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The Forum > General Discussion > The Seal of the Confessional

The Seal of the Confessional

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"mandatory reporting laws passed on 11 September require anyone with knowledge of child sexual abuse, including priests in the hearing of confessions, to report the crime to police"

A silence-for-life sentence for abused children who of the goodness of their heart choose forgiveness over vengeance. Previously if they wanted, they could unburden their bad feelings, including shame, guilt and fears, by sharing what happened to them confidentially with some trusted adult, perhaps a priest during confession, perhaps someone else who could equally be trusted, but now with this law they must bury this painful secret deep in the far recesses of their mind until it festers and makes them mentally ill. Whom must they thank for this?

Perhaps even, this law could be interpreted to imply that such good children themselves should also be punished and imprisoned for 21 years?

Hillel's Golden Rule says, "That which you hate done unto yourself, do not do unto others". Would you not hate being thrown in jail yourself? If that is the case, then you ought not to become the cause of someone else suffering that way!

You could also look at this from the standpoint of karma: if you cooperate with such a law and cause someone else to be imprisoned, then you too have incurred such karma that will make you suffer the same or an equivalent fate (either in your current or in a subsequent life-time). The wise would disobey such laws even if they be punished and get some short prison sentence as a result, because otherwise they would incur an even longer prison sentence, similar to what the person they dobbed in got.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Saturday, 29 February 2020 9:50:33 PM
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They'll still find solace in Confession, if they ever could, because priests aren't going to comply with the law but will continue to tell the penitent that absolution is dependant not only on them being sorry for their sin but also upon them giving themselves up as well as giving up the practice.

Do priests give such directions, some but not necessarily all.

However, the big question is; how would police collect evidence?

To me, it looks like a public money-wasting "feel good" law that says,
"look at us, we're doing something".
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 29 February 2020 10:48:47 PM
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Can someone who supports this law change please tell me:
why should lawyers have a monopoly on confidentiality?
Posted by Aidan, Sunday, 1 March 2020 12:35:41 AM
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Dear Aidan,

«Can someone who supports this law change please tell me:»

I do not, but please allow me to explain:

«why should lawyers have a monopoly on confidentiality?»

Because the British tradition (hence derived traditions, like Australia) worships the institute of punishment and lawyers are an essential part of that ritual.
Posted by Yuyutsu, Sunday, 1 March 2020 7:39:46 AM
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As long as deviates are protected nothing will ever get better ! To withhold knowledge of a crime purely out of superstition is also criminal.
Posted by individual, Sunday, 1 March 2020 8:00:59 AM
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"To me, it looks like a public money-wasting "feel good" law that says,
"look at us, we're doing something".
Posted by Is Mise, Saturday, 29 February 2020 10:48:47 PM"

Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 1 March 2020 9:14:57 AM
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