - of somewhere - because they are a human being.»

No, they will still be who they are, they will only be COUNTED as citizens - and that is morally wrong.

«You may wish to stop being a human being»

That's a story for another day.
What I referred to was that one may still want to be a human being, but without joining this particular social club of "nations".

«we are a human Animal, yes, and a human citizen of somewhere, whether we like it or not.»

My body is a Homosapien-sapien, this does not automatically make me a member of any given social-club.

«Go bush if you like, but by your definition if you end up needing help, what will you do then?»

That would be my own problem, not yours.

«However, Libertarians do not believe in Liberty for anyone but themselves.

Egotistical, self-absorbed, and the most selfish of all citizens»

Well, if indeed this is what "libertarian" means, then please don't count me among them.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 5:57:56 PM
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So, genius, how would you organise 'another society' ? Would you use the internet ? The post ? Or go door-to-door ? i.e. using the footpaths, roads, etc. ?

In other words, how would you conduct any business without using pre-existing mechanisms and channels which, like everybody else, you're entitled to use IF you are part of this society ?

After all, there is an implicit compact between us all, that we can use the products of other people on the understanding that we contribute, in one way or another, a roughly equivalent amount of our own effort and talents.

No able-bodied person has the right to live off the labour and ingenuity of others without contributing. We left feudalism behind centuries ago.

Posted by loudmouth2, Tuesday, 18 August 2020 6:06:13 PM
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