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Closing The Gap 2.0

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Foxy, yes of course they have been condemned, very quietly of course.
You have to search for it. However Iran has had no problem helping out.
Trump has caused difficulties for Iran's support for various groups so
unless someone else is helping Boko Haram will probably have supply problems.

There were reports of some US Special forces active in the area but it
seems to be very low key. Perhaps for training for Nigerian army.
Very sad to read about an attack on a church full of people and a 100 or so killed.
Almost most Sundays.
Makes Christchurch look like a minor event !
Posted by Bazz, Monday, 3 August 2020 10:51:23 PM
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I therefor suggest you ignore my postings, PLEASE? as I labour at trying to reason with the unreasonable and comprehend the incomprehensible, not to mention trying to convince the inconvincible.
I realise now that you are set in your ways, and there-in lies the problem.
You are set in YOUR ways, and no-one is going to tell you anything, because YOU, and possibly those close to or around you, have been, as the local colloquial speak or language puts it; "pissing in your ear" in an inane attempt at shielding you from all the bad things out in the big wide world.
Doing so gives people an untrue and unrealistic view and impression to very immature and childlike emotionally vulnerable children and on to adulthood.
Foxy, as a matter of discovery and confirmation of your attitudes thus far, this is the general theme you have exhibited and explains a lot, finally giving answers to your particular and unique emotional status, and state of mind.
Posted by ALTRAV, Monday, 3 August 2020 10:56:41 PM
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Foxy wrote: "The fact that you are unable to find compassion on this
forum does not surprise me at all."

Yes not surprising since I was the first and only person to suggest that compassion for the young victims might be in order. Everyone else immediately ran to their pro- and anti-Muslim corners.
Including the oh so compassionate Foxy.

I don't want to get into the whole pro- and anti- thing. People are talking at cross purposes. We have those who want to argue that, since they know a Mohomadian whose a nice bloke, that means all the other billion or so are okey-dokey. And they are opposed by those who think that the very large percentage of rotten apples spoils the whole bunch. Some are looking at the trees, some at the forest.

Just for erudition:

*45% of British Muslims agree that clerics preaching violence against the West represent "mainstream Islam".
*19% of Muslim-Americans say that violence is justified in order to make Sharia the law in the United States (66% disagree).
*25% of Muslim-Americans say that violence against Americans in the United States is justified as part of the "global Jihad (64% disagree).

Invite Mohomadians into your country and you invite a ready-made 5th column.
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 9:05:58 AM
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Oh and if you can't have compassion for the victims OF Mohamadians maybe you can have compassion for Muslims AS victims....


As regards the origin of this thread and my assertion that the gap will never be closed since too many jobs and careers depend on it not closing, I came across this quote t'other day which is apropos...

"Nothing is so permanent as a temporary government program."

Milton Friedman
Posted by mhaze, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 10:21:40 AM
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I take people as I find them.

I have lived and worked in several continents.

I have met and mixed with a variety of cultures,
religions, and people.

I consider myself very fortunate to have had those

Humans are the most extraordinary creatures, and a
big part of me still wants to reach an even greater
understanding about who we are. Not because I need
to know more, necessarily, but because I am drawn
to the process of discovery.

Is someone asks what makes me happiest, it is never
anything I can quantify like a house or a possession
or something I can touch. It is the spirit of the
human being, which can fill me with more joy than
anything in the world.

And that's what I have learned on my journey, that my
spirit is uplifted by these encounters.

Yes, I have met some bad people along the way. But I
have also met some amazing souls, and their light fills

Dear Bazz,

Whether its white supremacists, Chinese triads, Japanese
Yakuza, Italian mafia, Russian mafia, the IRA, just to
mention a few - the world is full of extremists,
fundamentalists, criminal organizations,
and religious fanatical organizations -
and of course no normal people support

No one is expressing support for the terrorist
organization - Boko Haram.
However tarring all Muslims is not something that normal
people do either. Just as they don't tar - all white people,
Chinese people, Japanese people, Italian people, Australian
people - or
Irish or Russian people for the extremists and criminal
organizations within those groups.

We don't blame religions for what some do in their name.
We don't blame all Germans for what Hitler and his mob
did. We don't blame all Russians for what Stalin and his
mob did, and the list goes on. We don't blame the allies
for their war crimes - or hold them to account.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 10:38:15 AM
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On Sunday I watched Lisa Wilkinson interview a truly'
incredible man, - Eddie Jaku - whose recently published
book, "The Happiest Man on Earth," is now available at
all good book shops.

The reason I bring up Eddie and his book is because
not only does Eddie turn 100 this year - but his
attitude to life is very appropriate to our discussion.
I would suggest people getting hold of this work. You
just may learn something from Eddie.

Eddie writes that - life can be beautiful if you make
it beautiful. It is up to you.

This was taken from the web - "Eddie Jaku always considered
himself a German first, a Jew second. He was proud of his
country. But all of that changed in November 1938, when he
was beaten, arrested, and taken to a concentration camp.

Over the next seven years, Eddie faced unimaginable
horrors every day, first in Buchenwald, then in Auschwitz,
then on a Nazi death march. He lost family, friends, his

Because he survived, Eddie made a vow to smile every day.
He pays tribute to those who were lost by telling his
story, sharing his wisdom, by living his best possible
life. He carries no hatred in his heart - against the
German people or what was done to him. He now believes
he is the happiest man on earth.

This book is an ultimately hopeful memoir of how happiness
can be found even in the darkest hour.

We could all benefit from a read. Instead of continuing
to spread more hatred.
Posted by Foxy, Tuesday, 4 August 2020 11:14:43 AM
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