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The Forum > General Discussion > Global warming garbage.

Global warming garbage.

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“I hate the climate change 'agenda'”
Which part of it? There’s climate science, and then there’s climate activists and it is a very broad movement with a lot of different agendas being pushed under this one umbrella. There’s probably some hard left ultra-greenie back to the land romantics that I disagree with. I’m called an “Eco-Modernist”. We have a Manifesto!
Grab a coffee and have a good half hour read. It’s the history of civilisation, energy density moving from wood to coal to gas and oil and finally how nuclear power can provide all our energy needs for a billion years. We love practical, scientific solutions, even GM foods!

“Give me practical, reasonable and viable ideas that don't have a negative or detrimental impact on the nations jobs and economy, and I'll support them.”

Well, reality check: just as home refrigerators replaced backyard the ice-hauling industry, Australia’s 38,000 coal mining jobs WILL have to go. (Figure from here.)

That might seem like a lot, but the Australian economy turns over 200,000 jobs a month.
AND those jobs will be phased out over 20 years because it’s going to take at LEAST that long to build all the nukes we need. So I don’t care that coal jobs will be lost, but what I do care about is that we have wonderful retraining schemes to help all Australia’s unemployed get back into work.

“Instead what you want to do is through fuel on a divisive issue that has resulted in the entire planet being at each others throats.”

Hitler invaded Poland. What was Britain to do, accommodate him? Watch “The Darkest Hour” to see how close they came to doing so but for Churchill! Boy that Cabinet was divided! Many of life’s most important things are divisive — and just because they are does not give responsible adults licence to avoid thinking about the whole subject.

Climate change is real.
Fossil fuel particulate pollution is lethal, and they’re finite.
They will run out.
It’s time to thank them for industrialising us and leave them.
Posted by Max Green, Sunday, 5 January 2020 11:09:53 AM
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Max Green is a big yawn. Leave him to bang his head against the wall.
Posted by ttbn, Sunday, 5 January 2020 11:21:29 AM
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Hi Max Green,

It looks like it has just dawned on ScuMo and his mates that there may be something in this global warming cum climate change stuff.

They'll probably ponder on it for about 30 seconds, look at each other and say DERRRR, and then go back to business as usual trying to work out how to build up their multibillion dollar slush fund to buy votes at the next election.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 5 January 2020 11:22:01 AM
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I think ScuMo has fallen on his own sword.

What started out as the accidental prime minister is now the Claytons prime minister.

Here's your big chance Barnaby. Go for it mate!
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 5 January 2020 1:02:40 PM
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MrO, please carry on, don't hold back, by all means, say what you think.
You've passed the point of mentally challenged, now your getting to the point of mental deficient.
It won't be long and you'll be relegated to level of total mental failure, unable to engage in a level of conversation with the general public, at a level society considers normal, in fact it is in the realm of those already institutionalised.
If you can't make sense, don't comment!
Posted by ALTRAV, Sunday, 5 January 2020 1:32:39 PM
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Everything and anything I write or have ever written on this website and any comments I have made on this website are and have only ever been intended for my eyes only.

If you don't like the way I rant and rave to myself than just turn your eyes away.
Posted by Mr Opinion, Sunday, 5 January 2020 1:45:45 PM
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